43: Escape Plan

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Another crack sounded in the distance—similar to the sound I'd heard before Kendra shifted

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Another crack sounded in the distance—similar to the sound I'd heard before Kendra shifted. Only this time, it was much, much closer.

I perked my ears to listen. I tried to pinpoint the location where the sound had come from, but I could only tell that it probably came somewhere from the east.

C, did you hear that too? Kendra's voice was shaky, quite like my nerves were.

I turned my head towards her and slowed my pace. Yes.

Kendra's eyes widened and we both stopped, waiting. Listening. Do you think it was just another forest animal?

Turning my head towards the east, I inhaled as deeply as I could. But there was no scent, no other smell than that of dirt and flowers. The usual forest-muck. Though still hoping it had truly been just another forest animal, I doubted it. 

There was something—someone—coming towards us, not wanting themselves known.

I sniffed the air again but got nothing.

Maybe we should run, Kendra suggested.

Good idea, I answered, and we both darted through the forest. We ran as fast as we could. The second we broke into a run, someone else did too.

Someone's following us! Kendra shouted in my mind, only making my worry grow.

I know. I can hear them too!

Panic started to break out inside of me. Had the council found us? Was this what had happened to the others who had dared venture beyond the three neighbourhoods?

Were we too going to disappear, never to be seen?

Fear cut through my bones. Kendra, we need to go faster!

With my senses clouded by blinding fear, I pushed myself further and further, faster and faster. Maybe we would make it back quick enough to shake whoever was following us off on the way.

The thundering sounds of footsteps behind me grew louder. Quicker. I resisted the urge to turn around to see how close they already were, but I couldn't. I wasn't ready for how close they might already be.

I pushed harder. Kendra was keeping up, though she fell back slightly. 

Kendra, hurry!

Her pace slowed.

No, Kendra, push yourself! You can do this! We'll be there soon!

But Kendra didn't answer. I could hardly see her in my peripheral-vision anymore, which meant she was behind me. If she was behind me... Though everything inside of me screamed for me not to, I slowly turned my head.

C, look out! Kendra screamed and suddenly, I crashed into something hard.

It instantly knocked me off of my feet and I layed in the thicket with my legs hurting and my head spinning. Kendra slowed her pace and stood behind me, her teeth bared.

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