Chapter 24: Busted

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Bad Boy in Love:

Chapter 24

Jungkook's lips were completely frozen and I immediately drew back. Had I gone too far? Then I saw his lips approach mine and we were kissing. My next worry was that he would stick his tongue in, but he did nothing like that. It was soft and pleasant.

"You caught me by surprise," he confessed as soon as we broke apart. "I was saving the kissing for the fifth date."

I felt my face grow even hotter than it already was.

"Sorry for spoiling your plans," I mumbled.

"It's wasn't an unwelcome surprise," he assured me with a nervous smile. "I won't tell anyone you kissed first."

I sighed in relief. It had crossed my mind that he might let it slip to Jimin who would of course pass it onto my brother. Taehyung was already too into my relationship with Jungkook, he didn't need to know any details.

"I had fun today," he said. "I'll call you about our next one."

We parted there and I walked up the stairs in a daze. I would have liked to tell someone about my first date, but I couldn't talk to Amber and it wasn't really something I could talk to my father or Daniel about.

"How was the date?" my brother asked in a surprisingly friendly way when he let me in.

"I enjoyed it. We ate some good food and I got a present for Appa," I said and held up the Ryan plushie.

He gave me a thumbs-up.

"Good choice."

I carried on past him expecting another comment and nothing came. He must have backed off now that I actually dating Jungkook.

I fully expected to be too excited to sleep, but my eyes started to close whilst I was reading a textbook so I put it down and turned off the light. It had been a long week and I still had a few things to be worried about.


My dreams were odd to say the least. Instead of being something I forgot about as soon as I woke up, I remembered most of the details. I had been late for a date with Jungkook and everything in the dream seemed to be conspiring against me.

Taehyung had waylaid me by hiding my shoes, Daniel had wanted to show me his improved Harry Potter impression, my father had broken his wrist and wanted me to accompany him to the hospital. Even Kim Seokjin had played a part by blocking my way until I laughed at his bad jokes.

The next morning I woke up early and groaned when I saw the time. It was only 7 o'clock. Sadly I was still waking up around the time I used to get up for school. It was annoying. I turned back over and tried to drop back into sleep.

Unfortunately my bladder was uncomfortably full so I stumbled all the way to the bathroom, trying not to wake up fully. I snapped awake on my way back when I passed the open door of the dining room.

"Appa?" I said in confusion.

The man sitting at the table looked uncannily like my father. I blinked again and saw a dimpled smile. It was definitely him.

"I have brought some happy news," he announced.

He certainly didn't look as exhausted as he had the last time we had seen each other. It had to be good news. I suddenly didn't feel sleepy anymore.

"Have you sorted everything out with 'Jin'?" I asked curiously.

"To a certain degree. We've had a ceasefire. I told him we were both hurting each other's business and it couldn't continue. He eventually agreed and has drawn back to his territory."

That was indeed happy news. The problem was that I could see my father wasn't too happy.

"Do you think it's a trap?"

"Not quite," he answered. "That's not his style. I'm just anticipating that we might go through this issue again in a year's time. He's done something similar with a different area before."

"Can we move back to Seoul in the meantime?" I asked hopefully.

I had been concerned that we were going to have to live here forever and I would have to enrol in a new school. Admittedly it would be worse for Taehyung because of his university applications and exams.

"We are moving back this evening," he told me.

A new voice joined us.

"Already?" Taehyung asked sleepily.

I started in surprise. How long had he been standing in the doorway? He might have heard that part that related to our father's real occupation.

"Do you mind?"

"No," my brother yawned. "It was nice having two weeks off school."

My father and I glanced at him suspiciously. A lot of my time had been taken up filling in worksheets sent by my teachers and completing homework. My free time had been restricted. Taehyung should have had even more work than me considering he was in his final year.

"Haven't you been keeping up with your schoolwork?"

My brother shuffled out of the living room without answering. I took that to mean that he hadn't bothered with the schoolwork and had been hoping that it would go unnoticed. I left the dining room after saying that I needed a shower and ran into Taehyung in the hallway.

"If you do my schoolwork with me, I won't tell Appa about your date," he whispered.

I folded my arms and glared at him. I couldn't believe he would stoop to this. Then I realised that the ball was more in my court than his.

"I obtained a Ryan plushie yesterday with Jungkook. I saved it for Appa."

Taehyung's face paled much to my satisfaction.

"In fact, I'm going to give it to him now," I said and stomped off to retrieve it from my bedroom.

The Ryan plushie Jungkook had won for me was still in its wrapping and I'd managed to keep it from being squashed on the crammed bus ride home. I returned to the dining room where my father was now reading the newspaper.

"My boyfriend won this for you from the arcade," I announced and dropped it in his lap casually.

It played out just as I predicted. My father whooped at the sight of Ryan and didn't notice that part about the boyfriend. I nodded to myself in satisfaction.

"Thanks Crystal," he said happily and tore off the wrapping quickly.

He looked like a child without a care in the world so I deemed it was the right time to leave and crept towards the door to make my escape.

"Don't think I didn't notice the part about a boyfriend," he called after me sternly. "However-"

I stiffened. He hadn't properly fallen for the bait. I waited for him to continue.

"-However, I already knew about your date with Jeon Jungkook. You have my approval for the moment."


I know I haven't updated since February. I had a lot of schoolwork and exams. The plot will go a little faster now. 

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