// 7. An Excuse to Hold his Hand//

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Navy Blue
A colour of contentment, wholesomeness and completeness. And often represents excitement.

It was a few days before New Year and Josh's family had already left, so Tyler was staying at Josh's. "Josh..." Tyler moaned, "Can we go and do something today?"
"Yeah, like what?" Josh asked coming out from his room.
"Ice skating." Tyler said bluntly.
"Do you even know how to ice skate?" Josh asked.
"No... I want you to teach me." Josh sighed.
"Fine, I'll teach you, only because it's you though." Tyler smiled widely.

He was really starting to fall for him.

Josh and Tyler got into the car and drive to the nearest ice rink. Once they got there, they sat down and got their ice skates on, Tyler looked terrified at his feet, knowing he wouldn't even be able to stand up. Josh looked at Tyler and smiled, seeing how scared he was.

"You'll be fine, don't worry," Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and pulled him up, "Let's go." Tyler smiled weakly.

Josh stepped onto the rink first to help Tyler, who instinctively grabbed onto the side with all his energy. Josh laughed lightly and got Tyler's arms and put it over his shoulder. Tyler smiled.

They did a couple of laps holding onto each other until Tyler finally felt comfortable going around by himself. "Race." Tyler said.
"Race, let's race.."
"Are you sure?" Josh asked.
"Yes, very sure" Tyler smiled.
"Ok, 2 laps."
"3, 2, 1," Tyler said, "GO,"

Immediately, Tyler took over Josh and completed the laps way before Josh. As he lapped Josh, Josh had a confused expression plastered across his face. By the time Josh had finished his laps, Tyler had already taken off his ice skates and handed them back. Josh got off the rink, "What the fuck?"

Tyler laughed.

"I could always ice skate, I love ice skating." Tyler said laughing at Josh's confused expression. "Can we go and get Nando's now?"

Josh nodded still confused.


"Ok, please tell me why you pretended to be able to skate?" Josh asked eating a chicken wing.

Tyler laughed.

"Are you still caught up with that?"
"Yes, you pretended to skate so you could beat me at a race." Josh sad as if it was obvious, "I'm so confused."
"I just thought it would be funny." Tyler lied.

He didn't think it was going to be funny.


He just wanted an excuse to hold his hand.

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