// 12. You deserve the world, Tyler Joseph //

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Deep Purple
A colour of anxiety and serious procrastination of an event that is most likely the lead to a bad outcome.

"What are you going to do with $1000?" Tyler asked as the walked back into Josh's house.
"Probably help save up for collage." Josh said getting his phone out and reading a text aloud, "plane was delayed, back in two days, Jordan is staying with his friend until summer, Tyler can have his room if he wants." Josh looked up at Tyler, "but you won't be needing that will you," he came over and hugged Tyler.

"It's only two days though, until my parents will want me back for school and stuff." Tyler paused and his faces turned into a horrified expression, "shit, shit, shit, shit." Tyler whispered pacing around Josh's house.
"What is it baby boy?" Josh asked vaguely following him around.
"My parents! They don't know about us!" Tyler shouted a little bit.
"Nor to mine baby boy, it's fine don't worry."
"But it's not fine!" Tyler shouted in distress, "My parents don't agree with anything to do with being gay. I haven't spoken to my uncle in 14 years, because he was gay!" Tyler slumped down on the floor and started crying.

"Tyler," Josh ran over to Tyler and sat down beside him and put an arm around him.
"I'm sorry," Tyler whispered leaning his head on Josh's shoulder.
"No, shh, don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong," Josh whispered on the verge of crying now as well, "look, my parents said Jordan will be gone until summer, so if it does go badly when you tell them, you can stay in Jordan's room until summer, and by that time you will be going to collage." Tyler frowned,
"What part don't you like baby boy?" Josh asked.
"One, can you come and tell them with me?"
"Whatever you want baby boy."
"And, I want to sleep next to you, not in Jordans room." Josh smiled.
"Even though my parents will be fine about us being together, might not be as happy if we share a bed, so if you pretend to go to sleep in Jordan's room, I'll text you when you can come over to my room, deal." Tyler smiled.

"For now though do you want to go to bed?" Tyler nodded. Josh picked up Tyler how they do in all of the cliche romantic films and brought him to his room. Tyler wiggled under the covers and shuffled over to Josh and kissed him. "I don't deserve you." He whispered.

"You deserve the world, Tyler Joseph." He whispered and kissed him back.

A/N Oof I'm writing a phanfic rn but dk if I shld post it, would u guys enjoy that?

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