Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

AN: I keep forgetting what I said the season was. Imma say its autumn.

Matthew bounced nervously on the balls of his feet looking in the mirror. Normally he'd just throw on a hoodie and jeans, but he wanted to look good for Gilbert. He didn't like anything he put on. He sighed in frustration throwing on his usual clothes. He shrugged before wincing. The cut on his shoulder hadn't healed fully yet and was still sore.

The Canadian turned around to see Kumajirou watching him. The cub looked him up and down. "You look fine, you worry too much." He mumbled.

"Thanks Kimba." Matthew smiled giving the bear a scratch behind the ear. Kumajirou was practically purring from the attention before pushing his hand away.

"You better get going, Mike." The cub said. "You don't want to be late."

"Oh! Right." The blond said waving quickly as he left his room. Bryce wasn't home, he'd gone to talk with TJ about a new job and probably drink. Matthew had been out earlier in the day doing a job. They only had a few minutes to talk. The ginger had also reassured him seeing he was nervous.

The Canadian went out into the kitchen to grab his keys. He quickly put his shoes on and headed outside. The walk to the theatre wasn't too long. It was a little bit chilly out, but Matthew didn't mind. As he walked up to the theatre he could already see the Prussian. He stood out like a sore thumb.

As he got closer Gilbert spotted him and waved. "Hallo Birdie!" He called. The blond smiled and waved back. As soon as he was close enough the albino pulled him into a hug. Matthew tensed up at first not expecting it, but relaxed and hugged back.

"Hi Gil, how are you?" The Canadian asked as they pulled away.

"I'm awesome!" The albino said with a smile. "And cold."

"Well then we better go inside. You already look like a snow man." Matthew teased. Gilbert stuck his tongue out, but nodded. The pair walked inside and the Prussian sighed at the new warmth.

"That's better." He hummed rubbing his hands together. The Canadian smiled seeing Gilbert's ears and the tip of his nose were red. He wondered if albinos got colder quicker than normal. The Prussian caught him looking and smirked. "Like vhat jou see Birdie?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Matthew rolled his eyes, but knew he was blushing. "Let's get our tickets." He said ignoring the question. Gilbert nodded and they walked up to the ticket booth. The albino insisted on paying for his ticket and the Canadian reluctantly let him. He also insisted on paying for their popcorn, but Matthew wouldn't let him. The blond ended up buying Gilbert an overpriced bag of candy as thanks for the ticket.

When the couple went into the theatre there wasn't anyone there. They sat close to the back and made small talk through the previews. Only one small group of teenage girls came in. They sat up at the front and put their feet up on the rails.

Matthew was pretty focused on the movie when Gilbert yawned and stretched. He put an arm around the Canadian's shoulders. The blond looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. The Prussian just smiled innocently down at him. Matthew sighed happily and leaned into him.

-❄️"And so, the lion fell in love with the lamb."❄️-

AN: Just skipping cuz I haven't seen the movie. It isn't even out yet (April 22nd, 2018) while writing this. I don't think I've actually seen the original one either.

"That vas pretty awesome." Gilbert said as the pair came out of the theatre. Matthew nodded in agreement. "I love the songs!"

"They were amazing." He said with a smile. They walked together to the doors and stood just inside them. The Canadian could feel the cold through the glass.

"So Birdie, vant to go back to my place for a bit?" Gilbert asked putting his hands in his pockets. He looked like he was getting cold again.

Matthew furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not ready for sex yet Gilbert." He said bluntly immediately assuming the albino's intentions.

"Oh, ah no." Gilbert stuttered a blush spreading across his face. He scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, there's not a lot of time to talk during a movie. Just for some coffee or a drink."

The Canadian thought about it for a second. He trusted the Prussian, he hadn't done anything to suggest that he'd hurt him. He also knew he could take him down if he did try anything. "Okay, coffee would be nice." He hummed.

"Awesome!" The albino said happily. Matthew noticed he used that word a lot. Gilbert opened the door for the blond and Matthew smiled thanking him. "It's not to far away. Maybe ten minutes tops."

"I don't mind the walk." Matthew said. He could see his breath in the air. He was loving the cold.

"Do jou drive?" The Prussian asked raising an eyebrow.

"I can drive, but I don't have my license." The blond explained. "We live close enough to everything there's really no point."

"Fair enough." Gilbert shrugged. "I don't know vhat I vould do if I didn't drive. I really like it. Especially over in Germany on the autobahn."

"There's no speed limit there, eh?" Matthew asked. He had heard about the autobahn, but wasn't sure.

"Ja! For some stretches at least." The albino smiled. "My bruder doesn't enjoy my driving."

"No?" He asked.

"He won't let me drive him because I'm to 'easily annoyed and quick to retaliate.' I don't really know vhat he means. I'm an awesome driver." Gilbert said loudly. Matthew wasn't quite sure if he believed him or not, but he seemed confident. "I'm so good I should be a stunt driver."

"Yeah alright." Matthew said voice dripping with sarcasm and rolling his eyes.

"Did jou finish that book?" The albino asked and the Canadian nodded. "Did jou like it?"

"Yeah! It was good." He said with a smile. "I went and bought the sequel yesterday."

"The store sells the sequel?" Gilbert asked surprised. Matthew nodded. "I couldn't find it there, I'll have to look again."

"You can borrow mine when I'm done." The blond suggested. "I'll be done in a day or two."

"Okay!" He said happily. He turned and Matthew followed him up a set of stairs to his house. "It might be a little bit messy." The albino said getting his keys out from his pocket and unlocking the door. "Oh and vatch out for Gilbird."

"Gilbird?" Matthew asked curiously. Suddenly he spotted a bright yellow tiny ball of fluff flying at him. It stopped in front and chirped at him before flying back and landing in Gilbert's hair. "That's Gilbird?"

"Birdie, meet Gilbird. Gilbird, meet mein Birdie." The Prussian said with a smile. The little canary chirped and flew out of the albino's hair. Matthew offered a finger for the chick and it landed.

"Hello little guy." The Canadian hummed. Gilbird chirped at him again and the bird flew and settled in his hair. "Wait, you named your bird after yourself?"

"Of course! My friend Franny suggested it and I vent vith it." Gilbert said with a shrug leading him to the kitchen.

"And Birdie?" Matthew asked.

"Vell," The albino ran a hand through his hair. "Jou remind me a lot of a bird. Jour hair looks soft like feathers and the vay jou move is graceful. Just like a bird in flight. Even the vay jou talk is kinda like a bird's song."

AN: So, I posted a whole other fic today. It's called 'Dark Waters' and is the fourth fic in the Dare Devil time line. All 22 chaps are already up!

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