Chapter 18 (You Moved On)

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I had skipped lunch that day because I was still trying to figure out what I should do.

Man, Boys were so confusing!

They drove me mad and still I loved

Or him for that matter.

I had been walking around camp all days trying to avoid both Leo and Nico.

And trust me it wasn't easy.

When ever I turned a corner it seemed they were always there.

I had to eventually hide in the lake just to avoid confrontation.

At about 4:30 I had made up my mid about what I was going to do.

I made my way back to my cabin and tried to make myself look good.

I wanted to look my best in case Nico had it in his heart to take me back.

I applied fresh makeup and straitened my sandy blonde hair.

After I felt I looked good enough I made my way down to the Hades cabin.

I was feeling confident when I knocked on the door.

"Who is it!" I heard Nico's voice yell.

"It's Elise can we talk?" I asked him.

Nico opened the door and I stepped in.

Nico's hair was a mess but in a way that made him look even hotter than before his black t-shirt hung lousily on him.

God I missed him.

"Hey Elise I have something to tell you" Nico said sitting down on his bunk.

"I have something to tell you too, but you can go first" I said sitting next to him.

"Thanks, I just wanted to tell you I'm going out with Fiona" Nico said suddenly.

My heart was shattered all over the place.

I gave him a fake sigh.

"Few, That makes this a whole less awkward then" I said trying to sound relieved.

"I was going to ask Leo out but I wanted your permission first" I said trying to sound enthusiastic.

When I told Nico the news he seemed unfazed.

"Cool uh yeah I give my permission" Nico said casually.

I felt a stabbing sensation in my chest.

"Great!" I said putting a fake smile on my face.

"Uh yeah." Nico said standing up.

I stood up as well and headed to the door.

"Good bye Elise" Nico said normally.

I felt like I had been stabbed everywhere.

"Good bye Nico" I said trying to sound casual.

I would have if my voice hadn't cracked.

I hurried away from the cabin as soon as I could.

I felt horrible but what I was about to do would have been even worse.

I made my way down to the Hephaestus cabin and knocked on the door.

A little girl opened the door.

"Who are you?" she asked in a sweet tone.

"I'm Elise, I was wondering if Leo was here?" I asked her.

"Tell her I'm not here!" I heard a voice hiss from inside.

"Well that must be him" I said biting back a laugh.

"Um....." She started to say.

"May I come in?" I asked her.

She just nodded and I walked inside.

I looked around for Leo's bunk and saw him make his way for a door.

I quickly moved towards him and jumped into the room before he could say otherwise.

"What do you want" he hissed turning away from me.

"I wanted to apologize for what I said in the woods" I started.

He turned around and faced me.

I could tell he had been crying because his eyes were red and puffy.

"Why would you apologize, you made it clear you aren't interested" Leo spat.

"No Leo I am!" I said quickly.

He looked at me oddly.

"What?" He asked cooly.

"I want to be with you Leo more than anything" I lied.

I felt horrible doing this but I hated seeing Leo in pain. Plus I wanted Nico to see that I can move on as well.

"Your lying" he hissed.

"I'm not and I can prove it" I said.

"Then prove it" he spat.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing him passionately,

He broke away.

"I can't handle you toying with my emotions again Elise" he said quietly.

"I won't Leo I promise" I said quietly.

He smiled and kissed me again.

"Ser mi novia?" Leo asked me.

"You know I don't know Spanish" I said jokingly.

"Look it up, when you have your answer tell me" he said giving me a kiss.

He walked me out of the room and to the front door.

"Te amo Elise" Leo said.

I gave him a kiss.

"Te amo Leo" I said happily.

Leo shut the door an I walked away.

"Well" I said to myself.

"Lets find out what Ser mi novia means" I said walking off to my cabin.

Although I already had a pretty good guess of what it was.

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