Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Vell," The albino ran a hand through his hair. "Jou remind me a lot of a bird. Jour hair looks soft like feathers and the vay jou move is graceful. Just like a bird in flight. Even the vay jou talk is kinda like a bird's song."

Matthew didn't really know how to respond. He wasn't used to someone talking to him so kindly. "Thank you." He said looking down at his feet.

"Kein problem, Vogel." Gilbert said tiding a few papers left on the table and sat them aside. He gestured for Matthew to sit and started to make coffee. "Black right?" The Prussian asked and the blond nodded.

While he kept making the coffee Matthew had a chance to look around. Gilbert's house was a lot more industrial style than the outside would suggest. Everything was so neat and tidy, the house looking like it was barely lived in or even a show home. He spotted what looked like old swords and maps hung on the walls.

"Here." The albino handed him the mug and sat across from him with his own. Matthew noticed that Gilbert was staring at his hair. "Awww, Gilbird fell asleep in jour hair."

"I forgot he was there." The blond admitted suddenly aware of his head movements. He didn't want to wake the sleeping chick.

"He's normally loud and flying all over vhen people visit. Gilbird has never landed on someone else's head before. He must really like jou." Gilbert said with a smile and sipped his coffee. "Dann sind wir schon zu zweit." He mumbled under his breath. Matthew didn't quite catch what he said, but knew it wasn't English.

"Was that German?" He asked curiously. "Or Prussian? Is Prussian a language?"

"Old Prussian vas a language, but its mostly extinct. I know it, but there's no point in using it since most people vouldn't understand." The albino explained. "But ja, that vas German. Do jou speak any other languages Birdie?"

"Kinda, I know French, Spanish and Mandarin, but it's been awhile since I've actually spoken them." Matthew sighed. "I've probably lost them by now."

"I know a bit of each, but my pronunciation is atrocious." Gilbert said a small smile creeping across his face. He seemed to be remembering something.

The blond studied his face. He noticed the way the albino's eyes lit up when he asked about Prussia. Matthew couldn't get over his eyes. They were bright and shown just like garnet. His eyes were a stark contrast against his pale skin and white hair. The Canadian also loved his confidence. It was something he wished he had.

"Vhat jou thinking about Birdie?" The Prussian asked meeting his eyes.

"You mostly." Matthew admitted looking down.

"That's an awesome thing to think about." Gilbert smirked as the Canadian looked back up. Matthew rolled his eyes slightly.

"You mentioned you had a brother? He's a politician too?" The blond asked.

"Ja! Ludwig or West is my little brother. He looks pretty scary, but he's just a big puppy. He represents Germany." The albino explained. "Vhat about jou? Do jou have any siblings?"

"I don't think so, but I don't know." Matthew said. Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed and he looked confused. It wasn't something he really wanted to get into. "I didn't know my actual family. Bryce took me in years ago, he's the only family I have."

"Bryce is the red head I've seen jou with?" The albino asked and the blond nodded. "I think I almost threw up on him once a few years ago."

Matthew snorted. "He must have not been to happy."

"He vould have been more annoyed if I did. Lucky Toni, Spain's rep, vas there." Gilbert laughed. "I ended up puking in his empty."

"I don't think I've ever gotten that drunk before." The Canadian said with a laugh. "Well not that I remember anyways."

It was the albino's turn to laugh. "Sometimes the times jou can't remember are the best." He said and Matthew nodded in agreement. "I bet jou're a sleepy drunk."

"I'm more of an existential drunk. Lots of random mind melting questions." The blond smiled. "You've got to be a sloppy drunk."

"Definitely, I'm very clumsy." Gilbert laughed. Matthew laughed as well. He could imagine it. "It takes me a bit to get that drunk."

The pair talked for quite awhile. They both lost track of time just enjoying each others company. They kept talking long after their cups were empty. The Canadian finally caught sight of the clock. It was after midnight, they'd been talking for hours.

"Oh! Gil, I better get going." He said gesturing to the clock.

"Wow, I didn't notice it got that late!" Gilbert grumbled sadly. The pair got up and took their mugs over to the sink. The albino thanked him as they went towards the door. Matthew hesitated, he didn't really want to leave. "Wait, uh Matthew?"

The blond paused. The pair was out on Gilbert's porch. The albino looked nervous and scratched the back of his neck. Matthew's heart fluttered as he stepped closer.

"Yes?" The Canadian asked looking down at the Prussian. He had used his name over his nickname.

"Can I kiss jou?" Gilbert asked looking up a blush spreading across his cheeks. The blond was surprised at the question. No one had asked before, they had just taken.

Matthew met his eyes and closed the distance between them. He wanted this, but was nervous. The albino's arms wrapped around his neck and the Canadian leaned down. All of Matthew's worries were gone as soon as their lips met. His arms snaked around the albino's waist and pulled him closer. He was sad when they had to break apart for breath. The Canadian's arms were still wrapped around Gilbert's waist and his hands were interlaced behind Matthew's neck.

"Wow." The albino laughed lightly. "Jou're good."

"Oh?" Matthew asked innocently. He knew his face was bright red.

"So Birdie," Gilbert started. They still were holding onto each other. "Do jou, ah, vant to go steady?"

"I've never done anything like this before, Gil." The Canadian admitted looking away. "I do want to, but I don't want to mess this up."

"Ve don't have to rush anything. There's all the time in the vorld." The albino smiled hopefully.

Matthew hummed thinking it over. He did want something with Gilbert. He didn't want to get hurt or hurt the albino, but he was willing to take the chance. He wasn't even thinking about how he didn't age.

"Okay." The Canadian agreed.

Gilbert's eyes lit up and he gave him a kiss on the cheek. "No one can resist the awesome Pr-Gilbert!" He laughed. Matthew smiled. They still hadn't taken their hands off each other.

"I really should get going though." The blond sighed. The albino frowned and his hands fell back to his sides. Matthew let go as well, but neither stepped away.

"Gilbird is still in jour hair." The Prussian said with a smile seeing the chick nestled into the blond's hair. "So cute!" He giggled. Gilbert lightly pet the canary's head. The chick chirped and hopped onto the albino's hand and into his hair.

"Bye-bye little guy." Matthew cooed at the bird. The chick chirped back at him and Gilbert laughed. "Bye Gil. I'll call you as soon as I can."

"I can valk jou home if jou'd like?" The Prussian suggested.

"No it's okay, Gil." The blond smiled starting down the steps. "It's the middle of the week, you've got work tomorrow. I can take care of myself."

"Alright Birdie." Gilbert said through a yawn. Matthew smiled and waved as he started the walk back home.

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