Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


"Come on Luka, time to get up." Matthew called knocking on the boy's door. He pushed in and Luka groaned. "The car will be here in twenty minutes."

"I don't want to go." The boy whined throwing his covers off, but not sitting up. "You don't have to go so why should I?"

"You better get downstairs before your sister eats all the pancakes." The blond warned ignoring the question. Luka immediately sat up and climbed out of bed. He ran past Matthew and flew down the stairs.

The Canadian smiled and made the bed before going back downstairs to watch the kids. His current owner, Emily, was a kind lady. She had never done a thing to hurt him.

The woman had had her husband killed years ago to take over his mob. He had been a bad man, but Emily loved him. She knew that the world would be better off without him despite that. After he had been killed, she was very busy taking care of the underground. Emily bought Matthew to take care of her kids while she couldn't.

Luka and Elizabeth were twelve and eight. Both were blue eyed, blond haired and tall for their ages. They were both good kids and Matthew loved them. He didn't mind helping and taking care of them. Although it was hard to explain why he didn't go to school with them and why he did all the chores and cleaning. They had also asked about the scars, but Matthew wouldn't explain. He still only appeared sixteen, his ageing had been froze for over twenty years. He knew he shouldn't get too attached. The children would grow up, they wouldn't need him anymore and he'd be sold again.

The pair of kids were sitting up at the counter scarfing down the pancakes he had made before they got up. He hummed while he did the dishes.

"Mattie, when's the next holiday?" Elizabeth asked bringing her plate over for him to wash.

"I think it's next Friday." The blond said taking the plate. "Why?"

"Could you take us to the fair?" She asked excitedly looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

"You'd have to ask your mother." Matthew said picking up Luka's plate to wash as well. He knew that Emily would probably be fine with the kids going to the fair with one of the guards, but he wouldn't be able to go. "Go up stairs and get dressed. You don't want to be late."

Both of the kids groaned while Matthew smiled sympathetically. They trudged back up the stairs to change while the Canadian started a pot of coffee. He quickly packed their lunches leaving them on the counter for them to grab as they left. The pair of kids were back down a few minutes later and grabbed their lunches before leaving.

"Bye Mattie!" They called as they left.

Matthew waved with a small smile. He sighed turning back to finish up the dishes. Once he was done, he sat up at the counter and read the newspaper. It was one of the small freedoms he had here. Emily allowed him to read anything in the house as well as watch tv. He'd never been allowed to watch tv before. He loved anything to do with history, he liked catching up with what he'd missed.

"Good morning Matthew." The mob boss greeted walking into the kitchen already dressed. The Canadian hopped up and poured her a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Ma'am." He said respectively bowing his head. "Are you sure you don't want any breakfast?"

"Yes, I'm alright." She said with a yawn. "You really don't have to be so formal. I've told you Emily is fine."

"Sorry." He quickly apologized.

"How were Luka and Liz this morning? Didn't give you any trouble?" Emily asked chugging her first cup of coffee. Matthew smiled and filled up the cup again.

"No, they were angels as usual." He sighed. "Elizabeth asked to go to the fair next Friday on their day off school."

"Next Friday? I haven't told them yet, we're going down south for a couple of days." Emily said drinking more coffee. "My cousin invited us down to his ranch. Oh, you're coming with us too. I've got some business to attend to down there and I can't expect my cousin to entertain the kids."

"Okay." Matthew nodded. He'd never been out of the country before. "Do I need to pack?"

"Luka and Liz can pack their own things. Just make sure they're packing reasonably." Emily said. "Pack what ever you need and I'll just need a few pant suits as well as a dress and pyjamas."

Matthew nodded listening carefully to her instructions. He'd start on that as soon as he was done laundry later in the day. The mob boss finished her coffee and stretched.

"I'll be working late tonight." She yawned. "Don't bother making me supper, I'll eat at the office."

"Take some coffee for the drive?" Matthew asked and Emily nodded. He poured the remaining coffee into a traveling mug. He slid it over the counter to her.

"Thank you." She said grabbing the mug and slipping off the chair. "Tell the kids I said 'hi' if I'm not back by their bed time."

The next few days went on as normal. Emily told Luka and Elizabeth that they would be going down south to visit family and they were excited. The Canadian helped them pack before packing his own and Emily's things. He'd travelled with owners a few times before, but never out of the country.

Elizabeth asked him if he'd been on a plane and what it was like. Matthew shrugged saying he'd never flown before, but that was a lie. He'd been on planes before, but never really as a passenger. He'd only ever been on cargo planes kept in a cage. It wasn't an experience he enjoyed thinking about.

This plane experience was a whole lot better. Emily had pulled some strings and rented a private jet and Matthew was allowed to ride with them. The flight was nice, a lot less bumpy then the ones he's had before.

The whole time he was out of Canada something felt off. He couldn't put his finger on what was wrong, he felt lost or empty. He tried to push the odd feeling to the back of his mind, but he couldn't get rid of it. Matthew knew his discomfort was showing. He masked it as best as he could.

"Look Mattie! Watch me!" Elizabeth shouted gaining his attention. "No hands!"

Matthew smiled seeing her on the back of a horse with her hands in the air. Her and her brother were getting a riding lesson from the stable hands and he was just watching. The blond was sitting on the railings with a guard nearby. Emily had left a few hours ago for a meeting. He could hear footsteps coming his way and looked over his shoulder.

"Hi Momma!" Luka called seeing Emily leaning on the railing next to the Canadian. She smiled gently and waved back.

"You seem off. You better not be getting sick." Emily said quietly to Matthew. She sounded almost worried.

"No, I'm alright." The blond lied with a smile.

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