Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

A few months later

Matthew groaned rolling out of bed. He hadn't slept to well that night, it was more like afternoon. He stretched and stood up cracking his back in the process. He winced at the sound, but laughed at himself. The Canadian looked out the window, the sun was just starting to set. He walked over and grabbed fresh clothes for the 'day' before going to have a shower.

Gilbert was out of the country for a meeting in Tokyo. The first few times he left Matthew alone he had been worried. He had called a lot, Canada really appreciated it. Prussia had been his anchor, he really kept him grounded. When he was gone it was a bit harder for him, but he worked through it.

The blond had taken some time away from being a mercenary to recover. It had taken him a while to feel some semblance of normal. His physical wounds may have healed quickly, but the mental ones stuck with him. He had mostly worked around them, but still had days.

Those days were the hardest. It would be simple things that reminded him of Bryce. He'd be doing laundry and see that sweater again or cleaning and he'd find papers with the red head's hand writing and doodles. There'd be days when he'd just sit in Bryce's room. He felt lost and had no reason to do anything. Sometimes Gilbert was there to break him out of his stooper, but other times Kumajirou would have too.

Canada smiled walking into the kitchen. He made himself a cup of coffee and grabbed some left overs from the fridge. Kumajirou walked into the kitchen and looked up at him. The blond reached down and picked him up setting him on the table.

"I'm hungry." The cub complained. Matthew smiled softly as he sniffed his food. Kumajirou wrinkled his nose. "You're eating that?" He asked disgusted.

"Sorry it's not fish." The Canadian said sarcastically. He got up and grabbed a tin of salmon. He handed it to the bear and watched him fiddle with it. Kumajirou gave him puppy dog eyes and Matthew took it back. He opened the can and sat it down in front of him. "Have to get some fresh stuff for you soon."

"Ohhh yes please." The cub said around a mouthful of fish. Matthew smiled and continued to eat. He finished and got up to do the dishes. "Where are you going?" Be asked seeing the blond going towards the door.

"Out to TJ's." Canada said slipping his shoes on. He quickly patted his pocket making sure he had his knife. "I'll be back probably after midnight."

"Okay, bye Math." The cub said hopping off the table and waddled over to the couch.

"See you in a bit Camel." Matthew said stepping outside and locking the door. It was warm out that night. It seemed like summer was just around the corner. He started to walk towards the bar. TJ said he had another job for him that night. Canada walked into the bar and did a quick look around. It was completely empty accept for TJ and his cook, fairly normal for a Tuesday.

"Hello, Matt." TJ greeted seeing the blond enter. He put the glass he was cleaning down as Matthew took a seat at the bar. "Got something easy for you tonight." He grabbed a file under the bar and sat it in front of him.

"Another dealer?" Canada sighed reading the file. He was always happy to go after drug dealers.

"Yeah, this guy sells just about everything." TJ mumbled. "Too just about anyone. I've heard he's sold to kids that are like twelve."

"That is not okay." The blond shook his head. He read further down the file and memorized his favourite spots. There was one that was a couple blocks over. "Well, I better go track him down."

"Have fun." TJ smiled with a hint of sarcasm as he left. Matthew rolled his eyes stepping outside. The streetlights were just starting to flicker on. Perfect time to find a drug dealer.

Canada rounded the corner and spotted the man leaning against a light post. He pushed his sleeves up knowing that the needle scars would put the dealer at ease. Some dealers wouldn't sell to people that hadn't used before, but this dealer wasn't like that from what the file said.

"Hey man, sup?" The dealer asked seeing Matthew approach. He looked him up and down eyes pausing on his arms with a smile. "What'cha looking for?"

"Heroin." Canada said lightly scratching his arm.

"Any specific stand dude?" He asked pushing off from the street light post. He started to walk and Matthew followed. The pair walked for a few meters before the dealer turned down an alley way.

"Not really." Matthew said with a shrug. He checked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following them. He reached for his knife, but didn't pull it out yet.

"You seemed to have dried out. What brought you back?" The man asked leaning against the wall. Canada shrugged listening for footsteps. "None of my business, but good for my business I guess." He said also shrugging.

Matthew was done acting, satisfied that no one was around. He pulled his knife and slashed the dealer across the face. The man gasped crying out in pain falling to his knees. He stabbed the man in the back of the neck and he slumped over.

Canada shook his head wiping his knife off on his pants and put it back in his pocket. He looked down to make sure the dealer wasn't breathing before stepping out of the alleyway. He pulled his hood up as he walked back to the bar.

"That didn't take long." TJ commented seeing Matthew sitting back at the bar. The Canadian gave him a small smirk. He quickly tended to a customer before coming back over. "I'll let them know it's done."

"Thanks." Canada said.

"Got something for you later in the week. You've got quite a bit of reading to do." TJ said slipping him another thick file. The blond nodded about to get up. "Wait." The bar tender said quickly. "Be careful out there Matthew." He warned. "That girl, the leader's loyalists are protecting her. They might be closing in."

"Might be?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

TJ shrugged. "I've heard a few things. They haven't identified you yet." He said. "Honestly doubt they're even close. I think they're just putting it out there to scare you and the others."

"Hmm." Canada hummed. "I guess we'll just have to see what happens."

"I guess so, eh?" The owner shrugged and Matthew got up from the stool. He waved as he left. He sighed walking down the street towards home. It had cooled down quite a bit in the past few hours.

The Canadian jumped hearing his phone ringing. He pulled it out to see the contact. "Hello Gilly." He answered happily.

"Morning Vogel!" Prussia greeted loudly. Matthew smiled hearing his voice. "How are jou?"

"Not to bad, just heading home." The blond sighed. "How's the meeting going?"

"Good, trying to get the best for mein Birdie." Gilbert said. Matthew had noticed that the Prussian had seemed to be taking the meetings a bit more seriously now that he knew Matthew was Canada. "Just heading home? Vhat time is it there?"

"Just after midnight." He said a yawn escaping his lips.

"How have jou been sleeping?" The albino asked concern.

"Alright." Matthew said. "Not the best, but it could always be worse."

"I vish I could be there." Gilbert sighed. "I miss jou Liebling."

"I miss you to Gil." Canada admitted. "Just a few more days."

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