45| Trouble

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"Can Brooklyn Harvey please report to the front office? Thank you." A pleasant voice said over the intercom. I didn't hesitate to jump up from my seat and walk out the door of my boring math class. Thank God. After standing up on that table and giving a huge speech, I've gotten even more strange looks, stares, glare, sneers, snickers, whispers and nudges. I'm not a fan of any of them.

The halls were completely empty, save for the janitor, who pushed his cart down the hallway towards the bathroom, so I arrived at the office doors fairly quickly. It was only now that I started to panic. Was in trouble? Would I be suspended? How angry would dad be with me once he hears about my 'speech'?

I opened the office doors and walked up to the front desk. The same lady who greeted me on my first day looked at me with a kind smile, but her eyes looked worried. Yup, I'm in trouble.

"The principal would like to see you." She said, pointing to the door on the left. I shivered.

"O-Okay, thank you." I said as I walked up to the door. I've never been in trouble with the principal. Any principal I've ever had would tell you I'm not the type who creates trouble. Ever.

I opened the door timidly. Dad was seated on the chair and the other was empty. For me, I presume. With an embarrassment cough, I walked in and took the seat next to dad.

"You're dead meat." Aaron told me.

"No dip, Sherlock." Grace said sarcastically. Now is not the time for me to hold a mental argument with myself.

"Ms. Harvey." The principal addressed me. What was his name? Principal Davens? Yeah, that was it. I think. Oh, he's still talking? "I'm sure you remember your big scene in the cafeteria. Would you care to explain that?" Dad looked at me with an inquisitive look on his face. I guess the principal hasn't told him.

"Well, I was tired of Blair talking shi—er, crap about me, so I decided to speak up. I assure you that there was absolutely no violence included, other than some subtle passive aggressiveness. All I did, principal Davens, was speak my mind stand up for myself." I said.

"You disrupted the lunch period." He replied seriously. I nodded.

"Yes, I did. But I also did something that school doesn't: I stood up against a girl who bullies people everyday. Sure, you put up those stupid anti bullying posters, but what does that do? Nothing. It doesn't do anything if you don't act against the bullies!" I felt like I could go on another rant. I might've, if dad hadn't made me shut up.

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior. She's usually much more polite than this." He said, squeezing my wrist to tell me not to make things worse.

Principal Davens looked at me and sighed, pinching the bridge of his pointed nose. "I understand that Blair as aggravated you, but I'm afraid that disruption of any class period— lunch included— is a three day suspension."

"What?! Blair has beat me up after school and tortured me mentally for almost four months that I've been attending this school, and I'm-"
Dad's hand clasped over my mouth, muffling my words. I bit my tongue. Don't make thins worse, idiot, I scolded myself.

"Brook, go get your stuff and get in the car, I'll finish taking care of things." Dad instructed me, with a frustrated huff. I stormed out of the principal office, out of the main office and into the main hallway.

I walked back to my math class and packed up my things, without a word. Claire is going to wonder where I went. Alex probably won't find out until tomorrow and don't have any other classes with him.

My teacher didn't ask where I was going as I walked right back out of the classroom with my things. As soon as I was out of the classroom, I recomposed myself. This won't be that bad of a suspension. Only three days. I'm sure dad understands. This will be more of a mental break than a suspension.

I walked out of the school and jumped into the passenger seat of my dad's car. He was seated there already. Turning to face me, I realize how terrible this suspension was going to be.

"You are in so much trouble Brooklyn Alexandria Harvey!"

"You are in so much trouble Brooklyn Alexandria Harvey!"

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