Chapter 22

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An: Lowkey been obsessed with Blackbear recently. He's also becoming one my favorite artists. BUT LIKE WHY ARE ALL THE GOOD ARTISTS UNDERRATED AND BAD ARTISTS ARE BIG! Sorry. I probably just offended some people but some of the music today is just sad.

Song: Deadroses by Blackbear

Jungwoo's POV

The next day after finding out I'm pregnant, Lucas has been nothing but helpful. Too helpful. He even helps me use the bathroom. I love him and all, but he doesn't have too.

"Lucas, can Jay and Yoongi come over? I want to tell them before we tell everyone else." I grabbed a water bottle and went to sit by Lucas, who was typing a paper.

"Of course baby, I'll call them in a moment," he stopped for a moment to give me a quick kiss. I pulled away with a smile and moved his arm so it was over my shoulder while I cuddled into his side.

I sighed contently and closed my eyes, enjoying this moment. Which ended up being ruined by a knock on the door. I groaned but got up to see Jay, Amber, Yoongi, and Taehyung there.

"Hi," I smiled as Jay and Yoongi pulled me into a hug.

"I was just about to call you guys," Lucas said while putting his computer away.

"Well you guys a back from China and I wanted to know what it was like to meet Lucas's parents." Amber said while plopping down on the couch, Taehyung doing the same.

"They were nice, they practically treated me like I was their son," I smiled and sat on Lucas's lap.

"So what else happened?" Taehyung asked while petting Yoongi's ears.

I blushed and turned into my dog form. Lucas chuckled at me but continued to pet me.

This caught Amber's attention, "Oh, now you have to tell me." I stayed hidden in Lucas's arms.

"I can't, there are little ears here." He referenced to Yoongi and Jay. They groaned before turning to their hybrids.

"You guys should take Jungwoo and go play. We'll come get you when we're done talking, okay?" Taehyung asked while stroking Yoongi's cheek. (An: Don't touch me I'm soft)

He whined, "But I want to cuddle daddy." He leaned in and kissed Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung smiled and cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips softly. (An: im stILL FUCKING SOFT IM DYING!)

"We can cuddle when I'm done talking with Lucas and Jay. And when we get home, we can do what ever you want to do." Yoongi smiled and took the deal.

He took Jay's hand and picked me up from Lucas's lap before pulling us to mine and Lucas's room.

Lucas's POV

Once the hybrids were gone, Taehyung and Amber bombarded me with questions.

"Did you guys fuck?"

"Was it kinky?"

"Did he consent?"

"Did you guys use protection?"

"Chill guys. Yes we did fuck, we'll not really fuck, more like made love but yea. And no, since it was the first time, it wasn't kinky. Also, he did consent to it. Lastly, that's one of the reasons why I wanted you guys to come." I responded to all of their questions.

"You didn't use protection did you, and now Jungwoo's pregnant." Taehyung blurted.

I smiled, "I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father of mine and Jungwoo's child. I couldn't be happier, I always knew I wanted to have kids with him. He's just my everything and I love him so much." I finished with heart eyes as I looked at the ceiling.

They both 'awwwwwed' loudly and started fangirling.

"Oh that reminds me, Jay is also pregnant! I've been more excited. It's amazing to think that I'll be starting a family with my childhood friend, who is also the love of my life." you could practically feel the love radiating off of Amber.

"Congratulations guys! I hope Yoongi and I have a baby soon. I don't want to have a child until he's ready, plus he's still innocent." Taehyung said with a soft smile.

"You mean you both are still virgins?" Amber and I asked at the same time.

He nodded, "Yep, I've been waiting because I want to be his first, and I want him to be my first."

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE EXCUSE ME WHILE I CRY!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. Amber was too busy crying to say anything. (An: Me too Amber, me too.)

Jungwoo's POV

"Why did we have to leave early, and why did you get so shy?" Yoongi asked once in the room.

I shaped back into my human form, "I-I just recently found out that I was pregnant and I got shy at the thought of what Lucas and I did."

Jay was the first one to speak up, "I'm pregnant too! I'm so happy for you Jungwoo! You and Lucas will be great dads! I just know it!" I smiled and hugged her while thanking her.

Yoongi looked between us, "How did you guys get pregnant? I want to be pregnant and have a child with Tae." Yoongi stuck out his bottom lip.

"You have to talk to Taehyung about that. I'm sure you and Taehyung will be great parents too! Oh! We could all be pregnant around the same time!" Jay was really excited, which also made me really excited.

We all smiled and each other and hugged one of another. After all the hugging, we went back out to the others, only to see them crying. We looked at each other before snuggling it off and went to sit by our lovers.


An: So. There is only one chapter left. As much I hate to end this book, I'm kind of glad. There will be a sequel though. In the second book, there will only be maybe 15 chapters. In that book, Jungwoo give labor, Lucas and Jungwoo will get married, and yeah. So look forward to that. I'm excited.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment on my stories! Love ya Wolfies! ❤️

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