Chapter 29 (My Deep Fried Sweet 16)

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After I realized I had forgotten my own birthday I decided to go down to breakfast and meet up with Nico,

At breakfast I was greeted by Nico, Percy and Annabeth.

"Hey guys" I said taking my seat next to Nico.

"Hey Elise, Happy Birthday" Annabeth said as I sat down.

"Thanks Annabeth" I said after I had sat down.

"It's your 16th right?" Nico asked putting his arm around my waist.

I nodded.

"I remember my 16th, the only thing I got was I be offered immortality" Percy said with his arm around Annabeth's shoulder.

Annabeth nudged him in the gut and he winced in pain.

"That's the only thing you got?" Annabeth asked clearly annoyed.

"That and I think I had my second kiss with this girl" he said pretending to try to remember something.

Annabeth nudged him again.

"She must have been an idiot to kiss you Seaweed brain" Annabeth said pissed off.

"No, she actually the smartest girl II've ever met and the plus side is she's super hot" Percy said giving Annabeth a kiss.

"I'm eating here Percy don't you think you could save the googly eyes for after breakfast?" I said gagging on my food.

Percy continued to kiss Annabeth and I rolled my eyes.

"Careful you might choke on each others tongues" I said a little disturbed.

Annabeth pulled away with her face bright red.

"Way to kill the mood Elise" Percy said annoyed.

I put my hands up in defense.

"Sorry but you don't see me sucking Nico's face off in front of you two, do you" I said.

Annabeth's eyebrows shot up and Percy rolled his eyes.

"So back to Di Angelo are we?" Percy asked in a not surprised voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Nico asked offended.

"Nothing against you man, it's just that Elise is so wishy washy you can't tell which guy she's going out with" Percy said.

"That is not true I have long relationships its just that sometimes we break up, but it's not like I go on and off everyday" I said in protest.

I was about to go on when Nico kissed me on the lips.

"Who's sucking each others faces off now?" Percy asked.

I didn't answer instead I continued to kiss Nico.

"Elise you're going to suffocate the poor boy" Percy said.

I blushed and broke away.

"Asshole" I muttered under my breathe.

"Hypocrite" Percy said.

"So, did you get me anything for my birthday?" I asked Percy.

"Actually yes I did close your eyes" Percy said.

I rolled my eyes then closed them.

I soon felt a rush of cold water on me.

"Perseus fucking Jackson!" I shouted soaked in water.

I opened my eyes and Percy was laughing his ass off.

I sent a wave back at him but unfortunately he was expecting that, so when the wave hit he was left unfazed.

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