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Author POV:

The next morning Jackson woke up first and saw that Jaebum was still asleep, so he got up quietly and got his clothes that fell on the floor last night and quickly got dressed up and quickly left the hotel room.

Calling Mark
"Yes" a sleepy voice asked

"Huyng I ended it."

That seemed to wake up Mark "Really!"

"Yeah, last night I went to him and did it for the last time, and I woke up first so I quickly left the hotel room." Jackson said.

"Jackson are you sure you wanted to ended y'all relationship that way?"

" Yeah, I'm sure besides I told him last night I couldn't keep doing that."

"Okay, I am making sure." After work couple seconds of no talking Mark asked "You want to come over for some ice cream?"

A few seconds of no response " Yeah!" Came a sob.

"Oh Jackson it's okay. Remember you did it for yourself and his marriage."

"I know, I know. I got to go. I'll be at yours in 20 minutes."

Jackson didn't give Mark time to say goodbye for he quickly ended the call, when he heard his name.

He turned around and saw it was Jaebum.

He quickly turned back around and continued to walk fast almost breaking into a sprint.

Jaebum quickly caught up to Jackson, and turned him around.

"I woke up and you were gone. Why did you leave?!" Jaebum yelled.

There was no one around them.

"Because I couldn't do it anymore! You have a husband who is waiting for you at home and who is sweet! You should be with him right now not with your student do things! I couldn't do that anymore to me, you, or him." Jackson voice died down towards the end of his little speech.

Jaebum eyes softened. He grabbed Jackson face "I know, but please don't go." He begged.

"I sorry but I have to. I can't live with the guilt knowing I am responsible for breaking up your marriage." And with that being said Jackson left quickly.

He left Jaebum in the middle of sidewalk by himself.

~Time skip~ Monday

Mark's POV: (surprise!)

"I hope Jackson is okay" I thought to myself as I hugged Jinyoung.

I broke out of my thoughts when I heard Jinyoung laugh.

"What's funny, love?"

"Oh, you didn't see?"


"Bambam, he was doing a body roll on Yugyeom."

"Oh my god, really? You got in on video?"

"Yup, we can watch it righ-" Jinyoung was cut off when Jackson finally showed up and said "hi."

"You okay?" Yugyeom asked Jackson because Jackson showed up with red eyes obviously he was crying.

"I'm fine." Jackson said even tho it was obvious that he wasn't fine.

The bell rang. Homeroom started.

They quickly made their way to homeroom and Jackson was behind them.

They made it on time and Jackson was the last one to go through the door.

He avoided looking at Jaebum/ Mr.Im but Jackson could feel him staring at him.

He quickly made his way towards his seat.

"Hello, class." Mr. Im said.

"Hello" The class said.

"I hope y'all had a good rest, because I am not in the mood to teach y'all so I am giving y'all a test to do and I don't care if y'all don't want to do it. You are gonna do it or else get a zero and that won't be good for you." Mr. Im glared at his class with such a cold looked that it scared them.

But it didn't scared one of them for he was not looking at his teacher he was looking out the window.

Mr. Im was passing out the test and he finally got to the last desk which was Jackson desk. He stopped and looked at him.

"Jackson" He said.

"Yes?" Came a quite voice from the said student.

"Stay after class. I got to talk to you." He said.

"I-okay." Jackson answered.

~ Time Skip ~ After class ~

The bell rang 5 minutes ago and Jackson was standing in the classroom with his teacher in silence.

"Jackson, look at me now." Jaebum demanded.

The said boy looked up.


Jaebum came close to Jackson and said "Jackson, let's talk again."

Sorry for the late update 😅
Thank you to
For reading my story and for the comments! 💜❤💙

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