Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"Excited Birdie?" Prussia asked kissing his cheek as he cooked. He wrapped his arms around the blond's waist resting his head on his shoulder. They had gotten up after a quick nap to shower. Gilbert had borrowed one of Canada's giant sweaters. He had his own clothes, but liked wearing the Canadian's. They smelled like him, maple and cedar.

"Yeah." Matthew sighed leaning into the albino's touch. "Nervous too."

"Don't be. They'll love jou, they're jour family." Prussia hummed swaying them back and fourth slowly. "France never stopped looking for jou, every chance he got he'd be following possible leads, America too. A lot of the other nations just forgot about Canada, but they never did." He paused and laughed. "I should be the nervous one."

"Why?" Canada asked confused.

"Vell, I've know for vhat, over six months? They might not be to happy vith me, then they realized I'm dating jou." Gilbert said a small smile on his face. "I'll probably get some serious shovel talk."

"You made it through Bryce's and his involved an actual gun." The blond pointed out. Prussia nodded noticing a few red splotches he'd left on Matthews neck, of course Canada had left a fair amount on him as well. "I think you'll be fine."

"I hope so!" The albino joked. He looked down to see Kumajirou tugging on his pant leg. He let go of Matthew and picked up the cub setting him on the counter. "Jou should probably hide for the first little bit."

"I intend too." Kumajirou mumbled with a yawn. Canada reached over and scratched him behind the ear. The cub almost purred leaning into his best friend's touch. "Imma have a nap."

"Good night." The Canadian hummed as Kumajirou hopped off the counter. "What time is it?"

"A little after five." Prussia said. "They'll be here soon." Matthew took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Gilbert pulled him into a tight hug. "Don't worry Birdie." He murmured giving him a kiss behind the ear.

"Thanks Gil." Canada hummed grateful for the support. The pair lingered around the kitchen. Gilbert had grabbed one of the blond's books and read out loud while they waited. A knock sounded at the door making Matthew's heart flutter with nerves.

Prussia took his hand and pulled him to the door. He paused for a second giving him a bright smile before throwing open the door. "Hallo Franny! Hi Alfred!" He greeted excitedly pulling them into a hug. Canada stood a little bit awkwardly by the door.

"Bonjour Gilbert." Francis said with a smile while Alfred nodded in acknowledgement. The man's voice brought back a lot of old memories he thought he had forgot. His face made him remember more.

"Guys, this is Matthew." The Prussian said putting an arm around his waist pulling him closer. "Birdie, these are mein friends Francis and Alfred."

"So you're the Matthew we've heard so much about." Alfred said taking and shaking his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you dude."

"All good I hope." Canada said with a soft smile.

"He never stops talking about you, mon ami. Not a single bad thing." Francis said reassuringly. He turned to Prussia. "Tu sûrs de savoir comment les choisir, Gilbert. Il est mignon!"

The albino and American looked confused while Matthew smiled. "Merci."

"Oh!" The oldest blond gasped happily. Gilbert looked proud. "Tu parle français?"

"Oui," Canada said. He wasn't sure if what he was saying was right. "Mais pas très bien."

"Tu parles bien chéri." The Frenchman replied with a bright smile.

"Dudes, my bros, English please." Alfred complained lightly rubbing his temples.

"Sorry Alfred." Francis said with a teasing smirk.

"Oh, come in!" Canada said with a shy smile. "Supper is almost done."

The couple stepped back to let the pair in. As soon as the blonds stepped in Gilbird flew around the corner and chirped angrily at them. He flew around their heads and pecked at their ears before landing on Matthew's head. Prussia laughed looking between the three, they did look quite a bit alike. There was no way he'd ever mix them up, they acted completely different, besides Birdie was more beautiful.

"Oh that smells good dude." America commented licking his lips. France nodded in agreement. They sat at the kitchen table; Matthew and Gilbert on one side while Alfred and Francis on the other. "So Gil told us that you're a private investigator? That's so cool!"

"Yeah it's okay. Mostly just watching people." Canada said with a shrug. "Not as exciting as most people think."

"So what made you change your mind?" France asked and Matthew raised an eyebrow. "At the bar, you ignored him completely!"

"Oh!" The blond said realizing what he was talking about. "I didn't know he was calling me. I didn't know I was Birdie."

"So how did you end up together anyways?" America asked.

"I saw him again at the bookstore and asked him out for coffee." Prussia said. A small blush spread across both of their faces. "I thought for sure he was going to say no."

"I was going to." Matthew admitted. "But there was a pull. Something I couldn't just say no to."

"Well I'm glad jou said yes!" Gilbert laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Jou took a while to call as well."

"I got busy and I needed to build up the confidence to actually call." Canada sighed scratching the back of his head. "I was really nervous."

"Aww that's adorable." France purred looking between the two. The quiet Canadian had influenced the normally loud albino for the better. He seemed to be more content and settled compared to last year. It seemed like Gilbert had had a positive influence on Matthew as well. Francis had to admit that he never expected Prussia to settle down.

A ding sounded letting the Canadian know his cooking was done. He got up to check it while Prussia set the table. He carried the food over and set it in front of the pair. Alfred looked like he was practically drooling. France gave him a light smack while Matthew laughed quietly.

"That looks so good." America hummed with a smile. He watched as the violet eyed blond served the food. Canada gestured for them to eat and Alfred almost died, if he could. "Oh my god, this is amazing Dude!" He said excitedly. He turned to Gilbert. "Bro you get this everyday? You're so lucky!"

"Oh, I know I am." Prussia said winking at Canada who rolled his eyes with a smile. He really loved this man and couldn't imagine life without him.

"Did you go to school for cooking?" France asked and Canada shook his head. "Who taught you to cook?"

"A few different people, no one in particular." Matthew shrugged. He wanted to say that one of them was him. "I started when I was really little and just kept with it."

"Well, if the private investigator thing ever goes south, you've definitely got the cooking going for you." America complimented.

"Thank you." The Canadian said with a smile. They ate fairly quietly after that. There didn't need to be conversation when there was good food. When they were done, Prussia cleared their dishes while Canada started a pot of coffee. They sat around the kitchen table with their coffee and talked for a while.

"So, uh." The albino started taking Matthew's hand and squeezing. He gave him a small smile. "We've got something else to tell jou."

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