Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Let's get going." Bryce said as he finished loading the pistol and handed it over to Matthew. The blond took it and hid it under his jacket. He also had a flashlight and knife hidden as well.

It was almost eight thirty and the store closed at nine. The red head also handed him a tiny discreet ear piece and he put it in. They tested to make sure it was working before leaving the house. The drive was less then fifteen minutes and they sat to scope out the store. There was no one inside and the young cashier looked bored sweeping the floor. "Well, break a leg."

Matthew rolled his eyes with a smile and hopped out of the truck. Bryce opened his laptop with a laugh and started to work on getting into the power systems. The blond walked up to the store with his hands in his pockets, it was fairly cold out for March. He pushed the door open and the cashier looked up.

"Hey man, what you looking for?" He asked.

"Candy." The Canadian replied.

The teen smile and pointed over his shoulder. "Isle twelve." He said going back to sweeping. Matthew went to the isle and started to browse the candy.

"Don't bother knocking the kid out, just go for the back when I cut the power." Bryce said through the ear piece. Matthew jumped slightly at the sudden sound. "He's no threat."

"Okay." The blond mumbled quietly not wanting to draw attention.

"Just give me another minute." The red head mumbled. Matthew picked up two random packages of candy and pretended to be picking which one he wanted. "Okay, three, two and one."

As soon as Bryce finished the countdown the store went dark. There was just barely enough light coming from the windows for him to see. The Canadian easily found the back door, it was exactly where the blueprints said it would be.

"The keypad's disabled. Just open the door." Bryce said. Matthew paused for a second listening to make sure there was no one inside. He didn't hear anything and slowly pushed the door open peaking in. It was pitch black inside and the blond pulled out his flashlight. He pushed the door wide open and stepped in closing the door behind him. "Cashiers outside looking around. Ohh he shrugged and left. Kids these days."

Matthew looked around and shook his head. They had left everything out in the open on shelves. He started to shove the packages into his bag. There were notebooks with details of the operation there too and he also put those in his bag, they could be useful. The Canadian looked around to make sure he wasn't missing anything before leaving. He closed the back door behind himself and went to the front door. He locked and closed that one as well. It would look like no one was even there to the regular employees. The blond walked back over to the truck and climbed in.

"Got it all?" Bryce asked shutting his laptop.

"Yeah, everything that was there." Matthew said opening his backpack to show the ginger. "Picked up a few note books with all their sales in them."

"We'll give them to TJ to give to the neighbourhood association. They'd probably want to know if their kids are using." Bryce said starting the truck. The blond nodded as they drove off.

-❄️"Non, je ne regrette rein."❄️ -


"You're a very quick learner, Matthew." His latest owner, Walter, complemented. The Canadian gave a small smile. This old man had been so kind to him. He hadn't laid a hand on him and allowed him to eat properly. Matthew looked like a healthy fourteen year old. Walter had taught him how to read and write in English as well as speak French and Mandarin. When Walter taught a language, that's all he would talk in. "Two languages in six months is fantastic."

"Thank you for teaching me." He said politely with his head down.

"We'll start Spanish tomorrow." Walter said standing up from the table. "Can you get dinner on?"

"Of course, is there anything you'd like?" Matthew asked rising from the table as well.

"Surprise me." Walter said walking off to his study leaving Matthew to cook. The Canadian didn't mind cooking, he liked doing it and trying new things. He was able to let his mind wander to better places.

The blond liked Walter, but he was his owner and he was property. Matthew knew that he still couldn't do what he wanted, he was still expected to keep up the house by cooking and cleaning. He always did what he was told not wanting to see the consequences. Walter didn't seem like someone who would hurt him, but the old man did buy a life. There were people in and out of the house all the time and none of them gave the Canadian a second glance.

Matthew had been with Walter for close to a year now. He didn't want to get used to such kindness knowing he could be resold at anytime. The owner he had before the old man wasn't particularly bad, but Matthew had been sick for the few years he was with him. It had been the worst around the early 1810's.

"Is dinner ready?" Walter asked making Matthew jump.

"N-nearly." He stuttered taking a breath. The blond finished cooking and plated the food. He set Walter's down in front of him before sitting himself. He was his first owner that would allow him to sit and eat at the table with him.

"This is good, Matthew. Thank you." Walter said with a smile while he ate. The Canadian just nodded and ate slowly. They talked a little bit over dinner. The old man would tell him a bit of news here and there. There had apparently been a war a few years earlier that he had missed. He knew that he had missed a lot being almost completely isolated from the outside world.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do tonight?" Matthew asked when he finished eating.

Walter shook his head. "Just the dishes and maybe do some reading." He shrugged. "I'll be working later tonight, don't stay up to late. Tomorrow is laundry day."

Matthew nodded taking his plate as well as Walter's. The old man got up and went back to his study. The blond washed up all the dishes before settling to do a bit of reading. He ended up falling asleep half way through a sentence.

The next few months flew by. The Canadian liked learning Spanish, it was such a happy and bouncy language. He still wasn't completely fluent, but he was getting pretty close. Today was just a normal day, he had finished his chores and was settled by the window just staring out absentmindedly. A pair of men had come earlier in the day to speak with Walter and another two were expected soon.

Matthew hadn't realized that he had fallen asleep until someone shook him awake. He recognized the man as Walter's younger brother Phillip. He'd talked with him only once or twice, but immediately knew something was wrong.

"Are you awake child?" The man asked and Matthew nodded slowly. "Good, Walter is sick. They're going to take him to the doctor. You'll be in my care for now."

The Canadian just nodded again, he had no say in this. "Will he be alright?" He asked quietly.

The man shrugged and turned away. "I don't know. Time will tell."

The next few days were quiet, he was left completely alone locked in the house. Any other time he would enjoy the silence, but not now. Walter hadn't been back and Phillip wouldn't tell him anything.

Matthew sighed curling up in bed for the night. He had just fallen asleep when he was suddenly woken up. He panicked for a second sitting straight up not realizing what was going on until Phillip's face came into focus.

"Sorry Matthew." Phillip apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you. Walter didn't make it, he wasn't strong enough to fight off the infection."

"Oh." The blond said sadly with his eyes downcast.

"That means I own you now." Phillip smiled. Matthews eyes widened at the sudden shift in the man's tone. He pushed the blond back down into the bed and climbed on top of him. He grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head. The Canadian didn't bother struggling, he knew that he wasn't strong enough to get away. "I believe we should get acquainted fully." Phillip said licking his lips. Matthew shivered closing his eyes and imagining he was anywhere else.

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