// 8. Knew What it Felt Like //

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Pastel Yellow
A colour of happiness, feeling as if you have everything you could need and nothing else, even if it might not seem to be much to someone else.

Tyler woke up to the smell of pancakes. "I didn't know you could cook Josh, you have so many talents..." Tyler sighed.
"I can't, these are going to taste disgusting." Josh laughed at Tyler's assumption.
"Oh, well that's a bit disappointing Jishua." Tyler sat up and turned on the TV.

He put on Netflix and the first thing that he saw was Queer Eye. "What are we doing today?" Tyler turned to see Josh finished with the pancakes. Tyler got up and grabbed some pancakes.
"Um... not much I think, um.. oh shit, no I have work in an hour." Tyler groaned.

"Why?" Josh asked quickly eating his pancakes as he needed to go to work,
"I wanted to watch Queer Eye with you..." Tyler said with a sad expression and puppy dog eyes.
"I'll be back by 6:00 so I'll get a KFC on the way back."
"Can you get that huge bucket of chicken wings?" Tyler asked.
Josh nodded then headed back to his room and came back wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"Bu-bye now," Josh said in a weird posh accent, Tyler laughed so decided to copy him, "Bu-Bye" Tyler could see Josh laugh as he turned around to close the door, which made him smile.

Tyler turned back to the TV and pressed play on the first episode of Queer Eye. He'd watched about half the episode when he got a text:

Fuckboy Urie: wuu2

Tyjo: watching Queer Eye whilst Josh is at work

Fuckboy Urie: Ryan's gone out with Dallon, can u come over??

Tyjo: sure I'll be round in 10

Tyler grabbed a hoodie and went out, Brendon's house was only 5 minutes away so he got there quickly. Before he got to the door, Brendon had already opened it. Tyler walked in and flopped down on the sofa.

"Why did you want me here?" Tyler asked.
"So you could watch Queer Eye with me..." Brendon said flopping down on the sofa next to Tyler.
Tyler laughed and rolled his eyes, "Your pathetic.."

They were through 7 episodes when Brendon said, "Do you and Josh want to come and see a movie with me and Ryan tomorrow?" Tyler nodded too busy trying not to cry at the story of a closeted gay.

He knew what it felt like.

"Uh, yeah I think we are," Tyler said wiping a few tears from his eyes, "I'll text him now."

Tyjo: r u free tomorrow to go to watch a film with Ryan and Brendon??

Josh replied within the next second.

My fren Jishua: yh i am

Tyjo: you replied quickly is work rlly that boring

My fren Jishua: yeaa

My fren Jishua: i misss uuuu

Tyler smiled at this text. Brendon saw so snatch Tyler's phone and read the message. He also smiled. "Tyyyyllerrrr, he so likes you." Brendon said leaning on his shoulder.
"He doesn't, he likes me as a friend"
"Ok, Tyler," Brendon said sitting up and turning to face him, "he likes you, a blind man can see that, you need to tell him before New Year."
"Brendon," Tyler whined, "that's 2 days away."

"Well, you'd better hurry up then."

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