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I only stayed in Charlotte for two days before I flew back to Los Angeles.

I would have stayed longer, but school was still a thing and I had to go.

College was college, but every day made me one step closer to a degree. Don't get me wrong, I was ready to drop out, but I knew a career in singing wasn't promised but a degree was forever.

As soon as I got back to LA, I left all my worries behind.

Drew and I began to party every other night.

I felt fine until I was alone in my bed.

I just couldn't stop thinking about how this is where we used to nap, laughed, and just had fun with each other.

It had been a week since we broke up and there was no text, calls, just unfollows on social media.

And it hurt, it felt like he didn't care.

Drew opened the door, "You've been in bed all day."

"And?" I groaned

"It's seven, wanna go out with a few friends?" Drew asked me

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Grier, come on." Drew begged as she made her eyes big

I groaned, "Fine."

"I'll do your make up." Drew grinned before she walked out of my room

I got myself out of my bed, made it, and walked into my closet. I decided on wearing a white shirt, a black mini skirt, and a jacket to layer on top.

Then I showered, did my hair, put on my clothes, and went into Drew's room so that she could do my makeup.

Around eight, we uber-d to the club.

"Who are we meeting?" I asked Drew

"Sabrina, Justin, Desi, Liam, and another one of their friends." She answered as we walked into

We bought our way into the VIP section where we met our regular party friends. Sabrina was an aspiring model, Desi was an actress, Justin was a model, Liam was an actor and a model, and I didn't know about their other friend.

"Hey!" I spoke excitedly as I greeted them

"How have you guys been?" Justin asked us

Drew gave the generic, 'Good'.

"I've been better." I answered honestly

"Understandable. This is my friend, Nolan, he just moved from New York about a month ago." Justin introduced us

I shifted to my eyes with the guy with brown hair, brown eyes, dressed nicely.

"Hey, I'm Grier." I said introducing myself

"Yes, my fabulous roommate." Drew smirked

Nolan let out a laugh, "Nice to meet you both."

"Let's go get some drinks and head out on the dance floor." Desi exclaimed

We all went down the stairs to the bar even though they knew I couldn't drink because I was only twenty.

"Skipping out on drinks?" Nolan asked me

"I don't turn twenty-one until December, so yeah. It wouldn't look super good in the press either if someone caught me drinking underage. Drew turned twenty-one last week, you should have seen her." I went on

"I don't turn twenty-one until November, so I get it." Nolan went on

"I'm gonna have to ask that anyone under twenty one moves away from the bar." A bartender announced

Everyone in our group turned to look at Nolan and I.

"We'll be in the booth, text us when you're done." I spoke

Justin gave me a thumbs up before we walked back to the VIP section.

"So how did you end up in LA?" I asked Nolan

"I got sick of the cold and walking pretty much everywhere. I needed something new, you know?" He answered

I nodded, "At least there are things to do in New York, I'm from North Carolina."

"Could be worse, like, Montana or something." Nolan continued

I shook my head, "No, the national parks there are beautiful."

"Yeah?" He asked me

I nodded.

"Maybe you'll have to take me." Nolan winked

For a small second, I thought about telling him that I went there with Everett the summer after our freshman year in college and created memories so good that we talked about honeymooning there. And we never really talked about marriage, maybe because our souls felt like we were already gonna get married. I guess they were wrong.

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and continued to talk to Nolan.

I had to admit he was pretty charismatic, funny, and a really good distraction.

Two hours went by and no one texted us, they couldn't possibly drink that much.

I called Drew and waited for her to answer.

"Drew, where are you?" I asked her

"Ooooh, hey, G! We went to Dive, I'll be home soon, love you, mom." Drew answered all drunk

I let out a loud grown.

Dive was a twenty-one plus club plus a low-key strip club. No way I was going there.

"What's going on?" Nolan questioned me

"They went to another club all the way across town." I answered

Nolan scoffed, "Uh, you wanna Uber to In and Out?"

He knew that I absolutely hated In and Out and would never even think about taking me there.

"How about Chipotle instead?" I suggested

"Works for me, I'll order an Uber." Nolan decided

And the second we walked outside, there were tons of paparazzi. My gosh, this was going to look so bad, but I wanted him to see it at the same time.

Would he hurt the way I did?

Everett's Point of View

I woke up at some luxury hotel, in some European country.

Definitely not one of my best nights.

I was surrounded by beer and I had a killer hangover.

I looked over at the clock and I didn't have that long to sober up before rehearsals.

So, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and went on my phone to talk to my family.

They were still upset that Grier and I broke things off.

I couldn't blame them.

I should haven't overreacted, I should have calmed down, I should have said no, but instead I didn't.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

They loved Grier. She was like their second daughter.

We were supposed to fucking end up together.

Nobody was there for me through all of my shit except her, and Jude of course. But he didn't lay in the bed with me and let me cry.

She was my rock and now I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Every night it was the same, drink with the boys, sober up, perform, drink, etc.

I missed her so bad, but I felt like she didn't miss me.

And CelebGossip proved that even further.

How could she move on so fast?

She never fucking cared or he was in the picture all along.

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