Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Prussia grabbed a cloth and gently cleaned the blood away. Matthew winced slightly at the pressure as more shots of pain went through him. The albino grabbed the pair of tweezers in the kit and looked to see if he could see the bullet. It had been fully covered with a thin layer of new muscle. Prussia shook his head.

"It's healed over it. I'm going to have to cut through." Gilbert murmured and Matthew just nodded. He grabbed a small scalpel from the kit and steadied himself. The Prussian carefully cut through the new layer watching Canada for any signs of pain. He saw his jaw tighten and stopped.

"I'm fine, Gil. Keep going." The blond said looking away so Prussia couldn't see his face anymore. He clenched his teeth through the pain not making a sound letting the albino do what he needed.

Prussia finished the cut switching back to the tweezers and started to dig the bullet out. He noticed a few fragments of bone as well. He managed to get the bullet out before going back for the fragments. The albino could see Canada's shoulder blade and was happy that there were no cracks or fractures that he could see. He did one last check for more fragments before grabbing a needle and thread from the kit.

"Last little bit." Gilbert said threading the needle. "There vill be some pulling."

Canada nodded as Prussia started. He did feel the pulling, but not much pain. The area around the wound was starting to go numb.

"All done, Birdie." The Prussian said snipping the thread. He placed a light kiss on his shoulder. He trailed kisses on more of the scars on the Canadians back earning a small laugh from him.

"Thank you." Matthew said turning to face him. "I'm sorry I put you in danger."

"I'm too awesome to be in danger." Gilbert smirked cleaning the tools and putting them away. He handed the Canadian the new clean shirt. Matthew quickly put it on wincing at the soreness. "Vhy vere they after jou anyways?"

"The last job Bryce and I did was to kill the leader of the local mafia. It came from people we couldn't really turn down; people inside the mob didn't like him and there's only a few left loyal to him." Canada explained looking down. The albino sat down on the lip of the bathtub and took his hand. "We got in easy enough, the guy had no security at all. We split up, I went to check the study and gather papers while Bryce went up stairs. As I was about to leave a little girl came up behind me. She wasn't supposed to be there. She had a gun in her hands, I did as well, but there was no way I could hurt a child. She shot me twice and I went down."

"How old vas the girl?" Prussia asked eyes wide.

"Eight or so." The blond shrugged. "Bryce ran in and got in front of me. She shot him once as well. He shot a warning shot at her feet and scared her away. He helped me up and we got out. We didn't get far, he was loosing a lot of blood. There was nothing I could do, the bullet had hit an artery."

Matthew looked down and away tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. He hated how much he'd been crying lately, how much weakness he'd been showing. Prussia cupped his face gently tilting his head up. The Canadian put his hand overtop of the albino's leaning into his touch.

"It's okay to cry, Birdie." Gilbert said reading his mind. Matthew gave him a small smile still not letting himself cry. Kumajirou toddled into the bathroom with Gilbird perched on his head. The little canary flew and landed in the blond's hair while the cub climbed into his lap. "Maybe we should move to the bed, there's more room there."

Canada nodded. It was pretty crowded in the small bathroom with two men, a polar bear cub and a chick. The pair stood up, Kumajirou curled up in the blond's good arm and Gilbird in his hair.

"Jou look like a Disney princess." Gilbert said with a laugh following him to the bedroom. Canada cracked a smile setting the cub on the bed. He laid down and the Prussian settled carefully beside him facing him. He smiled as Matthew's arms wrapped around his waist bringing him closer. He tucked his head under the Canadians chin pressing a kiss to his collar bone fingers twining into his shirt.

"When did you learn the medical stuff?" Canada asked. Kumajirou curled up above their heads and had already fell asleep. Gilbird was still nestled in his hair.

"Vay back vhen, probably a couple hundred years ago." Prussia said. He laughed. "I thought it would be an awesome skill to learn to help my people. Of course back then it vas more extreme. If jou had a small cut on jour calf they'd be likely to cut jour leg off!"

"That seems unnecessary." Matthew commented.

"It vas, but that's vhat we though vas best back then." Gilbert shrugged. His tone shifted to a more serious one. "Do jou still vant to stay a mercenary?"

"Yes." Canada said without even thinking. He didn't need to think about it. "It keeps me busy."

"I don't like seeing jou hurt Liebling." Prussia said sadly.

"It doesn't happen often." Matthew mumbled. If he did get hurt he was normally able to hide it. "I like it, I kind of get to help people in a way."

"I don't..." The Prussian trailed off shaking his head. He didn't want to argue. "Okay." He sighed. "Just please tell me vhen jou do vant to stop. I'm sure there's something the awesome me can do to help."

"I will Gilly." Canada said kissing his forehead. "I promise."

"Oh! I forgot to tell jou, Franny and Alfred finally managed to line up a date." Gilbert said happily. It was hard for all the nations to find a day none of them were busy. "Two veeks from this Thursday."

"Okay, please remind me a few days before." Matthew said. He was nervous to meet the nations, to meet his family. "I'll have to figure out what I'm going to cook."

"It'll be awesome no matter vhat it is." Prussia said kissing his jaw. He let a small yawn escape his lips. "I think I'm going to fall asleep on jou."

"That's okay." Canada hummed yawning too.

"Guten nacht Vogel." Gilbert said through another yawn. Matthew smiled holding him tighter closing his eyes. The albino fell asleep quickly, but Canada couldn't. He listened to Prussia's quiet snores and stared at the wall. He loved the man so much and tonight had scared him.

The Canadian was absolutely terrified of some one hurting Gilbert because of him, but he loved his job and didn't want to give it up. He knew that nations were immortal and couldn't be killed, but he wasn't sure if the Prussian was the same. He didn't technically have a country anymore, but still hadn't aged since then. Prussia hadn't tested his healing abilities either. Matthew didn't want him to have to.

Canada sighed shaking the thoughts from his mind. Gilbert shifted slightly at the blond's movements. His gripped tightened on Matthew's shirt for a moment before loosening again as he fell back asleep.

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