// 26. Can I speak to you Three? //

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Light Grey
A colour of confusion - normally related to a decision.

"Can I speak to you three?" Tyler quickly spun his head to face Brendon and Ryan, who looked as confused as he did. But eventually they agreed, "My name is William and I work
for Fueled by Ramen, if you don't know, we produce music, and also held the open stage session here too. We have been looking for people that we want to work with to help create and album for them. And, we chose you guys."

Tyler's mouth dropped. Actual music producers that want to help us produce our own music. What?! He turned to face Ryan and Brendon who already had the exact same expression he had on his face, on theirs. And soon enough Brendon was jumping up and down.

"However," William stated, Brendon immediately stopped jumping and mine and Ryan's expression turned blank, "you will have to move to New York, so we can properly focus on your music, and before you ask your not allowed to bring anyone else with you, we just want you three."

Tyler's face dropped.


He'd have to leave Josh. The boy he fell in love with ever since they met.

And then he had to go and just leave him.

Just like that.

For some stupid music thing. That he'd have to pay millions to live there and be able to get there.

"Also we will pay for your transport there and your housing."

Oh, they're probably terrible apartments with no room and sharing it with a homophobic old lady, Tyler thought.

"The apartment is in the centre of New York, a penthouse you guys will be sharing."

Could this guy read my mind? Tyler thought half expecting him to say yes.

"Well I'm not going, I'm not leaving Josh, so you guys have fun with that." Tyler span on his heels and was about to leave.

"Tyler, you literally said to me the day we met, this is what you have always wanted." Brendon said.

"But I didn't have Josh then, did I?" Tyler argued. "Tyler, just think about it,"
"Well you have 48hrs to decide and get back to us, and then we will begin to move you guys to New York." William handed Brendon a card with his number on, Brendon nodded to say thanks. "Well have a nice day," then William walked off, into the abyss of the crowd.

"I'm not going." Tyler repeated.
"Tyler, this is great!" Brendon replied excitedly.
"Well, not for me. How would you feel if you had to leave Ryan to move eight fucking hours away. Yeah, you wouldn't be as willing then, would you." a tear fell out of Tyler's eye, and ran down his cheek.

Brendon encased Tyler in a hug, and soon Ryan joined. "Ryan, say it was Josh coming with us and not you, what would you say to Brendon?" Ryan paused trying to put himself in the situation.
"I'd force him to go, I want him to be happy, and he loves music. And whether he's happy with or without me it doesn't really matter, as long as he is happy." Ryan smiled and kissed Brendon.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I was looking for a short answer, I would want him to stay, or I would tell him to go. Not some long romantic love story, but okay," Ryan laughed.
"You haven't gotten any less annoying since the first day of high school have you?" Tyler smiled and shook his head, then began skipping down the steps headed for the car.

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