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Jackson POV:
Decision Day Pt. 2

[Jackson is home in his bed thinking]

Jaebum hyung has asked for time to think about his decision and I gave it to him. I couldn't believe he was the one to ask me for us to get back together. I for sure though I would be the one but I guess not. I love Jaebum hyung a lot. I don't want to lose him but I think he'll pick his husband I mean if he really love me then he'll pick me immediately when I asked that question right? and I can't be selfish of course I knew logically that he'll ask for time because Jaebum hyung also still loved his husband even if it's a little but it's was still there and that thought scared me because the possibility of me losing Jaebum hyung to his husband is high right?

I also knew that Jaebum loves me as well but I don't know if he loves me more than his husband Youngjae and I don't want to know that answer right now.

Mr. Im Youngjae he has always been one of my favorite teachers at school because he was so nice and for me to do this to him was terrible. I am terrible person I ruin both of their marriage. I am a homewrecker. I destroyed a marriage. I am the caused of Youngjae pain. I am the caused of their happiness together going away. But I couldn't help but to also hope that Jaebum hyung will pick me. I love him. I want him to be selfish. I want him to pick me. I want him to give me all of his love. I want him. I love him. So I hope he'll pick me.

I hope y'all like the story so far💖. Next chapter is Youngjae POV.

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