18- Shojo

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"Well, this is it. Gentlemen... this is Corporal Brown." He sighs as we see Garth, wearing an Army uniform, is standing next to the body.

"Corporal James Brown. I'm shipping off to the AF mañana. I'm here to pay respects to my cousin as I will not be able to attend the funeral." He says in a normal time.

"That must be terrible for your family. Losing two brothers so fast." The coroner apologizes.

Dean looks at Sam and I look at Garth, to whom this is obviously news.

"Yeah. Yeah. My aunt - she's, uh... she's real broken up about it." Garth lies.

"Hey, Doc, can we see both files, please?" I ask.

"Mm-hmm." He responds as his phone rings.

"Ah. My wife. I'll, uh, be in my office."

"Great." I say as he leaves the room.

"You didn't say they were brothers." Sam mentions.

"Dude, I just found out about the other corpse, and... started moving quick. I'm sucking up info as I go." Garth defends.

"What, are you allergic to a suit?" Sam teases.

"No. I just... look good in a uniform." He respondd as Sam reads the file.

"Yep. Same cause of death." I say as I close the file. I watch as Sam walks over to a computer.

"Right, uh, gutted at night in the woods, where legend says that the ghost of Jenny Greentree roams." Sam admits as Dean takes out an EMF meter.

"Oh, uh, I already scanned for EM... [The EMF reader makes noise.] F. Oh. Um... I guess mine must be broken again." Garth sighs.

"All right. I'm reading your mail. Uh, ghost of Jenny... whatever?" Dean asks, giving up on the name.

"Greentree. That's just it. I torched her bones."

"Yeah, well, maybe she's got something still laying around."

Sam is searching online for "Junction City, Ray, Trevor McAnn." He opens a web page for the Midwestern Brewing Company, which lists Thighslapper Ale, Headspinner Amber Ale and Hardhead Imperial Stout.

"Highly doubtful. Chick was homeless." Sam remind as Dean looks under the sheet at the body and makes a face.

"Plus, is it me, or is this less evil spirit, more monster chow?"

"A werewolf?"

"Except, uh, the witness said that whatever was chasing victim numero uno was invisible." Garth reminds.

"Uh... [chuckles] So, invisible ghost werewolf?" Dean asks.

"It's a Shojo." I mumble.

"Why'd you think I called for backup?" Garth asks.

"Hey. Either of you ever heard of Thighslapper Ale?" Sam asks.

"Is that a stripper or a beverage?" I ask.

"Beverage for douchebags." Dean responds.

"Uh, number one microbrew in the Pacific Northwest." Sam answers.

"But we're in Kansas." Garth reminds.

"Yeah, I rest my case. What's your point?"

"The owner is the dad to the dead brothers."

"Right. I'll can the uniform, go Fed. See you at the brewery in 40." Garth leaves.

"He grows on you." Dean admits.

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