Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

"I vish jou vould have told me earlier, but I understand. It's jour decision to stay as a mercenary, but please be careful." Prussia said. Matthew crawled closer and sat in his lap. The albino wrapped his arms around his stomach and pulled his back to his chest. He placed gentle kisses on his jaw and the back of his neck.

"I will be, Gil." He promised. He felt like a weight was off his chest. He put his hands on top of Gilbert's that were around his middle. "Maybe sometime in the future I'll stop, but not yet." He leaned back into the Prussians chest.

"How long ago did jou meet Bryce?" The albino asked realizing how little he knew about Canada's past. He knew bits and pieces, but not near enough to make up over two hundred years of being missing.

"Five, sixish years ago?" Matthew said. "It's been a little while."

"Only five years?" Prussia asked stunned. He expected it to be over twenty. "Vhere vere jou before Bryce?"

"It's a very long, not very nice story Gil." Canada said sadly shaking his head. "I don't think you want to hear it."

"I do Liebling, I vant to know vhat jou've been through and how I can help." The albino said kissing him behind the ear. "Start from the beginning."

"I don't remember a lot of earlier stuff. I know I was around before France came over, but I have no memory of it. I do remember a small bit of living with him, but I didn't remember his face or name." Matthew sighed. "I remember going to the market with him and Kuma, I looked probably about five, I got distracted and wandered off. A man grabbed me."

"No one did anything?" Gilbert asked holding him close.

"No, I tried to get away, but he scolded me like I was his kid. People probably thought I was." Canada said shaking his head. "I remember being locked in a basement for a bit, but I was quickly sold to my first owner. My first owner wasn't that bad, he was pretty patient. He taught me how to properly cook and clean. He left me on my own mostly."

"Did jou try to get away?" Prussia asked. Matthew shook his head. "Vhy?"

"I don't know, it never even crossed my mind back then. I was too little to really know what was going on." He sighed shaking his head. "My owner figured out pretty quickly that I aged very slowly. He kept me for a while, but was sold after a few years. I don't remember anything until my fifth owner." Matthew bit his lip. "He was very violent. I was just expected to cook and clean, but I was clumsy. I accidentally dropped a plate or something and he found out. He'd beat me."

The albino squeezed his hands reassuringly resting his chin on Canada's shoulder. The blond leaned into his touch grateful for the support.

"He was the one to figure out no matter how much damage he did I wouldn't die. I learned quickly not to fight back." Matthew said quietly. He took a deep breath knowing what he was going to say next was the hardest. "He was also the first person to rape me."

Gilbert's breath caught in his throat. "Birdie." He breathed hugging him tightly.

"I didn't know what he was doing at first. I was so scared, it hurt so much." Canada said tears welling at the corners of his eyes threatening to spill over. "I tried to get away, but I wasn't strong enough. It quickly became a normal thing. I stopped struggling and trying to get away, there was no point."

"I'm so sorry Liebling." Prussia said shakily. The blond could feel wetness in the crook of his neck as Gilbert burrowed his face in it. "I wish I could have been there. I could have stopped him."

Matthew shook his head. "There's nothing you could have done." He said reaching back and cupping the albino's face gently his own tears spilling over. Prussia put his hand over the Canadian's leaning into his touch. "I wasn't with him for very long. I started to look to old for his liking."

"How old vas that?" Gilbert asked.

"About twelve." Canada answered. The albino felt sick to his stomach. "After him, I was sold quite a few times. I don't remember them or what they did to me. The next owner I remember was an old man. He taught me how to read and write in English as well as speak French, Mandarin and Spanish. He was kind, he let me eat properly and read. There were people in and out all the time, he was pretty busy. He got sick and I was left to his brother or son, I don't remember."

"The people that vere in and out, they didn't do anything?" Prussia asked.

"They didn't notice me. I'd always been invisible to everyone accept my owners." Matthew shook his head. "I don't remember anything for quite a while. The next owner I can remember wasn't that bad. He wanted asked me to cook and clean. I was bad, I didn't listen to him and tried to escape. I always fought back, I should have never fought back."

"Did jou get away?" Gilbert asked hopefully. "Even for a bit?"

"No, I don't think I even made it out the door. I was weak and hadn't been fed in months. Probably since he bought me. Every time I didn't listen or tried to escape he'd grab me and lock me in the basement." Canada said. The albino's grip tightened on him again. "He got tired of me fighting back. He tied my hands with a belt and dragged me downstairs. He tied me to a post and left." His fingers absentmindedly traced over the needle scars. "He came back with a syringe. I didn't really know what it was at the time, but I was scared. He grabbed my arm and injected me."

"Just to calm jou down?" Prussia asked.

"No, he wanted me to do what I was told. He got me addicted. I'd have to do what he asked to get more. I'd do anything for more. The drugs made me feel normal, happy even." Canada sighed shakily. "I was very sick during the thirties, they were the only thing there to comfort me. The drugs caused me to loose a lot of my bad memories too. I was hopped up on heroin for almost fifty years and had no intentions of coming off it."

"Vhy did jou?" Gilbert asked resting his chin on Matthew's shoulder.

"Spade, I don't know if his real name was Spade, I think he actually cared for me. He always had me doing something sexual for the drugs. I'd do it, I needed them. One day, he just told me that he wasn't going to give me them anymore. He picked me up and carried me to a spare bedroom." Matthew shook his head tears spilling over again. "He set me on the bed, but I tackled him. He easily got me off him. Spade was going to hit me, but didn't. He pushed me off and left me locked in that room."

Gilbert hugged him tight and planted a kiss on his cheek. Canada was grateful to have the albino comforting him.

"The withdrawal was absolute hell. I was freezing, but covered in sweat. Everything hurt and I couldn't get comfortable. My heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest and I could barely breathe. The withdrawal was the worst thing I'd ever felt." Canada shook his head. "It lasted for close to two weeks. I was probably damn lucky it didn't last longer."

AN: It's been six days and still haven't heard anything from Tumblr. Anyone else having this problem?

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