S. Korea x America - Butterfly (Angst) PART 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of the oneshot requested by Kirimilliganhadlen! I hope you like part 2!

There is a little England x Japan, even though I don't ship it myself, because it fits with the story.


Alfred gritted his teeth as he ran along the hallways, barely registering the movement all around him. People fighting, people running. He had barely gotten the location of Im Yong's cell out of some twenty-year old guard. New into the ranks, Alfred could tell. It was too bad that he would probably die.

Alfred dully noticed the blood on the walls. He wondered whose it was, but he got his answer as he turned a corner and found someone slumped against the wall, trying to staunch the bleeding in their chest. Alfred found that it was better to pretend he didn't hear their cries, their pleas for help.

It was only his hatred of the Northerners, the leader of that terrible army, that kept him from helping the soldiers. He'd seen war, of course. But it never got easier to ignore the dying.

'Fifth level. Cell block C. Fifth level. Cell block C. Fifth level...' Alfred thought, again and again, as if the second he stopped he would forget.

Skidding past signs, people, hallways, Alfred didn't stop running until he found cell block C. He looked past cells full to the brim of people, cells with only one person in them, and a few empty cells as well. The empty cells were the easiest to pass, because then Alfred didn't have to ignore the prisoners' cries.

He made a silent vow to himself that one day, all of these people would be safe, rescued, reunited with their families. But for now it was all he could do to keep moving.

At the end of the hallway, Alfred began to lose hope. Where was Im Yong? He had to be in cell block C. Alfred's heart began to constrict and he began to move more frantically, terrified that he would miss Im Yong in the crowd of prisoners.

"Alfred?" a small, broken voice called on Alfred's third pass down the hall. Alfred whipped around, sure he had imagined the quiet noise.

"Im Yong?" Alfred asked hopefully.

"In here."

Alfred rushed over to the cell to find Im Yong staring at him. Alfred almost winced. His clothes were stained with dried blood. His skin was pale, lips dry and cracked. His arm stretched on the floor, hand upturned like was waiting for a present. But his eyes were the worst of all. Still chocolate brown, but no longer full of life or happiness. Empty, vacant, listless. So different from what Alfred knew that he wanted to cry.

"How do I get you out of here?" Alfred asked desperately, gripping the cell bars.

Im Yong nodded to the wall he was leaning against. "The keys are outside every cell."

Alfred, once he'd unlocked the door, found himself hugging Im Yong to himself, making sure he was real.

"You're not a hallucination, are you?" Im Yong asked, tears touching his cheeks.

"N- no." Alfred said in between sobs.

Im Yong took Alfred's face in his hands and brought them together. It was bliss, cool and beautiful. Alfred's eyes slipped closed, not daring to break the kiss and find it was all a dream. The gentle pressure of Im Yong's lips was enough to make Alfred's stomach explode into butterflies.


Alfred pulled away ever-so-slightly, their foreheads still touching, just enough to take out the origami butterfly. A slight smile graced Im Yong's features. "You kept it?"

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