Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

AN: So my tumblr blogs got randomly terminated. There weren't any warnings or anything. Emailed support, but haven't heard anything yet. Have to see what goes on for now, I guess. Not very happy.

Canada sighed rolling out of bed. He had slept in because he had gotten home late last night. Gilbert had already left for work, he only had a few meetings that day. Matthew was bouncing with nerves. He was planning on telling him about being a mercenary. He didn't want to keep lying to Prussia anymore.

The blond went into the kitchen and found his book. He looked outside and frowned noticing it was raining. He sighed walking into the living room and settled down on the couch. Canada started to read, but couldn't focus on it. He was too jittery. He closed the book and set it on the coffee table.

Matthew got up and went back into the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge opening it with his teeth. He hoped that the alcohol might calm his nerves. He pushed up and sat on the counter. He still had a few hours until Gilbert would be getting home. The Canadian didn't have anything to do that day, he didn't have anything that would keep his mind occupied.

"Morning." Kumajirou greeted. He noticed the beer. "You're drinking this early?"

"It's after lunch." Matthew shrugged leaning back and taking another sip. "And it's definitely five o'clock somewhere."

"What ever justifies it." The polar bear said waddling away. Canada grumbled and rolled his eyes watching him go. "You really should get a hobby to keep you busy."

Matthew rolled his eyes leaving his drink on the counter and going back to their room. He started to gather their dirty clothes, Gilbert always kept them perfectly folded on the dresser. There wasn't much, but enough to do a load. Enough to occupy his time for a while.

Prussia was more of a clean freak, but Matthew did most of the cleaning. He was home more and really didn't mind doing it. He was raised to keep up a house and those instincts still existed. Doing the laundry and the dishes killed a few hours, but he still had a bit of time before Gilbert got home.

The blond looked outside again, it was still pouring. He sighed shaking his head wanting to sit outside. Hair fell into his eyes and reminded him the he needed to cut it. It had been over a year since the last time he had cut it.

It had only grown about an inch or two, but it was time. He went to the bathroom and dug through the vanity to find a razor. He always used the razor because it made layers instead of just chopping it with scissors. It didn't take him long to cut it, but getting it even was another story.

"Good enough." He mumbled to himself cleaning up the hair. The Canadian washed his hands and the razor before going back to the kitchen. He jumped hearing the door open nerves bubbling up again.

"Hallo Birdie!" Gilbert called stepping inside and putting down his umbrella. "The rain is so unawesome." He muttered hanging up his coat and taking off his shoes.

"Hi Gil." Canada greeted quietly coming around the corner. The albino raised an eyebrow knowing something was up. He gave Prussia a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. He noticed a hickey on Gilbert's neck from earlier and blushed. "How was your day?"

"Slow." The Prussian replied returning a kiss on the cheek and smiled seeing his blush. "Jou cut jour hair." He pointed out.

Canada nodded. "It was getting too long." He sighed.

"Jou look amazing." Prussia purred wrapping his arms around the Canadians waist pulling him down for a kiss. Matthew's nerves were calmed slightly under the albino's gentle touch.

"Thanks." Canada said hands intertwined behind Gilbert's neck. He bit his lip and looked down heart racing.

"Liebling?" The Prussian asked trying to get the blond to meet his eyes, but he wouldn't. He could tell that Matthew was nervous. Gilbert didn't know why which made him very cautious. He carefully cupped Canada's face with his hands and tilted his head upwards looking him in the eyes. "Vhat's up?"

"Can we talk?" Matthew asked finally meeting his eyes. Gilbert's eyebrows furrowed. "It's nothing too bad."

"I don't know if I believe that." The Prussian muttered stepping away from Canada.

"It's really not." The Canadian said shaking his head. His and Gilbert's words making him think back to years ago. He hoped that the albino would take it as well as he did. Matthew took his hands and pulled him over to the couch.

"It's got to be bad." Gilbert shook his head as Canada pulled him down to sit. "Jou're not breaking up vith me are jou?"

"No!" The Canadian quickly shook his head. He fidgeted looking down at his hands. "I'm scared you'll leave me after what I tell you." He said quietly. Matthew took a breath knowing that there was no turning back. "I'm not exactly a private detective." He started slowly. "I'm more of a mercenary." It felt like a weight was off his shoulders; he didn't need to lie anymore.

"A mercenary? Like Deadpool?" Prussia asked raising an eyebrow. He didn't seem to believe him.

"I don't know what a deadpool is." The blond said confused.

"He gets payed to run around and kill people." Gilbert explained. His eyebrows furrowed. "Jou do that?"

Matthew scratched the back of his neck. "Not always." He said. "There's a bunch of different things, it isn't always killing." He explained gauging the albino's reaction. He didn't seem angry. "It's very rarely killing."

"But jou have killed people?" Prussia asked slowly and Canada nodded looking down again. "Bryce vas a mercenary as vell?"

"He was, yes." The blond said. "When he took me in, he told me the same thing. That he was a private investigator." Canada started. "I tried to get a normal job, but I had no education or qualifications. I could barely get a sentence out and talk to anyone. There was no way I could get a regular job." He paused shaking his head. "Bryce offered to take me on as an apprentice. I thought about it for awhile, but decided to do it."

"Vhy?" Gilbert asked. "Vhy did jou decide to do that?"

"I don't know." Matthew shrugged. "I wanted to be helpful?" He offered. "I think it was also because I wanted to be able to defend myself and get better around people. I was scared of everything and everyone, I wanted to feel normal for once." He sighed. The blond looked back up meeting the albino's eyes. "I'm sorry for lying to you Gil." He said softly.

"I alvays suspected something vas up vhen jou vouldn't talk about a particular case in depth." Prussia said shaking his head. He took Matthew's hands in his squeezing reassuringly. "Jou don't have to be a mercenary anymore. I make more than enough to support us both."

"I like my job." The Canadian shrugged. "It keeps me occupied and sane. Being a mercenary isn't something you can just quit and walk away from anyways."

"I don't want to see jou get hurt or caught, Birdie." Gilbert said concerned giving his hand another squeeze.

"Most of the jobs I take, the people are already doing something illegal. They don't report." Canada explained. "You're not angry with me?"

"I'm not mad." Prussia said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He knew that everyone had secrets and his Birdie was no different. "I vish jou vould have told me earlier, but I understand. It's jour decision to stay as a mercenary, but please be careful."

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