Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


Matthew yawned as his eyes darted around the room. No one was there and nothing was happening, but he was jumpy. He groaned leaning back into the couch and crossing his arms with a huff. He was starting to get annoyed.

The Canadian still only appeared about sixteen in human years. His ageing had slowed even more and he hated it. Matthew wanted to know that there would be an end. It had been a pretty hard couple of decades. He had lost some of his eyesight in the early 1910's and he'd been really sick throughout the thirties. He knew that there had been wars going on. He'd heard mumbles about it from different owners, but that couldn't have anything to do with him getting sick.

The only thing that had been there to comfort him was the drugs. They were the only thing that made him feel normal, happy even. He couldn't go long without a hit, he felt paranoid and antsy if he went too long without it. Matthew couldn't remember the last time he had actually eaten. He didn't have an appetite for food.

Of course, the drugs weren't free. He had to do something for them. Some things his owners wanted were simple like cooking or cleaning, but other ones required something more sexual. The Canadian didn't care what he had to do to get the drugs, it would be forgotten later anyways.

His current owner, Spade, always wanted sex from him. He had been teaching him new ways to pleasure men as well as act attractive. He didn't mind, he felt slightly empowered knowing that he could seduce someone. The blond didn't like the way he looked. He was so thin and covered in scars.

Matthew ground his teeth eyes finally settling on the clock. Spade said he'd be done work almost ten minutes ago. He was getting impatient. The blond got up off the couch and climbed up the stairs to Spade's office. He paused at the door listening to see if he was on the phone. He didn't hear anything and pushed in.

"Ah, Matthew." Spade smirked seeing him come in. He was sitting at his desk doing paperwork. The Canadian walked over and pushed the papers Spade was working on out of the way and sat on the desk. The man looked him up and down with a smile. "You lasted less than fifteen minutes."

"You know I can last longer." Matthew purred with a suggestive smile. He gently took the pen from Spade's hand and put it to his lips.

"Oh, I know you can." The man sighed leaning back in his chair just watching Matthew.

"You know what time it is don't you?" The Canadian asked lightly nibbling and sucking on the end of the pen.

"Of course I do darling. How could I forget?" Spade said crossing his arms. "You know, I'm not really in the mood." Matthew thought this was a test and immediately manoeuvred his foot between his owner's knees. He pushed them apart and dropped down between them. The blond palmed the man through his trousers looking up and making eye contact. Spade grabbed his hands to stop him. "Although you are enjoyable, I am serious this time."

"Are you sure?" Matthew hummed as his owner let go of his wrists. He rested his chin on Spade's thigh and looked up. He could feel more withdraw symptoms setting in, he felt nauseous and his stomach was starting to ache. He was going to need the drugs soon, but he didn't want to upset Spade further.

"Very." The man said pushing the blond off of him and standing up. He walked over and looked out the window. Matthew got up off the floor and sat in Spade's chair. He swirled around to watch the man. "As good as our arrangement is, those drugs are getting way to expensive. I'm done paying for them and you don't need them."

"W-what?" Matthew sputtered eyes wide. He already felt sick to his stomach, but this made him feel much worse. He was sweating, but felt cold. He was starting to panic. "I need them."

"No, you don't." Spade said firmly. He picked the blond up off the chair and carried him into one of the spare bedrooms. Matthew didn't struggle, he let his owner set him on the bed. "You're done. I'm not giving you anymore." He sighed sitting on a chair next to the bed. "The withdrawal will be hell, but that's your problem."

"You can't do this." The Canadian growled sitting up to face him, he was getting agitated. He saw Spade's expression change right before he felt a sharp pain across his cheek.

"You don't talk to me like that." His owner snapped getting up and starting for the door. Matthew lunged and tackled Spade to the floor knocking over the chair in the process.

"Give me them now!" The blond demanded slamming his fists against Spade's back. The man just growled rolling them over until he was on top of Matthew. He raised his hand and the Canadian closed his eyes bracing for a hit, but it never came. He opened his eyes to see Spade looking down on him with pity. "Please?" Matthew begged tears welling the corner of his eyes.

"No, Matthew." Spade sighed getting off him. "I'm sorry, but this is something that has to be done."

"Please." He whimpered sitting up. He was a little bit dizzy and swayed. "I need them, I'll do anything."

"No." The man said firmly opening the door. He paused for a second half way out of the room. "I'll bring you food later when the worst is over."

Spade closed the door leaving him alone in the room. He heard a click and knew the door had been locked and a chair had been hooked under the knob. Matthew didn't even try the handle, instead he crawled into the bed. He pulled the covers over his head trying to block out the world. He could hear every little noise in the house and it was overwhelming.

The Canadian was shivering despite being drenched in sweat. Everything ached and he couldn't get comfortable no matter how many times he tossed and turned. It felt like his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. Matthew was constantly mumbling his need and craving for the drugs. No one was there to hear or comfort him.

Just as he thought the pain was starting to go away it felt like someone stabbed him in the stomach. He whimpered curling in on himself knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it. He felt like he couldn't breathe and gasped for every breath. He cried out in pain tossing and turning.

Time didn't exist for him anymore. He didn't know how long it had been. It felt like decades of nothing but suffering. He knew deep down that it had probably been a week. He couldn't tell for sure, there were no clocks or windows in the room.

What felt like another century later, the pain had started to subside. He was able to calm down enough to sleep for a few hours, but when he woke his mind was still cloudy. He knew that Spade had came in and gave him something to eat. He couldn't remember what it was and if he actually kept any of it down.

Suddenly his owner was there again brushing lose strands of hair out of his face. His hand moved lower and rubbed soothing circles into his back. "It's over." Spade hummed. "Rest up, I expect you to be up and ready in the next few days."

Matthew nodded slowly not opening his eyes. He heard the door shut and lock again. The blond sighed and covered his head with the blankets again blocking out the world. He was finally able to fall asleep peacefully.

AN: Matthew's memory is so bad because of the drugs. He has lost most of his earlier memories and remembers next to nothing about 'Kanata' and what being a colony was.

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