15: Hypocrisy

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After spending the rest of the evening locked in my room, falling in and out of sleep, going back to classes felt like a relief

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After spending the rest of the evening locked in my room, falling in and out of sleep, going back to classes felt like a relief. Hopefully, they would serve as the distraction I'd hoped they'd be.

Seeing Emmet sprint towards the Iarhus grounds the following morning, I tried to push back the lingering feelings from last night. It was a picturesque scene—how the sunrise turned his silhouette almost completely black while the lights behind him tapped into colours I couldn't even begin to dream up. It was a fiery explosion of colours, made up of shades of red I couldn't even name. 

There were splurges of orange in there like little sparks that wondered aimlessly about while yellow and white streaks sneaked across the canvas pretending to be snakes. The sun shone through behind the explosion, intensifying the vibrance, making the explosion seem like it was on fire. 

Flames licked the horizon, burning the land a burgundy shade. 

The closer Emmet came to the entrance of the Iarhus, the better I could see the exhausted expression on his face.

It was definitely nicer to look at the sunrise behind him than at his contorted face.

"Told you to get up earlier," I said in a normal volume, knowing he heard me, although I was sitting a considerable distance away.

He rolled his eyes, crossed the barriers and disappeared into the building. I kicked a few stray rocks out of my path once I hopped off of the table's round surface and tried to focus on something.

Finally, the day turned into somewhat of a distraction once Kendra's silhouette invaded the explosion and came closer and closer to the Iarhus.

Enjoying the perks of the Maecena Bond, Kendra didn't even need to see my face to know that I was in a mood. "Stop wallowing in this outrageously sad mood, Feels. It's a class day!"

"It's not as easy putting off my feelings as it is yours," I answered grimly. 

She pulled up her brows and pursed her lips but said nothing. 

"I can't just talk myself into feeling something else. It doesn't work that way for me."

"You know, C, us normal shifters would love to have gifts like you," she said bitterly.

Balling my hands to fists, I tried not to burn myself. Though getting rid of anger without touching it's scalding flames was difficult. 

I had already influenced her without wanting it and that made me furious with myself.

"No, you wouldn't, believe me. And it's not a gift. It's a bloody curse." My tone was sour and my mood even more so.

Kendra stared at me, creasing her forehead in wrinkles as she pulled her brows together. "Don't believe what your mom says. She's wrong."

With a knife stabbing into my heart, I furiously shook my head. Anger rose inside of me. It gravitated towards my core, quicker and quicker. 

How dare she bring my mother into this? 

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