Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Bryce was sitting at the kitchen table sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper. It wasn't really morning anymore, it was after lunch. Matthew hadn't been up yet, he had a job late last night. Not the blond normally slept a lot anyways. Bryce knew that he had nightmares. The Canadian was up all hours of the night, he had seen him sitting outside in the middle of the night. The red head felt bad, he didn't know how to help Matthew. He thought about maybe getting a dog or cat to keep the blond company.

The ginger sighed closing the paper and sat it back on the table. He leaned back in his chair and took a long sip of coffee. He grumbled seeing that he had finished his cup and got up to get another. He walked past the glass back door and paused. There was a big ball of white fluff curled up by the door. He crouched down and tapped on the glass.

"Holy shit." He muttered as the animal looked up, it looked like a polar bear cub. "Hey, Mattie! Come look at this!"

Bryce wiggled his finger at the little guy playfully. The bear just seemed to give him an annoyed look. He heard footsteps and looked over his shoulder to see a sleepy Matthew. The green eyed man moved aside for the Canadian to see and his eyes widened.

"There's no way." Matthew mumbled opening the door eyes wide. The little cub waddled in and the Canadian picked him up. Bryce watched in disbelief as the cub seemed to snuggle into the crook of Matthew's neck. "You were real? You can't be the same one." He said shaking his head.

"You realize that's a bear cub?" Bryce asked standing up from where he was crouching and closing the door. The Canadian nodded still holding the cub in his arms.

"I can remember having one as a kid before everything. I thought it was a stuffed animal or a toy." Matthew said with a smile. The cub looked Bryce up and down almost suspiciously. "I can't remember what I called him."

"It's Kumajirou." The bear said. The gingers mouth fell open seeing the animal talk, but Matthew didn't seem phased.

"Oh yeah, Kuma." The blond smiled. "Where have you been all these years?"

"Wait, we're just going to gloss over the fact that he talks?" Bryce asked still completely baffled by the bear.

"Of course I can talk." Kumajirou said dismissively. The red head just shrugged throwing his hands up and Matthew laughed. "I've been up north. Where have you been? What was your name again?"

"It's Matthew." The blond said. Bryce had grabbed another coffee and sat down at the kitchen table. Matthew carried Kumajirou over and set him on the table before sitting as well. "Can we keep him?" The Canadian asked looking over to Bryce.

"What do we even feed him?" The ginger asked drinking more coffee. "Does he grow? I don't think we could have a fully grown bear around."

"I don't grow and I take care of myself." Kumajirou snapped. He seemed slightly offended. Matthew looked over to Bryce and raised an eyebrow.

"Fine, but you'll have to be careful not to be seen." Bryce sighed running a hand through his hair. Matthews eyes lit up and he smiled. Then the green eyed man looked Kumajirou in the eyes. "And you better not make any messes, little one."

"I won't." The cub said shyly toddling back over to Matthew. Bryce smiled seeing the cub move. He had to admit he was adorable and if he made Matthew happy he was happy to have Kumajirou in the house.

-❄️"Never trust anyone too much; remember, the devil was once an angel."❄️-


"No! Get off me!" Matthew growled pushing back against the man that was pinning him against the wall. He managed to knee him in the crotch and as he doubled over the Canadian got out from under him. He started to move, but his owner grabbed his ankle pulling him down. The blond tried to kick or twist out of his grasp, but his other foot was grabbed.

"Come on kid. Just do what you're told." The man said with a sigh keeping him on the ground. He wasn't trying hard to keep a grip on the struggling Canadian. The man was easily able to overpower the weak fifteen year old. "I'm not asking anything too hard of you. Just do as you're told!"

"Leave me alone!" Matthew yelled clawing at the floor still trying to get away. He was so weak and hungry, he couldn't remember the last time he had a meal. This man wasn't particularly bad to him, he only expected him to keep up the house. The blond refused to and was locked in the basement with no food or water. He had been let up saying he would do as he was told, but still didn't. He would fight back any chance he got hoping that he could escape. He'd tried a few times, but never made it very far.

"Let's try something new then." The man growled flipping him over. He undid his belt and Matthew fought harder eyes wide with fear. His owner grabbed his wrists and tied them together with the belt. He got up off the Canadian and started to pull him by his tied wrists back down to the basement, kicking and screaming.

The man locked the door behind him and carried Matthew down the stairs. He put him on the ground and tied one arm tightly to a post, but the other was left free. The blond couldn't reach his bindings no matter how hard he tried. His owner disappeared back up stairs again and returned a minute later with a small box.

"This is meant to be used as a medicine, but I've seen it used in other ways." He said taking a syringe out of the box along with a small vile. He started to fill the needle with the liquid. He pointed it upwards and pushed the plunger to get the air bubbles out. "And hopefully it will mellow you out and get you to do what I ask."

Matthew shrunk back as his owner approached him with the needle. He didn't know what it was or what it would do to him and he was scared. He tried to hide his free arm behind himself.

"Please don't, I'll behave." The blond begged trying to make himself look as small and innocent as possible.

"You've said that before. I've given you more than enough chances." The man said crouching down in front of him. He easily grabbed the Canadian's arm and pinned it between his legs. The blond tried to pull away, but he wasn't strong enough. "Besides, I want to see the effects of this stuff."

"Stop, please!" Matthew cried still trying to pull is arm away. "I'll do anything you want."

The man sighed shaking his head and found a vein in the blond's arm. Matthew struggled harder as the needle was brought closer to his arm. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get away. His owner easily found a vein and quickly injected the liquid into his arm. His owner let him go and stood up.

"This stuff will be your food now, it's all you'll need to function." The man said putting the needle back into the case and shutting it. He sat down cross-legged in front of him just staring and watching.

Matthew was overwhelmed with anxiety not knowing what was going to happen. He hugged his knees close to his chest with his free arm. His breathing was quick as his eyes darted around trying to find something to focus on. He couldn't find anything and put his head down with a shaky breath. Suddenly he felt calm, happy even. His breathing evened out and a small smile spread across his face. The Canadian didn't know why he felt happy, but he welcome it over the fear.

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