Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

"Can I ask jou a question?" Gilbert asked. Matthew was immediately nervous. He had no idea what the albino was about to ask him. He nodded slowly. "Jou mentioned that jou von't age. Vhat did jou mean?"

The Canadian sat up and crossed his legs. He didn't remember saying that last night. He didn't want to keep lying to Gilbert, especially when he'd already mentioned it. He trusted him completely, but was terrified of messing what they had up.

Matthew didn't know what he would do if the albino left him. Without Bryce or Gilbert he'd have next to no one. The ginger was like a father to him and loosing Bryce made him realize how easy and quick it was to lose someone forever. He loved Gilbert so much and couldn't imagine not having him in his life. He couldn't imagine living without Bryce either, but here he was.

"Birdie?" The Prussian questioned also sitting up. His voice pulled the Canadian out of his thoughts.

Matthew sighed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "It's true Gil, I don't age." He said looking down. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, it's not something I just tell people."

"Jou don't age? At all?" He asked. The blond looked up and met his eyes. Gilbert didn't look angry, he looked curious. The Canadian was still going to be cautious, but honest.

"I did, I was a kid and aged to a teenager. There was a point where I didn't age past sixteen for almost a hundred years. Then I aged like five years in a month to how I am now." Matthew confessed. He shook his head. "I don't know what I am or why I'm like this."

"How old are jou?" The albino questioned. He looked like he was trying to figure something out.

"I don't know, maybe three hundred years or a bit more then three hundred years old." The blond replied thoughtfully. He wasn't sure how old he really was. "I don't really know though."

"Have jou ever left the country before?" Gilbert asked raising an eyebrow. Matthew nodded. "How did jou feel?"

"I just felt kind of lost. I was very nervous and found it hard to focus." The Canadian said trying to explain it as accurately as possible.

"Have jou ever got hurt or sick without any explanation?" The Prussian asked. He looked slightly excited.

"Yeah, I don't remember a lot before the fifties because of stuff." Matthew mumbled. He really didn't want to get into that right now. "I know I was very sick during the thirties. I lost some eyesight during the nineteen teens times."

"I think I know vhat jou are Birdie." The Prussian said happily with a big smile on his face. Matthew raised an eyebrow seeing Gilbert's smile. "Jou're a nation. Jou've got to be Canada!"

"Canada?" The blond asked. He didn't understand what Gilbert was saying. "A nation?"

"Ja! A nation is the personification of a country. They're pretty much immortal, but are affected by their country. Jou said that jou vere sick during the thirties when the depression vas happening." The albino started to explain. "And jou said that jou felt kind of lost vhen jou left Canada. That's how nations feel vhen they leave their land. Everything Jou've said vould point to jou being a nation."

"I've never heard of nations before." Matthew said trying to think back. "How do you know about them?"

"Most people don't know about them. They stay hidden for the most part." Gilbert said with a smile. "I know because I'm one too! I'm Prussia, but I've been representing Canada."

"You're like me?" He asked in disbelief and Gilbert nodded. The Canadian jump pulling him into a hug. The albino laughed hugging him back tightly.

"Ich liebe dich." Prussia said pulling him in for a kiss. They rested their foreheads together after they broke apart. "I love jou so much Birdie."

"I love you to Gil." Matthew said tears pricking at the corners of his eyes again, but these were happy tears. He couldn't believe that Gilbert was like him, that he wouldn't age too.

"Ve need to tell the others." The Prussian said excitedly. "They'll be so excited to meet you!"

"I don't know if I'm ready for that yet." Canada admitted fidgeting nervously. Meeting new people always scared him. "Not yet at least."

"I understand Birdie." Gilbert said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Matthew gave him a small smile. "Let me know vhen jou're ready. In the meantime I von't tell anyone yet."

"Thank you, Gil." Matthew said as the pair laid back down again. The blond laying on top of Prussia's chest. "Should I be calling you Gil or Prussia?"

"Ve don't use our nation names often." The albino explained. "Especially around humans, they could exploit us if they knew." He sighed. The blond nodded understanding completely. "So it's better to use Gil."

"This is going to take some getting used to." Canada said. He didn't really know what being a nation entailed and was curious to find out. He had so many questions, but didn't want to overwhelm Gilbert. "Is your brother a nation too?"

"Ja! West or Ludwig is Germany." Prussia explained. "Jou've got a brother too."

"I do?" Matthew asked. He couldn't remember having one.

"I don't think jou ever met him vay back vhen." The albino said. Canada shifted slightly in his arms and rested his chin on Gilbert's chest looking up at him. "His name is Alfred, he represents America. He's pretty loud, obnoxious and clueless, but he's a good guy."

"So the stereotypical American?" Matthew laughed.

"Pretty much." The Prussian laughed as well. He was happy to be keeping Matthew's mind away from the events of the last couple of days. "The only other nation jou've met vould be France."

"France? I remember a bit about a Frenchman that took care of me when I was very little. Before everything." The Canadian trailed off. He cleared his throat. "He was France?"

Gilbert nodded. "He's one of my friends. I've known him since I vas young. He and Spain are my best friends."

"How old are you?" Matthew asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty old." Prussia said. "Older than jou Birdie. Probably like eight hundred or more."

"Wow you're old." Matthew said with a smile.

"Have a problem dating an older guy?" Gilbert teased while Canada rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, Gil, for everything." The blond said suddenly hugging him tightly. Prussia's arms slid up his back holding him close.

"It's no problem Liebling." Gilbert said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'd do anything for jou."

"Won't you get in trouble for leaving those meetings though?" He asked concerned.

"Nah, the awesome me von't get in trouble!" Gilbert reassured him with a smile. "Sadly, I do need to leave again in a few days. Vill jou be okay?"

"I'll be fine Gil." Matthew said with a sad smile. "I've been through worse before."

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