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I was so used to being able to see Ev anytime I wanted, but this thing being two thousands miles apart was new to me.

But I was so proud of him for staying in school.

I was also getting familiar with this whole Mom thing by taking every class under the sun. I was buying baby clothes and items left and right.

I just couldn't wait to meet Wesley.

A week before the baby shower, Ev and I decided to take a quick trip to Hawaii. It was a babymoon, an early Valentine's Day celebration, a number of things.

It was nice to get away with Evie for a while before we would be up all night.

"So what do you parents really think of Holland dropping out of college?" He asked me

"I think that they think that she will freak out and go back, but Holland seems so happy. I don't think she's going to go back. She's doing amazing." I answered as we laid out on the beach

Ev nodded, "So, what about her and Ryder James?"

Yeah, my sister had a thing with a guy who was older than Ev and me. Only by a year, but our family was a little iffy about it.

Especially after all of the shit that Ev and I heard about Ryder.

But Holland was very headstrong, so our opinion didn't change her mind.

All we wanted to do was to keep her safe.

"I don't even wanna think about it." I sighed

"Yeah, stress isn't good for Wesley." Ev added

I nodded, "Yeah, only a few more weeks."

"Time flies." Ev realized

"Yeah, I think it's time for the Instagram debut after a several week hiatus." I grinned

Posting my bump was liberating yet scary.

Ev kissed my cheek, "Mhm, I like the new username you reserved."

I put my hand on his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you more." He told me as he brushed my hair

Not possible.

Not in the slightest.

The next three days were spent walking on the beach, sleeping in, and just enjoying the last vacation of the two of us.

I had the best time with Everett and it was nice to be together in paradise.

But seeing the baby shower that our two best friends put together was the icing on top of the cake.

There were the prettiest floral arrangements, so many desserts, the cutest games, and everybody that I wanted here the most.

It became real that I was actually having a baby with the love of my life.

This was happening.

It was a few weeks had gone by since the baby shower.

I was finally settled in my house, Ev was doing great in school, and he was nearly finished

Most of my days now a days were spent meeting with my mangers to plan my life after Wesley and designing Wesley's nursery that was nowhere near done.

"Okay so do you think you can make the Ryaness Awards in June?" Shelly asked me

She worked for Kate since Kate couldn't fly to Charlotte every minute of the day.

I shrugged as I felt the worst cramping.

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