32| Death wish

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Thank you guys for 6k reads, I'm so grateful for everything! 💛_______________________________

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Thank you guys for 6k reads, I'm so grateful for everything! 💛

"Noooooo! I changed my mind, I don't want to do this!" I was hiding underneath the bed, holding onto the legs for dear life. Alex was trying to pry me out from the bed, but I didn't budge.

"Brook, get out from underneath the damn bed and get ready to go skiing." Claire ordered, grabbing hold of my foot and pulling it. "You basically agreed to go skiing, when you agreed to come here for the week!" She was right. Which was all the more reason for me to be holding onto the bed legs tighter.

"You're being childish Brooklyn." Alex groaned as he continued to tug my leg.

"I am a child." I responded. A loud sigh of submission came from both of them, and my foot and leg were released. I let out a breath of relief and allowed my grip to loosen as the door closed. I didn't want to go skiing, because I can't. I don't want to try to learn, because I'll be surrounded by a bunch of talented 8 year olds, who are better than me and 13 year olds who are taller than me.

"Got her!" Alex announced suddenly, breaking my thought along the silence. I was tricked! He grabbed my waist and easily yanked me out from under the bed. In an instant, he had my arms pinned behind my back. I tried to kick him, but he twisted one of my arms slightly, just as a warning.

"I told you guys, I don't want to ski!" I whined as Claire ran in with Nate, both of them dressed in their skiing equipment. Claire picked up my snow pants, while Nate picked up my coat.

"Yeah, but only because you don't know how." Claire said, annoyed. I felt a pang of embarrassment.

"Wait, you don't know how to ski?" Alex asked, leaning over my shoulder to look at me. I nodded a little, while keeping my eyes glued on my shoes. He sighed and let go of my arms, but when I tried to dive back under the bed, he wrapped a quick arm around my waist. "Well, the only way you'll learn is if you actually try."

"Come in, Brook. Please?" Claire asked sweetly. I pursed my lips to the side, while I contemplated the pros and cons of agreeing.

Pros: I'll get to spend more time with the group and I'll learn how to ski.

Con: I'll fail miserably and die of utter embarrassment.

"Fine." I said with a long sigh of regret. "Claire, you can go ahead and dig my grave."

I can picture my gravestone now: R.I.P. Brooklyn A. Harvey. 2001-2017. Died as a complete loser.


"I-I'm starting to rethink my decision..." I said warily, waddling along the snow awkwardly, because of the skis underneath my feet. Claire and Nate sat down on the lift with excitement in both of their eyes. We were all going down Bunny hill, just for me to experience it. Alex had given me a brief ten minute lesson, but I'm still so unprepared.

"Too late now, Elfie." Alex said, grabbing my hand to the side to stop and French Fries to go. Wait, what? "Good luck!" He pushed me and I was skiing down the hill. 

"I hate you!" I screamed angrily as I hurtled towards my imminent death.
"How the hell did you get the tomato soup to explode all over the stove?"



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