Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


Matthew sighed crawling out of his latest client's arms. He threw his clothes on and took the money off the table. He counted it making sure it was all there before leaving the room. He walked down to his owner's office pushing in without knocking.

"Ah Matthew." The man smile seeing him enter. The blond dropped the money on his desk. "You're one of my best, kid. I'm going to up your rate. It'll be a bit harder for you to pick up clients, but I'm not increasing your quota."

His current owner, Peter, was a pimp and bought him as an investment. Matthew had kept the appearance of a sixteen year old for close to a hundred years. He had a quota he needed to meet every night or get a nasty beating. The blond would take the slight pleasure over a beating any day.

The Canadian nodded and his owner dismissed him. He still needed to pick up one more client to meet his quota that night. Matthew looked around the club for his next target. Peter owned the club as well as the rooms above. The prostitutes under his thumb would meet or pick up clients from the club downstairs and do their services upstairs.

Matthew spotted a man he'd serviced a few times in the past and stalked over. The man looked him up and down with a smile. He reached his hands up and ran his hands along the man's shoulders before interlacing his fingers behind his neck.

"Same deal as usual, Doll?" The man asked hands feeling down his sides and coming to rest on his hips. Matthew smiled up at him eyes half closed and nodded. "Let's have some fun."

-❄️"It's a hard life, picking stones and pulling teats, but as sure as God got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails."❄️-

Over the next few months the Canadian was growing tired. He didn't really want anything to do with sex anymore. He wasn't making his quota most nights anymore either. Peter had stopped giving him food because he wasn't making the quota and he was starving. His owner had taken to knives instead of just beating leaving cuts all over his body. Even if he wanted to it was hard for him to get any clients in his state.

Matthew couldn't take the abuse anymore. He wasn't aging anymore and he needed to get out. Any chance he got he would ask his clients about where they were. For the first time he actually had an idea of his outside surroundings and of how to escape. He was going to put his plan into motion tonight.

The Canadian walked into his owner's office. It was his new office that was downstairs just beside the club. You could hear the music thumping loudly through the walls. The walls were lined with art and a few sculptures in the corners. There was a small window behind his owner's desk. The man looked up as he entered.

"You didn't meet your quota; you didn't even try." Peter said angrily rising from his chair. Matthew could already see the knife in his hand. He took a small step back as the man walked towards him. As soon as the man got close to him he kicked him as hard as he could in the crotch. Peter grunted and doubled over in pain. The blond pushed past him and pulled the window open. He didn't look back before climbing out into the back alley way.

Matthew looked around for a second quickly taking in his surroundings. He started to run hearing Peter yelling after him. The blond didn't stop, he kept running for what felt like hours. He kept running long after Peters angry screams were behind him. He only stopped when his legs were about to give out.

The Canadian looked around realizing he had ended up in another alley. He finally realized that he was out, he could do what ever he wanted. He had no idea what to do. Matthew didn't really think past his escape plan. He went over and slid down the wall next to a dumpster. He pulled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his knees.

Matthew shivered suddenly feeling the cold. It had started to snow and was now snowing pretty heavily. He only had a t-shirt and shorts on and rubbed his legs to keep warm. He gave up realizing it wasn't going to help. He felt tired and wanted to sleep, but any time he heard footsteps a bolt of fear shot through him. He couldn't relax.

The blond shrunk back as a man entered the alley. He stayed quiet and perfectly still hoping he wouldn't notice him. The man walked past him not even looking towards him. He shifted slightly knocking over a can. The man turned reaching for something in his coat. Matthew tried to make himself as small as possible eyes wide watching to see what the man would do. He seemed like he was going to start walking again, but hesitated.

The man started to walk towards him. The Canadian's eyes widened and he looked for an escape. "Hello." He greeted with a small smile. The man sat back on his heels. "My names Bryce Williams. What's yours?"

Matthew ducked his head and shifted slightly. "M-Matthew." He stuttered quietly. He didn't know why he was answering the man. He didn't seem like he was going to hurt him, but he was ready to run. He knew he wouldn't get to far already being exhausted.

"It's nice to meet you Matthew." Bryce said watching him closely. His voice was smooth and had a mellow Scottish accent. "Why are you out here? Where are your parents?"

The blond just shook his head. "I d-don't know." Did this man know his owner and who he was? He hoped not and was being cautious. Bryce didn't seem like the type who would hang around Peter.

"It's going to be freezing tonight. You shouldn't be out here kid." Bryce warned. "I have a spare room, you can stay with me if you'd like?" The Canadian looked hesitant. He was very suspicious of the man, but he'd had more than enough opportunities to grab and drag him back to Peter. "You don't have to give me anything in return, I just don't want to see you freeze."

"Anything?" The blond asked not believing it. Bryce nodded and stood up. He offered his hand to Matthew and the blond paused for a second before taking it. The man pulled him to his feet. He stumbled and almost fell, but Bryce caught him. "S-sorry." He apologized looking at the ground. His legs were still tired and the cold didn't help.

"It's okay." Bryce smiled setting him back on his feet. He unzipped his coat and handed it to Matthew. "Here."

The blond took the heavy coat and carefully wrapped it around his shoulders. Bryce was a pretty tall man and his coat reached almost to the Canadians knees. The man started to walk and motioned for him to follow. Matthew's wobbly legs barely carried him. He caught up to Bryce as the man was walking very slowly.

At the time he never thought that this kind man would end up being his best friend and father figure. He had no idea where he would be if he hadn't taken Bryce's help when he had the chance. He knew that he probably wouldn't be in a good place.

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