Chapter 21

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An: I'm lowkey becoming obsessed with Lund. I love his style of music and I find myself singing a lot of his music. I just love love him. He might become one of my favorite artists. But BTS and NF will always be first. I just felt like introducing you guys to an amazing underrated artist.

Song: Low by Lund

Jungwoo's POV

I woke up the next morning with Lucas's chest against my back and his arms securely around my waist. Memories of last night came to me and I couldn't help but blush.

I turned to face Lucas and to see him awake and already looking at me.

"Good morning, baby." I couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, Lucas." I kissed him softly.

"We have to get back to Korea, today. We better get up and pack." I groaned at this and just snuggled my face in his chest again.

He chuckled, "Hey, before we do, we could take a shower." He pets my hair softly.

I looked at him, "Sounds good to me, but could you carry me. My back hurt." I blushed when he laughed.

"Of course, lets go." He got up and picked me up bridal style and brought me to the shower.

~Time Skip~

After the shower and us getting dressed, we went down to eat breakfast with Lucas's parents.

"Good morning, honey. How did you sleep?" She smiled at me and Lucas.

"I slept good." I replied, swinging my legs under the chair.

"I did too," Lucas also replied and took a seat next to me.

"That's good, come get food, it's Lucas's favorite." His mother  smiled at us as she went out to the living room. We both stood up and grabbed food and proceeded to eat.

After that, we had to go back upstairs and start packing our clothes.

~Time Skip~

It was time for us to leave, and you could tell that May was barely holding it together. We reached the airport and put our luggage where it needs to go.

"You guys can always come back anytime, and we love you." May was just about to start crying but John came in and hugged his wife.

"Don't worry mom, Woo and I will come visit again. Plus, it's not like I'm leaving forever." He comforted his mother while I just stood there awkwardly.

"It feels like I just sent you off to college, and now you're leaving again." May started to cry.

"We'll be okay, I promise." He hugged his parents. John looked at me and and motioned me to join. I shuffled forward and joined the hug, and I somehow ended up in the middle. Lucas also kissed my cheek, causing me to giggle.

May smiled at us when we pulled away, "Okay, Woo, take care of my son please. And Lucas, take care of this sweet angel."

"Of course." Lucas and I replied right away. We all chuckled before saying our final farewells.

"Alright, lets go board our plane." Lucas took my hand and lead me to our plane where he hopped on and waited.

~Time Skip~

The plane was about ten minutes from landing and I started to feel like I was going to throw up. I turned to Lucas, only to see him asleep. I whimpered and shook him awake.

He looked at me, "What's wrong, Woo?" He looked concerned.

"My stomach hurts, and I feel like I'm going to throw up." He looked around until he noticed one of the airplane bags and handed me one. I instantly threw up in it and discarded it in a trash behind me.

I leaned onto Lucas, "I still don't feel good."

He rubbed my arm, "You're going to have to hold it together until we get home." He kisses my head and the plane soon landed.

~Time Skip~

After we arrived home, I went straight to Lucas's and I's room and threw myself on the bed. I curled myself into the blankets and closed my eyes. Lucas soon came in with a bucket and a glass of sprite for me.

He pat my hair softly, "I'll make an appointment for tomorrow, just to make sure that you'll be okay." I leaned into his touch as he scratched my ears.

"I'm going to go finish up some homework, I'll come cuddle you after." He kisses my head before heading out.

~Time Skip to the next day~

It was eight in the morning when I butter out of bed and straight to the toilet. I released anything that happened to be in my stomach, which was just sprite and a piece of toast.

Lucas came in and rubbed my back while rubbing his eyes. Once finished I clung to him like a koala.

"We're going into the Doctors in about half an hour. I'll help you get ready." He picked me up and brought me back to our room where he sent me on our bed. He pulled out one of his sweaters that I loved and put it on me along with a pair of black shorts.

He got himself dressed as well before caring me out of the apartment and to the doctors.

~Time Skip~

Once we reached the doctors, we were called back.

"So what seems to be the problem?" A kind looking man asked.

"My boyfriend has been vomiting and complaining that his stomach hurt for the past day. I just want to make sure that it's nothing serious." Lucas held my hand to calm me down.

"I see, we'll pass two tests and tell you what we find. First one being the urine sample and one being a blood sample." The doctor handed me a  a cup ad left the room to let me do what I need to do. I stood up and went into the bathroom, peed in the cup, and came out and sat back down.

I looked at Lucas with sad eyes, "My stomach still hurt really bad." I felt my lip quiver and he instantly made it so that I was sitting on his lap. I put my face in his chest as he rubbed my back.

"I'm sure you'll feel better by tomorrow, I wish there was something that I could do." He kisses my head and my lips before the door opened to the doctor.

"Now we only need the blood sample." He pulled out a long needle and I held onto Lucas as he drew the blood from me. I winced when I felt it poke me.

"Alright, I'll come back with results in a bit." He smiled before leaving.

~Time Skip~

After about an hour, I was waken up by the door opening.

"So I have some great news! Jungwoo, you're pregnant! Congratulations!" The doctor smiled at me. I just sat there in shock, now knowing how to react to this.

Lucas responded for me, "Thank you sir. I've always wanted to be a father." I looked at Lucas and he had a big smile on his face. This caused me to feel as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

"I-I'm pregnant?" I asked Lucas who just hugged me in return.

"Isn't hat great Woo? I've always thought about having kids with you." I finally smiled and felt excited to have a baby.

I couldn't help but kiss Lucas with passion, "I'm glad to hear that. Because I've though about the same thing."


An: So Jungwoo's pregnant. This is really rushed because I want to finish writing this book. I think that there will only be two more chapters left, but there will be a sequel. Don't worry.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment on my stories! Love ya Wolfies! ❤️

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