Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"TJ called." Bryce said walking into the living room where Matthew was watching TV. "You going out anywhere today?"

"Yeah, I was going to the bookstore later today. I can pick up the files then if you want?" The Canadian suggested. Bryce nodded and sat down to watch TV too. Matthew only stayed for another hour before getting dressed and heading out.

The blond walked the short distance to his favourite bookstore. He could drive there, but he liked the walk and he didn't have his licence. Matthew didn't have any form of real ID, it would be a complete pain to go through the process to get one. It's also the reason he only drank at home, TJ could get in trouble for not checking his ID. Besides, being a mercenary having the least amount of things to be able to identify him with the better.

Matthew stepped into the bookstore and sighed. He pulled his hood down, it was lightly raining outside. He had always loved the atmosphere here, nice and calming. The owner was a nice lady who left her customers alone to browse. The Canadian didn't really know what he was looking for and just picked through a few racks before finding something that interested him. He payed and left to go get a coffee before going to the bar. As he was walking with his head down and hood up as usual, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry dude. Didn't see you there." The blond haired man apologized. Matthew noticed he had an odd cowlick.

"It's okay." Matthew said quietly and continued on his way. He walked into the bar and went over and sat on one of the stools.

"You brought a coffee to a bar?" TJ asked coming out of the kitchen. "Is it at least spiked?"

"Not today." Matthew smiled taking a sip as TJ shook his head with a small chuckle. "It's too early to be drinking."

"Tell that to them." TJ grumbled cocking his head in the direction of the other people in his bar. "Not really complaining because I get the moonies." The blond just rolled his eyes as TJ reached under the bar and handed him a small file. "This one's a bit weird I have to admit, but it pays well."

"We'll look over it and get back to you." The mercenary said slipping the file into his book bag. TJ just nodded as Matthew got up. He quickly thanked the bartender before he started to walk to the door.

"Hey Birdie, jou're cute! Vhat's jour name?" Matthew completely ignored the call assuming it wasn't directed towards him and left the bar to walk home.

-❄️"Positive mental attitude!"❄️-

AN: Just a small pov change for a sec

"Ha, rejected amigo." Spain called with a laughed seeing the door close. The albino could see France shaking his head with a smirk. Prussia sighed turning to the bar tender who had a small smile on his face.

"Do jou know if he's single?" He asked the bar tender.

"As far as I know." TJ shrugged. He didn't want to give to much away.

"Is he straight or?" The albino trailed off. "Jou seem to know him vell."

"I've never known Matt to date anyone." TJ sighed. "Or really look at anyone that way."

"I bet he vould for the awesome me!" Gilbert smiled turning back to his friends.

"Anyone would." Toni said rolling his eyes. Francis just snorted waving for him to sit back down and drink more.

-❄️But some nopes are cute nopes, known a spooders!"❄️-

AN: Back to Matthews pov. Flashback to colony days

Kanata laughed tugging on his Papa's sleeve and pointing at one of the funny fruits a vendor was selling. Papa had taken him along to the market today. The older blond was carrying his best friend, Kuma, while Kanata skipped happily beside the pair. The colony only appeared about five in human years.

"Come this way Matthieu." Papa said taking the colony's hand. He pulled him along to a different vendor and let go of his hand. Kanata waited patiently making funny faces up at Kuma and rocking on his heels. The young blond got bored quickly and started to look around the market, but stuck by his Papa's side.

Kanata watched the people bustle by and do their shopping. He caught something sparkly out of the corner of his eye. The colony wanted to know what it was and started to walk towards it leaving Papa's side. He followed the glimmer for a while until he realized he was far away from his Papa. The young blond looked around panicked, he didn't know where he was.

Suddenly he was being picked up. Kanata struggled and kicked seeing it was a dark haired man he didn't know. "No! Put me down!" He yelled. A few people looked over to the commotion, but didn't bother doing anything.

"Let's get you home son." The man said holding him tightly. He looked and sounded like a father disciplining his son. Kanata kept wiggling as the man started to move away from the crowded market. The man made the mistake of putting one hand to close to the colony's mouth and Kanata bit down hard.

The dark hair man cried out in pain yanking his hand away. He gave the blond a swift whack on the back of the head and Kanata whined. "Stop it Brat, you keep it up and I will hurt you further." He growled. Kanata was too scared to struggle and settled in the man's arms.

The colony stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. The man took him into a house and locked him into the basement. Kanata hit weakly on the door trying to break it, but with no luck. He sat at the top of the stairs and listened.

"That one was quite cute. He'll fetch top dollar." It was another man's voice, different from the first. "The other two won't earn much, savages."

"They'll still fetch something." The dark haired man said. Kanata didn't understand what they were talking about. "We'll keep them separate, we do not want the blond boy to be 'dirtied.'"

The colony decided not to listen anymore and carefully stepped down the stairs. He wasn't afraid of the dark, but the basement was pitch black and very damp. He looked around for a window, but there weren't any. Kanata felt tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't have a way out, he was stuck here.

The men left him in the basement for some time only occasionally throwing him down food or a canteen of water. It was even longer until the dark haired man came down to grab him. The colony had tried to run, but was easily caught. He hauled him up the stairs kicking and screaming. The man quickly silenced him with a gag.

Kanata didn't remember much of that day, it was a blur. He remembered being carried to a warehouse and being put into a pin with a few other children. People looking them over then someone yelling numbers. Soon he was being carted around by a new man.

This man was tall and grey haired. He had a very odd air about him which made the small blond nervous. He kept his head down and kept quiet. The old man lead him around the house and told him what he was required to do day to day, little chores and a bit of cooking. Kanata asked when he'd be going back to Papa, still not understanding the situation until the man said never.

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