// 20. Untouched //

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Dark Red
A colour of anger or love, or both. Usually the situation can be intense in good or bad circumstances.

Knock Knock

Tyler's heart pounded violently in his chest - making all his limbs shake aggressively and noticeably. Noticing footsteps edging closer, made Tylers breathing increase rapidly. Hearing the door handle turn made Tyler gulp loudly.

Seeing Josh's face made him question everything he planned to do.
"T-Tyler?" Josh stuttered.
What was Tyler doing? Hearing his voice made him feel something similar to, guilt. But he hadn't done anything? However it wasn't what he'd done.

It's what he was going to do.

Tyler painfully resisted the urge to press his lips against Josh's and literally fuck him right there and then. Yet at the same time he was resisting another urge to scream at him, shout at him, break his heart like no one had ever broken a heart before.

He was torn.

So, awkwardly, he just stayed quiet, letting his limbs wobble. His legs feeling like noodles, his head feeling like a rollercoaster and his heart feeling like a racing car. "D-do you want to come in?" Josh asked nervously, half expecting to either get yelled at or get slapped. Tyler gave no indication and just shuffled in to their old apartment.

A tear rolled down his red cheeks when he saw Josh unpacked the rest of Tyler's and had put them away neatly, the only thing neat in the whole apartment. Untouched.

"So y-you came?" Josh stumbled on his words.
Tyler gulped nervously, then suddenly the part of him wanting to break his heart swiftly took over - 'the devil', "Yeah, clearly," Tyler rolled his eyes.
"Ty, I'm so so sorry," Josh begged for forgiveness, his tears welled up making his eyes shine.
"Didn't seem like it when you were kissing that girl," He replied aggressively.
"I have no way to make what I did ok,"
"Glad we got one thing cleared up," Tyler interrupted now being swarmed by 'the devil'. Josh sighed, "But I was so drunk, and it will never ever happen again, I promise." Tyler rolled his eyes again. "And I'm supposed to believe that bullshit because of what Josh!" Tyler raised his voice, "Your broke my fucking heart! And you think you can waltz back into my life telling me lies, so why the fuck should I give you a bloody second chance, Josh. Why?" Tears streaming out of his bloodshot eyes like a river.

"Because I love you, Tyler..." Josh muttered.

Tyler's eyes widened with disbelief, "Y-you love m-me?" Josh edged closer to Tyler.
"Yes," he replied in a whisper.
Slowly the devil drew away from Tyler, and the resistance holding him back from his urge also disappeared, "I love you too Josh,"

Josh looked shocked but before he could question any of it, Tyler's lips had collided with his. Josh's arms over Tyler's shoulders, his hands weaving into the brunettes hair whilst Tyler's hands cupped his face.

Tyler felt complete.

Something he hadn't felt in a while...

It's adorable isn't it. Two people falling in love, facing challenges and overcoming them so quickly because they like each other so very much. So it's a shame, a shame that no good things last.


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