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Being a Mom was the most rewarding yet tiring experience.

But the fact that I got no sleep didn't matter anymore to me.

All that mattered was my sweet baby girl.

So much was going on in our life.

First, baby boy ended up being baby girl, Holland was dating a new guy named Ryder, Holland moved to NYC where she modeled now, and just getting used to be a family of three.

Holland was my best friend through all of it no matter how far away we lived from each other. She largely influenced the name of our baby girl because if it weren't for Holland, Ev and I might not even be together right now.

Which is why we named her Wesley Sophia Griffin.

Sophia is Holland's middle name and with Holland being her God-mother it was only right. We still loved the name Wesley and decided to keep it.

Everett was the most amazing Dad and we really took in the two weeks that we had together before he went back to California.

He would always sing to her and stay up with her when I needed rest.

My Mom stayed over for the first few days to help Wesley and I get into a routine without Ev.

Thankfully, he only had a month left of school before he was officially done.

Wesley was right on target for her age despite being born five weeks early which helped me to sleep easier at night.

"Do you know when your sister is coming back home?" My Mom asked as she scrolled on her phone

She made us lunch at her house, it was quiet because my brothers were at school and my Dad was the new football coach. The boys had post season conditioning, which didn't bother me.

It was nice to be just with my Mom.

"June for Wesley's baptism, Ryder is coming too." I answered as I ate

"I was very reluctant about him first, but for a boy who isn't religious coming over for Easter and a baptism is very kind." My mom pointed out

I nodded, "Yeah, I just don't want him to break her heart."

"No one does." My Mom added, "Are you taking Fifi to California for Ev's graduation?"

That was another thing.

No one could bring themselves to call Wesley 'Wes', because that's what my Dad went by. So everyone resorted to her nickname and everyone called her 'Fifi'. 

"I really don't know. She's only going to be three months old and it's going to be loud. Plus germs." I thought out loud, "Ev doesn't even know if he's walking yet."

"Maybe you should talk your sister into baby-sitting and you two can take a mini vacation." My Mom suggested

I shrugged, "I don't know, I don't wanna leave her."

"Oh just wait until her moody teens." My Mom smirked

"Very funny." I joked

"So Ev and I have been talking about something." I began

My Mom raised her eyebrow, "About what?"

"Having the official wedding ceremony next April." I announced, "Wesley will be one, we will officially be settled, it just seems like the perfect time for us." 

A smile grew on my Mom's face, "Well when are we going wedding dress shopping?"

"Once I drop another twenty pounds, so maybe like September." I decided

"We gotta find Fifi a dress too." My Mom reminded me

I nodded, "Of course."

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