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I opened my eyes and stared at the beautiful boy next to me.

It was safe to say we had a little too much fun at our friends' party last night and at our private after party.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked Ev

"Fifteen minutes give or take. Goodmorning, Gray." Ev smiled at me

I looked at the clock that was on my nightstand, "It's noon."

Ev shrugged, "Whatever, we should probably get dressed before Drew gets back."

"Oh yeah, almost three years in this place and she still really hasn't mastered the scrunchie system." I joked

"Wanna go get some brunch?" Ev asked me

I nodded, "Of course."

Ev and I got out of bed, showered, put on some clothes, and then we went to this cute place in downtown Los Angeles that served the best brunch.

Things were looking pretty good for us. My album dropped two nights ago and Ev's a month before that. Rehearsals were already scheduled for our second tours and I couldn't be any more excited considering this tour was gonna be bigger and better.

Then again, college plus touring didn't mix. Our teachers were pretty understanding, so it somehow worked out.

Time was flying by, we were already going into our junior year of college and our little sisters were about to graduate high school next June.

Ev still lived with Jude about twenty minutes with traffic away from me and I still lived with my supermodel friend, Drew.

But life was good, other than the stress from college.

"Can we pass by the pet adoption?" Ev asked as he stole a strawberry off of my plate

I nodded as I stole a potato off of his plate, "Why not? Oh, but I have a meeting at six."

"We can make it work." Ev replied

We walked around the pet adoption hand in hand, just browsing, and avoiding pictures. Until we came across an adorable, fluff ball that immediately stole our hearts.

"Oh my gosh, Ev, look at this one." I said crouching down

"How old is he?" I asked the worker

She had a huge smile on her face, "Ten weeks and looking for a family. I can let you hold him."

I nodded, "Okay."

I held the puppy in my arms and turned to Everett. The dog immediately began licking Ev.

"I think he likes you." I grinned

We stayed and played on the sidewalk with that dog for about forty-five minutes.

"Are we actually doing this? What about when I go on tour or you?" I asked Everett

"I can watch him when you go on tour and when I do, I'm sure our parents wouldn't mind. They definitely won't once they see this face." Ev smiled as he played with him

Ev looked up at the worker, "So how do we adopt this little guy?"

And that's how Ev and I ended up getting a dog. Which was completely unexpected. We decided on the name 'Rett Oliver Johnson-Griffin'. Rett from Everett, Oliver from my middle name Olivia, Johnson hyphenated with Griffin because he had parents out of wedlock.

We were in love with him, so in love that I decided to do my meeting over the phone at Ev's place so I could spend time with him.

Over the phone, I learned that my tour in Europe was going to be four months long, non-stop with no breaks from June to October. Then from January to April, was the tour through North America, with some breaks. I was tired already.

But I was soaking up every moment.

I was scared, nervous, and excited - as it should be.

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