Netherlands x Germany - Lonely Nights

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A/N: This oneshot was requested by JammedKnife! Thanks for the request, I hope you like the oneshot.

(whispers quietly) it literally pains me to post this, this is the worst thing i've written in a long time and i am so sorry you had to read this 

The Netherlands was a formidable country. Hard-working, strong, and trustworthy. And it had taken him a lot of work to get to that point. So how was it that something so spur-of-the-moment could make him feel like, well... nothing?

"Where do you go, huh? I don't ever ask you what you do when you come home late! I tell you, every day, that dinner will be ready by seven, I wait until eight, get worried at nine, and then you come home at ten!" Belgium yelled, face red in anger.

"Because I work! To keep you safe and happy!" Netherlands retorted.

"Yeah, right! And it's totally not because you care more about counting money than your own sister!" Belgium screeched.

Netherlands reeled. Was that what she really thought? That he cared more about his money than he cared about her? Was that... true?

"And what's more, you don't care! Why? Why is it always me who has to do everything around the house? Why..." Belgium continued, but Netherlands couldn't really hear her over the dull pounding in his head.

'you care more about counting money than your own sister' Was it true? Yes, it was. If she told him to be home by seven and he came home at ten, then what else could it be except true?

Without waiting for Belgium to continue, he turned on his heel and left, ignoring her yelling at him to wait.

It was so cold. Netherlands pulled his jacket tighter, but even as the wind whipped against his face, he realized that he had no idea where he was going. Where his feet were taking him. But then again, he didn't really care. All he needed was some time to himself.

At least, he didn't care until he ended up in front of Germany's house.

Netherlands paused. It really was cold. Maybe he should see if Germany was home. He sighed, then wiped at the tears in his eyes, double-checked that he was not about to burst into tears, and then rapped on the door.

He waited silently for a moment, shivering. Then he stumbled away from the doorstep. What on earth was he thinking? He had to get home. Before Germany noticed he'd been there. But before he could turn away, the door opened.

"Netherlands?" Germany asked, notes of confusion and concern in his voice. "What are you...?" then he saw his face. "Are you okay?"

"No, not really." Netherlands whispered quietly, hoping his voice would be lost in the wind, but Germany heard.

"Uh... what's wrong? Wait, no. Come in first. It's cold out here."

"Are you sure?" Netherlands asked dully.

"Of course I'm sure." Germany waved him inside.

Inside, it was warm and cozy. The fireplace was roaring and it smelled like cookies. Netherlands was reminded so strongly of Belgium's house, of when he was younger, that it physically hurt. He turned his head away quickly and blinked back tears.

"Netherlands?" Germany asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Netherlands took a deep breath. "I'm fine." he said, but his voice sounded strangled and he couldn't get enough air into his lungs.

"No, you're not." Germany said softly. "You can tell me."

Netherlands sat down on the floor and put his head in his hands. After some pause, Germany sat next to him. "I..." he started, voice muffled. "I got into a fight with Belgium."

He quickly realized how childish of him this sounded. "I- I mean..."

"Go on." Germany interrupted.

"I don't know." Netherlands looked down. "We both said... some things we shouldn't have."

There was a pause. "Is it true that I care more about money than anything else?" Netherlands blurted desperately.

"What? No!" Germany responded immediately. "Why would you think that?"

"Because it's true. I spend more time in my basement counting money than I do... than I do with my own sister." his voice broke, and that was it. He felt salty tears down his face, and he shuddered. What was wrong with him? He never cried, especially not in public.

But what happened next surprised him the most - before he knew what was happening, Germany, silent and stoic Germany who almost never showed any emotion, had pulled him in for a hug.

"W-what are you doing?" Netherlands stammered.

He pulled away a bit. "Oh. Sorry, I..."

"No! No, it's alright." Netherlands practically pulled Germany back.

They sat there for a long time, until Netherlands cleared his throat. "Germany."


"Thank you. For... for helping me. Not many would, I guess."

"I would always help you." Germany smiled.

Netherlands returned the smile shyly. He realized that they were very close, almost too close, sharing breaths... but what did that matter? As they leaned closer, his lips parted and he closed his eyes. When their lips met, it was not with a huge procession or a bang or any of that stuff, like in movies. It was just that... a kiss. But really, Netherlands liked it.

When the pulled away, Germany was blushing red. "What is it?" Netherlands asked him.

"Oh. Uh, well... why did you do that?"

"Don't know, I kind of felt like it. What... did you not like it?"

"What?" Germany's eyes widened. "No! I mean yes. I mean, I liked it! I was just wondering why..."

Netherlands smiled, leaning against Germany's shoulder, as they stayed like that for a long time.

oof this is so trash and germany is so ooc please forgive me

okay so the oneshot was requested by JammedKnife, thanks for requesting, I hope you liked the oneshot. Leave a vote/comment if you liked and check the first chapter if you wanna make a request.


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