93- The Door is Open

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"No more games, Rowena. Do the spell now." Sam demands.

"Or what exactly? (Sam looks down at his gun) Come on, Samuel! (standing) You and I both know that's nothing but a bluff. Charlie may have cracked the codex, but who's going to read it if I'm gone? Not to mention handling the ingredients, getting the measurements just right - (raising her voice) unless, of course, either of you have spent years of your life studying with the greats, mastering the intricacies of high witchcraft? But forgive me. Maybe you have. I know you're upset. We all are. Poor Dean. Let's just have a nice wee cup of tea... and negotiate."

"What do you want?"

"Oh, well, we know what I wanted. Soiled the sheets on that one, didn't we? Let's talk about what I'll take-my freedom guaranteed and the codex."

"Sam, you can't be-" Castiel admits.

"Do you know which spell?"

"I do." Rowena assured.

"Sam. This is a mistake." Castiel reminds.


"Sumsu mimma ezebu ilu ma ikkibu Lu. S-something made by God, but forbidden to man."

"Forbidden? The forbidden fruit?"

"No. (Rowena looks impressed) The actual apple is the first ingredient?" Sam looks exasperated as he looks from Castiel to Rowena.

"Sumsu mimma ezebu Lu,"

"Okay, uh, what's next?" I ask.

"Something made by man, but forbidden by God." Rowena recites.

"Okay, well, God forbade false idols, right?" I ask.

"The Golden Calf." Castiel cuts in.

"Wasn't that destroyed?"

"Sumsu mimma sen arramu."

"Great. (clears throat) What's the third ingredient?"

"Oh." She mutters.


"The third ingredient, it's impossible."

"What is it?"

"Loosely translated --my heart." She reminds.

"It's not impossible at all."

"Not my literal heart, feathers. Something I love, the spell calls for me to kill it."

"A sacrifice."

"Precisely. The book will grant freedom from the curse, but it wants something in return. Then, there's the fourth ingredient, something that's almost ready, by the looks of it."

"What's the ingredient, Rowena?"

"The minute her baby's born, the energy is needed."

"But how will we know?" Sam asks.

"The world goes dark, lights flicker, the sun is blocked, all that jazz."


"Why the long faces? Oh. Let me guess. Mother showed you her "mustn't touch it" again." Crowley smirked.

"Do you have the ingredients?" Castiel asks and Crowley drops a small bag on the table. As Rowena goes to pick it up Castiel grabs her hand.

"The Quince cost me a major I.O.U. with a Palestinian warlock. (Castiel opens the bag and pulls out its contents and hands the "quince" to Rowena) The gold from the calf -- well, let's just say I'll be hanged under certain sexual-deviancy laws if I ever show my face in Jordan again." Crowley reminds.

"And the third?" Rowena asks.

"Ah, yes. All my long life, I wondered what I'd done to deserve a mother who refused to show love. I pained over it. I built my bloody kingdom on top of it." Rowena is grating the forbidden fruit into a bowl.

"Then one day, epiphany struck. My mother was incapable of loving anything. For the first time in hundreds of years, I felt free. And then you showed up in my dungeon, we communed, and I began to realize you weren't incapable of love. You're incapable of loving me." Crowley reminds.

"Goodness, Fergus, save it for the stage, why don't you? I mean, fabulous speech, but you put yourself on far too high a pedestal. (Crowley walks away from Castiel and Rowena) The fact remains I do not, will not, and have not loved anything ever. (Crowley snaps his fingers and Oskar walks into the room. Oskar and Rowena stare at each other in a blank state of surprise.) You were saying?"

"This is ridiculous." Rowena reminds.

"Do you love this man? Rowena, is it true?" Castiel asks.

" 'Course it's true. Say hello, Oskar." Crowley pushed and Rowena looks at Oskar with tears in her eyes.

"Rowena." He greets sadly.

"Even for you, Fergus, this is a new low -- a cruel, shameful, disgusting low.

"It's only cruel if you actually go through with it. Though... (Oskar looks at Rowena) ...who's the cruel one then?"

"You've grown so big. Not too big to give your old auntie Rowena a hug I hope." She smiles sadly.

"I hope I haven't hurt you." Rowena and Oskar hug. Her voice breaks as she speaks.

"Don't think about that one moment. Everything's fine, Oskar. Everything's fine. (Rowena looks angrily over her shoulder at Crowley as she hugs Oskar. She's holding a fountain pen in her hand) Nobody's hurting anybody. (Rowena pulls back from their embrace.) Goodbye, my sweet wee boy. (She places her hands on either side of Oskar's neck and stabs him in the neck with the pen. Oskar looks shocked. Rowena pulls the pen out and blood spouts from Oskar's neck. She makes an anguished cry as she grabs him and pushes him down so that the blood pours into a metal bowl on the table. Crowley looks on with little emotion and Castiel looks away) Ab manu dei... Ab manu hominis." Rowena throws ingredients into the bowl with the blood.

Feeling some sort of pain and liquid run down between my legs, my eyes widen. Rowena, Castiel, and Crowley all look at me in a mix of emotions.

"Hannah, she's ready." Castiel says to Angel Radio. In a blink of an eye, I hear wings rustling behind me. Feeling one hand one on one shoulder, I blink and we're in heaven.


After quite a few of groans and screams, I hear some sort of cry come from a baby. Looking at the other angels, they smiled at one another before handing me a crying baby boy wrapped in a blanket.

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