5: Suffocation

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Her promised? 

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Her promised

The blood coursing through my veins felt like it had frozen solid as I stopped dead in my tracks. Pounding loudly in my chest, my heart beat sped up instantaneously. So quick, I feared it would leap out of my ribcage if I didn't get a hold on myself. 

All these emotions were threatening to implode inside of me. My walls were regrettably permeable, no matter how much energy I used to thicken them. 

To make them sturdier. 

They were never quite impenetrable.

"You can't be serious," I deadpanned.

She must be joking. To all the gods out there, please, do not let this be true.

Finally her gaze landed back on me.

Her cheeks flamed red.

"I am. Catherine, I am! But—I don't know for sure just yet. I think so though!"

 A broad grin stretched over half of her face and something equally weird glistened in her eyes. 

She'd called me Catherine, too, which was truly an indication that something was badly wrong.

She's being honest...

Kendra stood there as stiff as a board, her fists clenched. I furrowed my brows as I followed the direction she was looking at.

Suddenly, a wave of charged tension washed over me. Frantically I looked back and forth until my eyes finally fell upon one man in particular, standing close to the entrance of the Iarhus. His eyes were fixed on Kendra as his body stiffened to stone.

Oxygen gradually left my lungs like a balloon losing air. The emotions swirling around us in the atmosphere were gravitating towards me, my core pulling them closer and closer. Because they were charged emotions—emotions felt on a deeper level, one I hadn't explored enough yet—they literally suffocated me, sucking out all the strength I had trying to keep them out. 

This couldn't be happening.

Not to one of them...

Kendra Denn, my Maecena, had just found her promised. 

And I was witnessing and still battling the entire bloody thing.

Now I was really hating the fact that I had the ability to feel other people's emotions.

An abnormal intensity buzzed through my body, vibrating inside my bloodstream. Because it was foreign, not meant for me, jolts of pain surged along with it. My body went rigid as I tried to figure out how to deal with it—it wasn't really an emotion, there was no shape or colour I could detect. 

The only thing I felt was a strange, alien force course through my veins as if I'd been injected with some kind of strange substance. Raking my mind for any signs of emotions, I was surprised to find nothing but the buzzing sound in my ears and the vibrations in my body.

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