Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Few months later

Matthew smiled reading the texts Gilbert had sent. The albino finally convinced him to get a cell phone. It had taken him a little while for the Prussian to convince him. It took the Canadian a bit to figure it out, but Bryce helped him. He had done a fair bit of teasing too.

Gilbert would send him cute little messages everyday and he loved it. They texted a lot when the Prussian was traveling. Matthew loved being around Gilbert. He liked doing anything with him. Even following him around while he was running errands. It didn't really matter as long as he was with him.

The pair had grown really close, pretty much inseparable. They hadn't had a fight yet. They'd had a few arguments about food or silly things, but it was all light hearted. Gilbert would come over and stay with him and he'd go stay at his house. Gilbird would always fall asleep in the blond's hair when he visited.

Matthew slept a lot better with the Prussian beside him. They still hadn't done anything sexual. The Canadian wasn't ready yet and Gilbert understood. He had told the other a bit about his past, just enough for him to get the picture. Matthew still hadn't told him about how old he really was or his real job. He knew he would need to at some point if they continued with their relationship. He was very nervous to tell him and know the longer he left it the worst the possible rejection could be. He tried not to think about it and pushed it to the back of his mind.

When the Prussian first met Bryce, the ginger was being very intimidating. He wanted to know if this guy was really going to be good for Matthew. The green eyed man had been cleaning his pistol when the Canadian properly introduced the two. Gilbert had seemed pretty nervous around him, but after a few conversations Bryce decided that the albino was alright and let up. The ginger also remembered him from a few years ago and teased him about it.

Kumajirou knew enough to stay out of sight when the Prussian was around. He would hide in the closet or out in the tree when he knew Gilbert was coming. Matthew didn't want to explain why he had a pet polar bear. He didn't really like keeping all these secrets.

Right now, Gilbert was off at a meeting in Ottawa. He had already been there for a couple of days and was supposed to be back tomorrow. Matthew was kind of sad when the albino went away, but the texts and jobs kept him busy enough. He always kept busy.

"Hey Mattie?" Bryce called from the other room. He was searching the bookshelf for an old file. Matthew was looking through the junk drawers for it.

"Yes?" The Canadian yelled back.

"Found that file yet?" He asked coming into view around the corner.

"Not yet." Matthew sighed closing the last drawer. "Are you sure you didn't have it on the computer?"

"I didn't check there." The ginger said scratching the back of his neck. "I'll look later. We need to finish the last bit of prep."

The blond nodded. "I'll grab the pistols." He said and Bryce nodded. He went down to the basement and grabbed a pair of them and a silencer from the cabinet. He trudged back up the stairs and found the green eyed man waiting with the cleaning supplies. The pair of mercenaries started cleaning their guns.

They had a big job tonight, killing a mob boss. It wasn't something they were really used to doing, but they couldn't turn down the people it came from. Matthew knew how risky it was, Bryce did too. They were to break into the man's apartment and kill him. He had no immediate family except a daughter that was staying with her deceased mother's grandparents.

The man kept no guards, dogs or security systems around his house. He believed that no one was brave enough to try anything, he was wrong. The pair had planned everything. They had watched him and knew his schedule. They were going to enter through the back door. Bryce was going to kill the man while Matthew searched for any important papers relating to the mob.

Matthew sighed as he finished cleaning and reassembled the gun. He loaded the clip and set it back on the table.

"So, when was Gilbert supposed to come back?" Bryce asked raising an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow afternoon, but depending on how the talks go it could be another two days." The Canadian explained. He glanced over at the clock. "It's getting close."

"It is." The red head nodded standing up. "Let's go now. Just encase there's more traffic than usual."

Matthew nodded and stood up as well. The pair went to the door and threw their jackets on. It was cold out and was supposed to snow later in the night. The blond smiled seeing his breath in the air as they stepped outside. He followed Bryce to the truck and hopped in.

The drive wasn't too long and they were there in no time. Bryce parked around the corner so they could walk up without causing too much suspicion. They rounded the corner and the house was in sight.

"Ready?" Bryce asked and Matthew nodded. The mercenaries hopped the fence looking around making sure there were no lights on in any of the neighbouring houses. The ginger started picking the lock and Matthew kept watch. It didn't take him a minute before the lock was done and the door swung open.

They stepped in looking around. Bryce gestured silently in the direction of the man's bed room and the blond nodded. The ginger started towards the room while Matthew split off to see what he could find.

The blond stalked quietly through the house like it was the back of his hand. He knew and studied the layout. Matthew carefully ducked into the office. He could already see stacks of papers on the desk in the pale moonlight that shown through the window. He padded over and started sifting through the papers. He found a few that looked important and set them aside.

Matthew moved through the drawers, then the filing cabinets. He found more and more documents that were related to the man's mob and set them on the others. He gathered the papers and files before putting them in his bag. He heard a soft bang and knew it was time to leave. The blond grabbed the last few papers and started to move.

"Dad?" A girl's voice asked from behind him. Matthew stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. There was a little girl, no older then ten, standing in the hall way. "Who are you?" She asked quietly. He could see she had something in her hands.

"Just one of your dad's friends." He lied quietly turning to face her. He kept his hands where the girl could see them. He finally realized what she had in her hands. "I'm not going to hurt you." Matthew said trying not to make any sudden moves.

"You're not one of daddy's friends." She said raising the gun and pointing it at the Canadian's chest.

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