
495 16 56

An: Haha this is so late, but hey, late than never. Enjoy!

Song: Dying in LA by Panic! At the Disco


Question: Is you dumb for doing tHAT to junguwu in your PARENTS' HOUSE??

Asked by: norenminnie

Lucas: In my defense, he wanted it and he was asking for it. I didn't want to do it yet, but he wanted it, so I just gave what my baby wanted.



Question: What do you thing Lucas feels when you call him daddy?

Asked by: norenminnie

Jungwoo: Happiness? Happy because when I want his attention he happily gives it to me. Why? Is he suppose to feel something else?

Lucas: No! You're right. I feel happy. *Smiles*


Question: Who's your favorite hybrid?

Asked by: norenminnie

Jungwoo: That's hard! I love them all so much! They've all done something for me. Jay was my first friend and was one of the first people I told about my pregnancy. Yoongi also helped me and Lucas get together and was the second people to know about my pregnancy. Ten helped me when I left home. Ugh! They're all my favorite!



Asked by: norenminnie

Jungwoo: I'm very good. Thank you for asking!



Question: Who is your favorite ownerr?

Asked by: norenminnie

Johnny: I'd have to say Yuta. He's been through a lot and he acts cold, but he's actually really sweet. Especially to Sicheng. He adores that hybrid so much and it's just amazing. Always putting him first. I've always wanted to be an owner like him.

Ten: You are. *Hugs Johnny*

Johnny: Thanks baby. *kisses his head*



Question: bananas or john's banana

Asked by: norenminnie

Ten: John's banana. *Smirks and winks*

Johnny: Can you please be normal please?



Question: What would you do if this guy named Taeil came around and decided to take winwins

Asked by: norenminnie

Yuta: There would be no Taeil.

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