Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Few Weeks Later

"That vas awesome." Gilbert hummed patting his belly as they walked. The pair had decided to go out for supper that night. It was to hot to cook. "I'm so full."

"It was great." Matthew agreed looking over his shoulder. He heard footsteps and spotted a pair of men walking behind them. He was immediately suspicious of them. "Let's go down here, little short cut." He said pointing down an alleyway.

The Prussian nodded and they turned into the alley. He checked over his shoulder again seeing that the men were still following them. He quickly patted his pocket knowing his knife was already there.

"Vhat is it?" Prussia asked noticing the blond's nervousness.

"Two guys following us." Canada said pulling Gilbert into another alley way. He knew these back ways well and hoped to lose the men in them. The blond could hear the footsteps now louder, the men were running. He was already planning routes in his head.

"Vhy?" Gilbert asked pulling him out of his thoughts. He kept him close as they walked.

"I don't know." Matthew lied. He knew why the men were most likely following them, but couldn't tell the Prussian. He listened for the foot steps again, but there were none. The absence of the steps only worried him more. He looked over his shoulder and up at the roofs trying to find the men again. He wanted to get to a more crowded area.

One of the men stepped out from a connecting alley. The pair skidded to a stop before Canada took the albinos hand pulling him down another alley. The second man was already there and waiting for them. They turned to go back, but the other man was there. He pushed past the pair to join his friend. Matthew could see the glint of a pistol in his pocket. They stood a couple of meters apart.

"What do you want?" The Canadian demanded stepping in front of Prussia.

"You left a witness." The man said, a smirk on his face. "That was a mistake. She got one of you, we're here to get the other."

"Let him go." Matthew said gesturing to the albino. "He doesn't know anything."

"We're not going to make the same mistake as you." The man said pulling his gun. Canada lunged at him taking his knife from his pocket. The man didn't have enough time to react before the Canadian was on him. The second man pulled his gun as well taking aim as Matthew's back was turned.

"No!" Gilbert yelled tackling the man. He managed to get a shot off hitting Canada in the back of the shoulder. The blond didn't even flinch at the pain as he wrestled with the first man. He cut the man's wrist making him drop the gun before stabbing him in the chest.

Prussia was busy trying to wrestle the gun away from the second. The man had him pinned underneath and the albino was struggling to get the upper hand. Matthew rolled to his feet and stabbed the second man in the back. He pulled him off the albino, throwing the second body on top of the first. He was satisfied that both were dead or almost so.

Canada turned back to a shocked Gilbert and helped him up. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned checking him over for injuries.

"I'm okay." Prussia said breathlessly. "Jou got shot Birdie! Are jou okay?"

"I'm fine. We need to get moving." Matthew said completely unconcerned with his own injuries. He was worried that there could be more people after him. The pair started to move again. Canada knew that they couldn't go to more public spaces now since he had blood on him.

They stuck to back alleys, the blond constantly checking over his shoulder and listening for more people. There were none, but Matthew couldn't relax especially while Prussia was in danger. The pair made it home quickly.

"Stay here." The Canadian said to Gilbert. The albino looked like he was going to protest, but didn't. Matthew checked the lock to see if it was broken, but it was fine. He was still suspicious, but pushed in. Kumajirou was curled up on the couch and woke as he entered.

"Be quiet." The bear snapped curling back up. Matthew was satisfied that there was no one else in the house seeing that Kumajirou wasn't up. He went back to let Prussia know it was okay to come in.

"Vho vere they?" Gilbert asked stepping into the house next to him. He kept trying to get a better look at the blonds wound.

"Mafia men." Canada said quickly. He moved around doing a fast scan of all the rooms just encase. Prussia followed him trying to corner him.

"Birdie, Liebling." The albino said catching his attention for a second. The blond stopped looking down at Gilbert. "Jou're still bleeding, let me take care of that."

"It's fine, it'll heal." Matthew said moving on to the next room. Prussia grumbled at his stubbornness and grabbed a new shirt before catching up with him.

"Matthew!" Gilbert snapped sternly. Canada stopped lowering his head. He felt bad for raising his voice, but needed to capture his full attention. He knew that the Canadian was just making sure they were safe. "Please, Birdie. The bullets still there, we need to get it out."

"Sorry Gil." Matthew said quietly. The albino took his good hand in his and kissed the back lightly.

"Vhere do jou keep jour first aid supplies?" Prussia asked gently.

"In the bathroom cupboard." Canada said. The Prussian pulled him along to the bathroom and made him sit backwards on the toilet seat. He dug through the cabinet and found what he was looking for.

"Can jou take jour shirt off?" The albino asked.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Matthew asked complying anyways. He hissed as shots of pain went through him. His shoulder felt like it was on fire with every small movement.

"Ja." Gilbert replied setting the supplies down next to him. He found a bottle of ibuprofen and handed it to Canada. The blond looked at it and set it down. "Take two, it'll start to dull the pain."

"That's okay." Matthew shook his head. He wanted nothing to do with any kind of drug. "I don't need it."

"Jou sure? I might have to dig around for the bullet." Prussia said with his eyebrows furrowed. He could see that the wound had already partially healed over it. Canada nodded. "I don't vant to hurt jou Vogel."

"It's fine, Gil." Matthew said reassuringly. "I don't..." He trailed off looking down at his hands. "I've been through worse without it." He sighed.

The albino's eyes saddened understanding why the blond didn't want the pills. "Okay, tell me if it hurts and I'll stop." Gilbert said reluctantly. Canada nodded knowing that it was going to hurt no matter how gentle the albino was.

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