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Jackson POV:

Class already started but I couldn't stay awake , the only thing keeping from falling asleep is when mark pinches me. It hurt but it keep me awake.

Right now we are doing work. "So much words" I whispered to myself.

When I look to my right, I saw mark was so focus on doing the work. That I took the chance to put my head down.

I closed my eyes just a couple of seconds when I started to feel myself fall asleep and that is what I did. Fell asleep in class. Anyway we did have 10 minutes till the bell ring.

Jaebum/ Mr. Im POV:

After I pass out the assignments. I went straight to the back of the classroom where my desk was at.

I let them work on the assignment till the bell ring.

When I look back up, I saw one of my students asleep. Jackson. He fell asleep.

I just let him because we only have 5 minutes till the bell ring.

Author POV:

The bell finally ring and it woke Jackson from his sleep.

Jackson and his friends were going but stop when they heard Mr. Im say
"Jackson I need to talk to you."

"Haha getting an trouble." Bambam said.

"You shouldn't have fall asleep Jackson." Marks scold Jackson.

Before Jackson could say something Mr.Im called for him again.

"We will wait for you Jackson." Mark said. "Okay thank you guys." Jackson then walk to Mr. Im.

"sir?" Jackson questioned.

"You fell asleep in class did you not." It was more of a statement then a question, but Jackson still answer it as a question. "Yes sir I did."

"You got detention after school Jackson-ah."

"What? Sir I'm sorry I fell asleep but not detention. I have something important to do after school." Jackson said.

"Well you shouldn't have fell asleep during class," Mr. Im said. "Now after school I'm expecting you in detention and if you're not in detention, you will get detention for the rest of the week."

"Fine, I will be there." Jackson said.

And after that Jackson left.

Once he got out the classroom, he saw that his friend were still there.

"I got detention." Jackson told them.

"Can't you skip?"Jinyoung asked.

"Yeah but if I don't go I have detention for the rest of the week." Jackson explain.

"Ugh." Jinyoung whine. "You really gonna miss my small party with us?" Jinyoung asked.

'Heck no, looks like I got detention for the rest of the week boys." Jackson said with a smile as he walk in front of the group.

"Jackson you don't have to go." Yugyeom said.

"No it okay really. I wouldn't miss our gathering." Jackson said. "And please stop whining."

"Okay. Let's get going to our second class." Mark said.

Jackson and Bambam went their way,
Yugyeom and mark went their way to,and Jinyoung went on his own.

What jackson is wearing today.

----------What jackson is wearing today

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What Jaebum/ Mr. Im is wearing today

 Im is wearing today

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Hope you like my story so far. And sorry if it seem boring but it will get
More I interesting in the next couple of chapters just wait for it.

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