// 2. What the Fuck //

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Neon Orange
A pleasant surprise and a shock. Although it is unexpected at first it becomes somewhat loveable.

As Tyler walked down the crowded corridor, his heart rate increased rapidly. Questions swirling around his head. What if he ends up liking the new boy? What will his family think? There so religious and quite homophobic, what will they do to him?

His train of thought is stopped when he gets to his locker, as he shoves his black bag into his locker carelessly and pulled out some work books and his notebook in case he had an idea for a lyric in the middle of a lesson.

"Tyjooooo" Brendon shouted walking towards Tyler smiling knowing that it's annoying him.
"Beeboooo" Tyler shouted in return to annoy Brendon, "Ugh my mum said this morning we have a new neighbour and she's inviting them round for dinner..." Brendon couldn't help but laugh, "Me and my socially awkward ass are going to die." Tyler moaned.

"Sucks to be you, me and Ryan are going to Taco Bell after school so I won't even be able to walk back with you." Tyler lightly shoved Brendon in annoyance, Brendon carried on laughing at him, "And, I'm going to fuck him." Tyler lightly smashed his head against his closed locker.
"Of course you are fuckboy Urie." Brendon opened his mouth to try and retaliate until Tyler butted in and said, "and don't even try and deny it."

"Yeah, ok." Brendon paused, "I am literally writing a song about a threesome I had right  now so..." Tyler hit him lightly on the shoulder and shook his head.

Bring, Bring

"Oooo Tyler, time to meet your future boyfriend..." Brendon smirked at Tyler.
"Shut up, fuckboy Urie." Tyler laughed.
"Beebo, I could tolerate, fuckboy Urie, not so much." Tyler laughed, got out his phone and changed Brendon's name in his contacts from Beebo to fuckboy Urie.


They got to class and sat at there usual seats at the back left corner, these were the same for every lesson they were in together, which was surprisingly quite a few. Tyler shared ideas with Brendon about a song he was writing - Not Today. After Tyler wrote down one more lyric to the chorus, the teacher walked in, followed by a boy with red hair.

"Today class, someone new is joining our class - this is Josh Dun." Tyler's jaw dropped.

"What...the...fuck?" Tyler whispered in between pauses.

If Tyler wasn't sure if he liked guys before, now he was certain. As Josh talked a little about himself, Tyler stared at him with his mouth still wide open gasping at his perfection. Tyler loves the fact he had red hair, nose piercing and earrings.

"If you carry on staring at Josh he might just look around and see you, then run away because he's scared." Brendon butted in.
"Ok, but sorry how can someone be that perfect?" Tyler asked still liking in Josh's direction.
"So your going to ask him out?"
"Hell no." Tyler shouted in a whisper breaking his stare at Josh to turn around and talk to Brendon.
"Why not you obviously like him?" Brendon asked.

"Because he's way out of my league, and that's easy for you to say, your Brendon Urie, everyone loves you..."
"Everyone loves you too" Brendon exclaimed. Tyler rolled his eyes and looked back at Josh, to see Josh already looking in his direction.

They made eye contact for a few seconds, until Josh smiled at Tyler. He smiled back and then he looked away. "His smile is freaking adorable." Tyler said to Brendon excitedly.
"You guys would be so cute together,"

Tyler smiled.

// A/N opinions on the story - storyline, chapter length, my actual writing? //

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