// 16. Not Smiling as Usual //

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Bright Yellow
A happy new beginning is what bright yellow represents. Leaving something less great behind.

"Ugh, is that the last box?" Tyler moaned dropping the cardboard cube in their room.
"I think it is, I'm so happy my cousin let us use his old apartment to stay for collage," Josh sighed letting his eyes wander around their new room.
"Yeah, me too, because it means we can get a double bed, and an apartment to ourselves," Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's lower waste and kissed him.

Ding, Dong

Josh put his hands around Tyler's head and carried on kissing him - he didn't want him to go and answer the door. "Josh," Tyler said trying to pull away but simultaneously trying to stay with Josh. Eventually, Josh did pull away and Tyler went and answered the door.

"Brendon?" Tyler was confused as he opened the door to see his best friend standing there, not smiling like usual.
"Can I live with you?" Brendon asked with loads of boxes surrounding him.
"Bit forward, if it's ok with Josh then I'm sure you can, why? I thought you had a dorm with Ryan?" Tyler asked.
"Ugh," Brendon walked in and slumped down on the sofa, "Ryan has been cheating on me and plans to stay with the other guy."

Tyler walked over to the sofa after Brendon, dodging multiple boxes as he went, and put his arm around his shoulder inviting him to lean his head on his shoulder - which he did.

A few hours later of Brendon pouring his heart out to Josh and Tyler, plus moving in, it was time for the collage party, Josh was excited.

He was the only one going out of the three. Brendon felt shit after his break up (plus he knew Ryan was going with his new boyfriend) and Tyler didn't like crowds, or parties, so he decided to stay with Brendon.

"Bye" Josh shouted from the door, Tyler jumped up and ran to the door nearly tripping up multiple times, and kissed Josh goodbye, then slowly walked back to the sofa.
Sat back down next to Brendon, who looked at him.
"Ok, after knowing you for 10 years, I think you're thinking what I'm thinking," Brendon said raising his eyebrows.
"Queer eye,"
"Just got out of a relationship, time to cry even more over 5 fabulous gay guys," Brendon said rubbing his hands together and then grabbing the remote. Tyler just laughed at his best friend.

"Ugh, do you want popcorn?" Tyler asked, "because I do."
"Yeah, do you even have any though, you've just moved in." Brendon questioned looking around at the boxes surrounding them.
"The first and only thing I unpacked, a microwave and popcorn." Tyler laughed tip-toeing his way threw mounds of boxes.
"I think that is the most Tyler thing you have done your whole life."

Brendon sat on the sofa carrying in watching Queer Eye wiping the odd tear from his eye, whilst Tyler sat on the counter waiting for the popcorn to pop. "She asked me son when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?" Tyler sang under his breath not wanting Brendon to hear.

"Tyler Joseph was just singing in the same room as someone else? This is not my best friend. I want Tyler back, not this fraud" Brendon said pausing queer eye.

Tyler sighed, shut his eyes and leant against the counter. "Shut up Brendon, I can't sing, ok? I was just, just thinking about a song I'd written."
"Do I need to climb over these boxes to come and shush you Tyler Joseph?" Tyler rolled his eyes and sighed. He grabbed the popcorn, poured it in a bowl and clambered over the boxes again.

Once the credits starting rolling on the last episode, it was 1:23 am. Brendon pulled out his phone and went on Instagram.

Tyler got up and went to his room. Before he could enter Brendon shouted, "Tyler," Tyler stopped in his tracks and turned around, "You might want to see this..."

This isn't any Fairytale // Joshler FanFictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن