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Y/N opened her eyes, and grabbed her phone. She open it to look at the time. While still laying in bed, holding the phone up to her face.

"5:00 am" She mumbled, to tired to stand up.

She accidentally dropped her phone, and it landed directly to her sluggish face. Making her groan in pain, feeling more awake than ever.

"Ugh!.. guess I have to make breakfast" She sighed and left the bed.

She opened her door and lazily dragged her feet downstairs,to the kitchen. Once she arrived, she opened the fridge and grabbed a couple ingredients for her to cook.

She placed the ingredients to the kitchen counter and started her work. A couple of time later, Y/n had finished the breakfast for her and her friendly reminding friend, who was also on the same training agency as she is.

"Oi! Short stuff! Are you done!?.." Asked a certain spicky blonde who was leaning quietly at the kitchen counter. Arms crossed with an all time bed hair look.

Y/n was startled by the sudden appearance of bakugou who came from nowhere , but she just smiled at him instead. She placed the food on the table, along with some toasted bread, and milk.

"Here all done!.." Y/n smiled at her lovely work.

Bakugou then proceeded to take a seat and grabbed a piece of bread. Then proceeded to take a taste on Y/n's cooking.

"So?,what do you think?" Y/n asked frantically while moving uncomfortably on her seat holding a piece of bread, waiting for the blondes comment.

Bakugou noticed Y/n's movements, and he assumed that she really did her best in making the food. So she deserves the honest answer from him, even though it hurts his pride to do so.

"It,it's...not bad at all...well, it couldn't kill people so, I'll be good." Bakugou blushed as he took another taste on Y/n's food.

Y/n felt happy and proud from what Bakugou had just commented on her work. She was so happy, she could literally jump off a cliff and scream. "HALLELUJAH!!!...".

Y/n smiled bright at the blonde, as she and Bakugou continued to eat their breakfast.


Y/n and Bakugou where now walking back towards best jeanist's room. They entered the room and saw their delightful pro. Hero, who was on his table, reading a daily fashion magazine

"Um best jeanist where here." Y/n waved hello to him, who soon caught his attention and waved back with another greeting.

" So now that you are here, today Y/n and Bakugou, you will be out in public with me. As we will have our duty to search for villains in our streets." Best jeanist informed his two interns.

"By that I will also gave you some knowledge on how to deal with bad guys and some good ethics on civilians too." He exclaimed, Y/n and Bakugou nodded, as he slowly walked out of the room.

Y/n and Bakugou followed him and to Bakugou's surprise, he was then meet with the same quirk who wrapped him up till the neck, to stop him from moving. Then best jeanist proceeded his mission on once again reanimating Bakugou's hair.

And once again, the pro. Hero succeed and freed the hostile creature.

"Hmm! Now that I look at it Bakugou-kun, it doesn't look bad at all." Y/n started. "You look kinda handsome in it." Y/n complimented him with a bit of blush shown on her cheeks as she smiled at him.

Bakugou then instantly turned his head away and started mumbling something that he could only hear.

"Whats wrong with him?" Y/n thought to herself.

Afterwards, both bakugou and Y/n along with Best jeanist took a stroll on the area. Passing by some civilians. Best jeanist waved hello to them while others requested to have a picture of him. Meanwhile Y/n just stood a couple meters away cause people are just shoving themselves just to get near the pro. Hero.

"Tch! What a show off." Bakugou muttered uninterested at the commotion. Y/n sighed and waited for all the fans to get done.

"Sorry for the inconvenients...shall we continue." Best jeanist exclaimed and they continued their patrolling.

In the middle of patrolling, bakugou passed by a kid. And started arguing with it. Y/n frown when she noticed the kids expressions. "Bakugou please stop intimidating the children"

"My not intimidating them, I'm telling them the truth and showing them some proper manners."

She sighed and got in between of them. "No hero strives to put fear in the Hearts of the citizens."

Y/n then heard bakugou click his tongue and decided to follow best jeanist. Ignoring the children as he passed them by. Y/n smiled in relief and turned to the children's. "You guys okay?" She asked.

"Yeah we're fine..thanks by the way lady!" They smiled brightly at her and she smiled back. "Okay you stay safe alright."

After those words she followed the behind bakugou. Who looks grumpy. "Sorry if I somehow offended you back there" Y/n apologized to the blonde but bakugou didn't reply nor even spare her a single look.

"Come on bakugou-kun! Don't ignore me please~"

Bakugou's footstep stopped, he turned his head around and glanced at Y/n. "I'll stop ignoring you if you stop calling me bakugou again." He muttered with a straightforward face.

Heat then instinctively rushed through her face. As she tried processing what he had just said. Then Y/n nodded as she blushed awkwardly. "Fine...Katsuki"

Bakugou secretly smiled and continued walking. "Hurry up or I'm will be left by that fabric adict person."

"Hello everyone! Author-chan here! Sorry for not been updating for a very long time." *Aggressively rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment*

"But I will try my best to continue the story. Thank you for all your support and love you all." 😘

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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