1: Defenceless

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Stupid. Idiotic. Outrageous!

Yet everyone was acting as if nothing were wrong. As if there were no danger, no reason to be on edge. As if everything was completely fine and dandy. That wasn't the case, however. At least not to me.

"Lighten up, Catherine. It isn't the end of the world."

But that was exactly what it was!

I couldn't find the right words to properly support my position, and as I looked around the kitchen of our family home, I tried to find something that might be a good example of why humans were nothing but an obvious danger for our kind.

Then my gaze landed on a scented candle, and I thought about perfume; that obnoxious mixture of smells that assaulted all of our noses.

Steering my thoughts back to the political matters of Everett Valley, I said, "Do you know that humans spray infused alcohol onto their skin to smell better?" 

When Emmet refused to indulge in my attempt to explain how strange they truly were, frustration became evident in my tone. "Seriously, how can I be the only one who is floored by the idea of them moving here?"

My brother turned his shaggy mane of light brown hair to me and nodded. He raised his bushy eyebrows. "You're not. I am weary as well. I just don't hate them as much as you do."

I huffed. "Well. You should," I muttered, pushing out my bottom lip childishly. Grabbing the little candle from the middle of the table, I fiddled around with the unlit candle wick.

"I knew about the infused alcohol though. Obviously."

Rolling my eyes, Emmet ruined a hopeful moment of me teaching him something new. 

Emmet always knew everything before anyone else did. 

"Obviously," I snorted. 

"Having a memory like yours just isn't fair," I groaned, wishing we could swap our gifts. 

Mine sucked.

Then again, not everyone had a gift at all, actually.

My thoughts wandered back to the actual matter at hand—the council allowing new humans to settle into town. Ever since someone on the council had leaked new information on the foreigners, the residents of Everett Valley had been thrown into a haste of different opinions. 

Me included.

"Still! Humans do more questionable than logical things, if you ask me. And I can't just not talk about it. How could the council even allow them to come? It has chaos written all over it!"

Emmet breathed in and sighed deeply, probably annoyed at me for re-starting the conversation about council affairs. He never cared much for them.

He's definitely annoyed with me again.

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