Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

"Morning Birdie." Prussia hummed sleepily warm arms snaking around his waist. Matthew smiled and gave him a kiss on the nose. Gilbert laughed lightly. "Ich liebe dich."

"Love you too Gil." The blond said as the albino pulled him closer and snuggled into his chest. The pair was tangled up together under the covers. Gilbert had gotten back late last night and they'd slept in. Canada would have been happy to stay in bed all day, but his stomach was wanting food. "I don't wanna get up." He complained.

"Ve don't have to." The Prussian mumbled. He was still half asleep.

"But food?" Matthew murmured stomach growling. Gilbert laughed again hearing him.

"Pancakes?" He asked hopefully. The Canadian nodded and Prussia wiggled his hips happily. "Vhat are ve vaiting for then!" Gilbert said quickly sitting up and throwing the blankets off himself. They landed on top of Matthew in a heap. The albino looking over his shoulder seeing the heap and laughed. "Whoops, sorry Liebling!" He said pulling the pile off to reveal a giggling Canada. "Vhat's so funny?"

"Your hair is so fluffy." Matthew said sitting up too. He reached out and ran his hands through Prussia's hair helping to flatten it slightly. The albino hummed happily under his touch.

"Jour hands are varm." The Prussian said through a yawn. Canada stopped seeing that he was looking like he was about to fall asleep again. "Birdie!" Gilbert whined as Matthew rolled out of the bed and onto his feet.

The blond pulled Prussia out of the bed easily with a smile. "Come on Gilly." He said. The albino wrapped his arms around Matthew's neck pulling him down for a kiss. He loved these slow lazy mornings.

"Can I borrow some clothes again?" Gilbert asked as they broke apart. "All mine are dirty."

"Of course, you don't have to ask." Canada said kissing his jaw. "Put your dirty stuff in the laundry and I'll wash it later today."

"Thank you, Vogel, jou're awesome." He said with a big grin. Matthew couldn't help, but smile. He let the albino go to get dressed and walked out to the kitchen.

The Canadian started to gather the ingredients he needed and started the batter from scratch. He checked the fridge and cupboard for something he could put in them. He found chocolate chips in the back of one of the cabinets. Canada heated up the pan and started to make the first giant pancake.

"Smells amazing." Gilbert said walking into the kitchen. He went over to Matthew and wrapped his arms around him and rested his chin on the blond's shoulder. "Vant me to set the table?"

"Yes please." Canada said. Prussia kissed his neck and went to set the table. Matthew was slightly sad at the loss of contact, but kept cooking. He finished flipping the pancakes and put them onto a plate. He carried them over to the table just as the albino finished setting it. The Canadian grabbed the maple syrup from the fridge before sitting down.

"Vhat'd jou do this veek?" Gilbert asked around a mouthful of pancakes.

"Mostly just tailed a guy around." Canada lied with a shrug. "His wife really thinks he's cheating. I got to watch him grocery shop for like two hours."

"Sounds like fun." Gilbert said sarcastically with a smile.

"Oh you have no idea." Matthew mumbled. "I have never seen someone take ten minutes to decide what brand of ketchup to buy."

Canada heard claws clicking and looked down to see Kumajirou looking up at him. He picked the cub up and set him on the table. He looked back up to see a very confused Gilbert.

"Vait, how long have jou had a cat?" The albino asked. He took another look at Kumajirou. "Dog?"

"I'm a polar bear dumbass." The cub snapped looking Gilbert up and down. "I've been here the whole time."

"It talks?!" Prussia asked surprised.

"Coma, be nice." Canada warned. "You haven't seen him yet?" He asked gesturing to the bear.

"No! But he talks? How?" The albino asked still flabbergasted. He was barely able to get words out.

"I don't know, he just does." Matthew said with a shrug. "Gilbird doesn't talk?"

"No he doesn't talk. Gilbird is a bird, animals can't talk." Gilbert shook his head.

"I can, so get over it." Kumajirou said stealing one of the leftover pancakes and starting to eat it. "When are you buying me fish, Moth?"

"I'm getting around to it." Canada said finishing his pancakes. Gilbert looked like he was still in shock. "Bryce took the whole talking thing a lot better."

"Bryce vas just fine vith a talking polar bear?" Prussia murmured going back to his pancakes. "Don't get me vrong, it's awesome. I've just never met a talking animal before."

"Well, I'm happy to be your first." Kumajirou mumbled hopping off the table and wandered off to find a place to sleep.

"He doesn't seem to like me." Gilbert pouted slightly finishing the last of his pancakes.

"He's just kind of grumpy. He'll warm up to you." Canada said reassuringly. He stood up taking their plates and going over to the sink. Prussia followed him and dried while Matthew washed.

"Vhat are jou doing today?" Gilbert asked as they finished the dishes.

"Just some laundry." The blond said drying his hands and leaning on the counter. "Your stuffs in?"

"Ja, it's all there." Prussia said resting in the counter next to him. "I'll have to run home and grab a few things."

"It would save you a lot of back in forth if you just moved in." Matthew pointed out.

"Move in?" Gilbert asked looking up at him. The Canadian nodded. "Jou'd let me? Vhat about Gilbird?"

"Of course. Gilbird is always welcome." Canada said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You're already here most of the time anyway."

"That's true." Prussia was practically bouncing with joy. He pulled Matthew down into a hug. The Canadian laughed at his excitement. "I think my lease is over soon too." The albino kissed his jaw. "I love you."

"I love you too." Canada hummed wrapping his arms around Gilbert's neck and interlacing his fingers behind it. He pulled him close and leaned down for a kiss. Their lips met as Prussia's arms snaked around his waist pulling their bodies together. The couple broke apart for breath. Matthew trailed kisses along the albino's jaw, down his neck to his collar bone. "I want you Gil."

"Jou vant me?" He asked out of breath. He looked confused, but quickly put two and two together. "Jou don't have to if jou're not ready."

"I'm ready." Canada confirmed looking him right in the eyes. A loving smile spread across the Prussian's face. He pulled him in for another kiss.

AN: There is a smut chapter later! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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