Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

"So, uh." The albino started taking Matthew's hand and squeezing. He gave him a small smile. "We've got something else to tell jou."

"You're engaged?""You're pregnant?" Francis and Alfred yelled over each other. Everyone looked at the American confused.

"Never mind." America said biting his lip and looking up.

"Not engaged, not yet anyways!" Prussia said with a bright smile. He saw Canada smile as well.

"So what is it then?" France asked raising an eyebrow.

"America, France," Gilbert started biting his lip. The other two nations expressions changed at their nation names. "Guys, Matthew is Canada."

"Matthew is Canada?" Alfred asked slowly not quite understanding. He looked the blond over realizing what Prussia had said. "Wait, you're Canada? As in the Canada?"

France got up and ran around the table pulling him into a hug. Matthew hugged back tightly. "Matthieu, I'm so sorry!" The Frenchman cried into his shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault, Papa." Matthew said quietly. He felt tears coming as well. "I shouldn't have wandered away."

"You were just a child." France said pulling back tears in his eyes. "You didn't know better, I shouldn't have taken my eyes off you."

"Either way, it doesn't matter now." Canada sighed hugging him again. Francis nodded after they pulled back. Alfred was at his side and pulled him into a bear hug spinning him around excitedly.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you bro!" The American said. Canada laughed as Alfred set him back down.

"Long over due, eh?" Matthew said with a smile. Alfred nodded with an arm around his shoulders.

"How long have you known?" The American asked Prussia.

"A bit over six months." The albino said biting his lip.

"Six months!" America and France yelled in unison.

"And you didn't say anything!" Francis said crossing his arms giving the Prussian an annoyed glare.

"I asked him not too. I wasn't in a good place mentally to be meeting new people." Matthew said speaking up. "I was still coming to terms with actually being a nation. I didn't know what I was or why I didn't really age until Gil figured it out."

"You just figured it out?" Alfred asked sounding impressed.

"Kinda, he mentioned not aging one night as he fell asleep." Gilbert explained as they sat back down. Canada leaned into his side with a sigh. "I brought it up the next morning and asked a few questions. His answers all fit!"

"Thank you for finding him Gil." France said with a gentle smile.

"I didn't find him." Prussia shook his head. "I just figured out that Birdie vas a nation."

"Where have you been this whole time bro?" Alfred asked raising an eyebrow.

Matthew's eyes saddened. "It's not something I'm ready to talk about yet." He said quietly. Gilbert put and arm around his waist a pulled him closer. Francis and Alfred looked concerned. "Some other time maybe."

"Alright dude." America mumbled. He quickly changed the topic. "So you'll be coming to the meetings now?"

"Probably not." Canada shook his head. He didn't like the thought of being around so many people. "I don't have a passport or any id."

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