Chapter 16

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An: I had just recently discovered Billie Eilish and I may have been obsessed ever since. BUT SHES SO PRETTY AND HER VOICE IS HEAVAN AND I LOVER MUSIC! DID I MENTION THAT SHES PRETTY CAUSE GOD DAMN IM GAY! I'm Pan but you get what I'm saying, LOVE AND ENJOY BILLIE EILISH!

Song: Idontwanttobeyouanymore by Billie Eilish.

Jungwoo's POV

It's been a couple days since Lucas took me out to apologize. Since then he's been really caring and affectionate. Not that I mind, I missed his cuddles, kisses, and hugs.

I snuggled more into his side as we watched our movie, The Boss Baby. I was currently obsessed with it and begged to watch it. I felt Lucas kisses my head for the hundredth time that day.

I looked up at him to see him already looking at me. He leaned in to kiss my and I did as well, but his phone went off causing us to jump. Lucas paused the movie before going to grab his phone.

"Hello?" He said kind of irritated.

"Oh, hello Mom. Hold on I'll put you on speaker." He put his phone on speaker before telling the woman to start talking.

"I just wanted to call and say hello, I've barely talked to you since you left. Tell me everything! Have you gotten a new boyfriend, how's school going, have you got a job?" I hid my face in Lucas's chest and blushed when I heard her say boyfriend. My ears pinned against my head and I heard Lucas laugh.

"Calm down Mom, I have gotten a new boyfriend, schools great, and I have a job."

"Oh my god! Who's this boy!? Tell me now I must know every detail! When can I meet him!? Is he cute? You Seme or Uke? Please say your Uke, I had a bet with your father on if you Uke or seme. I voted on Uke." Lucas's Mom rambled on about things I didn't understand. I looked at Lucas with a confused face. He shook his head.

"Korean Mom, you're confusing Jungwoo."

"JUNGWOO! HE SOUNDS ADORABLE! But anyways, are you top or bottom?"

Lucas sighed, "Mom I'm a power top. Also, Jungwoo is very adorable. He has this smile that melts your heart, his eyes are soft, he's just so soft. I just uwu every time I look at him." Lucas looked at me with a smile. I blushed and kissed his nose.

"HA! YOUR FATHER OWES ME TEN BUCKS! Also, when I can I meet this adorable baby?" I laughed at the bet.

"I have next week off, we can come then. Please don't scare him with your fujoshi side. Don't say anything weird, don't do anything weird, and please don't watch us like a stalker. He's a gentle human that gets scared by a moving leaf."

That's true though, the noise catches me off guard and it scares me, don't judge.

"Ok, ok, ok, I promise. I can't wait! Bye-bye!" Lucas's Mom hangs up and he puts his phone down.

Lucas turned to face me, "Would you like to come meet my family? They're crazy and all that but they would gladly accept you."

I thought for a moment, "What if they don't though. And you know how shy I am, what if my shyness makes them think I don't like them." I got scared at the thought and buried my face into his chest.

I felt him stroking my back softly, "Trust me Woo, they will accept you. Also, I'm sure they will understand that you're shy and let you adjust. If they don't, I'll make them." He told me the last part by getting me to look at him before he kissed me softly.

The kisses started out soft and sweet but soon turned into something I never felt before. The kisses became more rough and sloppier. I didn't really know how to kiss like that so I just followed his movements.

A couple seconds later I felt him lick my bottom lip, I froze and didn't know what to do. He seemed to have sensed this and stopped.

"Sorry Woo, I didn't mean to go that far." He looked me in the eyes as he spoke, his eyes were calm.

I blushed and looked away, "It's ok. I liked." This caused him to blush a deep shade of red.

He looked back at me and leaned into to kiss me again. I did the same and felt the rough kisses continue. He pulled me so I was sitting on his lap.

He nibbled my bottom lip lightly, I still didn't know what to do but guessed, and opened my mouth. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and move along with mine. I let his tongue roam my mouth.

I felt him lick the roof of my mouth and I let out a small whimper. He smirked in the kiss and I felt his hands enter my shirt. I gasped and pulled away with my face beat red. I looked away from him only to have him move my chin to look at him.

"You're so beautiful, I don't deserve such an angel. I love you so much, Woo." His eyes were full of love as he looked at me before he started to kiss my jawline lightly.

My hands found their way to his hair and lightly tug on it, "I love you too."

His kisses trailed down from my jawline to my neck and collarbone. I felt light nibbles on my collarbone that caused me to whimper. He moved up to the middle of my neck, as if trying to find something.

He moved around my neck area more until I let out a light moan once he reached the area between my collarbone and neck. I felt him smirk against my skin before he started to suck lightly on the area.

I felt pleasure and sensitivity on the spot and let out a string of light moans. This was all new, but I was enjoying ever second of it. He sucked on the spot for a little bit longer before pulling away to look at me.

I looked at him with blush still on my cheeks but I still smiled at him. He gladly returned it and kissed my lips lightly.

"Do you want to continue the movie?" He asked me before setting me between his legs. We were laying sideways with me between his legs and my head cuddled on his chest. I yawned but nodded to continue the movie.

I felt him kiss my head before playing the movie. Soon after he continued the movie I started to fall asleep.


An: So there was a little action in this chapter. What did you think? I didn't want them to have sex yet. I'm saving it for the end. This won't be a very long book, may be 25 chapters at most. I don't know yet. But I hope you like this chapter!

As always, don't forget to vote and comment on my stories! Love you Wolfies! ❤️

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